Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Author's Note: Alright this is the sequel to Sorrow's Heart. This takes place a month after that story ends. Hope you enjoy it.

Moving On

Angelina walked into her flat. She was tired. She had ended up getting to work very early that day and she didn't leave until very late. All she wanted to do was crash. She wasn't expecting any company. She had just barely sat down with something small to eat when she heard a knock. Turning to the door she frowned, who could it possibly be?

George? No, he just apparated into her flat. Neither knocked at each others' doors anymore. It had been only five months since…Fred had died. She still had a hard time with his name. And George….of course George still had a hard time with Fred's name. They both still had a hard time, but it was better, if only for a little. Angelina could tell that it was fine. Everything would be fine.

Her thoughts flickered briefly to a place she would think about every now and then. Life with Fred's child. If only. That life had been close to her grasp had she not so stupidly walked in the freezing rain or if she had eaten what she was supposed to. It hurt. The baby…the last part of Fred was gone.

George didn't hate her, he understood. And she understood him.

She shook her head as she heard the knock again. Quietly she got up and walked over to the door.

Opening it she saw Katie standing there with a smile on her face, "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Angelina moved aside and waited for Katie to come in before she shut the door. Katie and Angelina both went and sat down on the couch. "So, what's going on?"

"Do you remember how I was telling you about that guy I had met a couple of months ago?"

"Yes. His name was Ryan right?"

Katie's mouth opened and then she closed it, "You weren't listening."

Angelina felt her lips twitch, "I know, it was Rob."

The tall black girl watched the other girl blush, "He finally asked me out."

Angelina smiled, "That's great Katie. So when are you going out?"

"This Friday."

"That's wonderful, I'm happy for you, I really am. Where's Alicia?"

"With Lee. All the time."

"Don't give her a hard time, it's understandable."

"I know."

"I'm sure you'll be the same way when you and Rob…" Angelina trailed off, "What Katie?"

"What about you?"

"I'm not dating anyone."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I think I would know if I was dating someone."

Katie grew quiet and looked away before turning back to Angelina, "Well are you sure you're not dating George?"

"George and I are just friends. Nothing more."

"It's just, you're usually with him…I'm sorry. I know I know, it's because of Fred."

Angelina internally winced at the name. It still hurt, but she was getting better. And George….

"Katie, really there isn't anything."


"Finish telling me about Rob."

Angelina saw understanding on Katie's face before she quickly moved onto talk about Rob. Her story flew from her mouth and she continued. Angelina listened, but her mind wandered. Was she now spending too much time with George?

Time that could be spent with George doing other things?

Even though Angelina knew that George felt like a burden to her, he had told her enough times, she felt like a burden to him. George had told her that she wasn't, but…George was one of the nicest guys she knew. Deep down…under the pranks and jokes and such.

That aside, she didn't think that she and George were spending that much time together. She would just have to try to spend some more time with her other friends. George could do the same thing, if he wanted to.

But if he wanted her…would she go to him? If he needed her…


"Sorry Katie, I was…thinking."

"I figured. Look, do you want me to come back or something?"

"No…actually, do you want to stay for dinner?"


After dinner Katie and Angelina talked about old times and other things that were going on. Katie was very careful around the Fred topic, but they were still able to remember things about him, and it helped. Surprisingly it helped. It wasn't long before Katie had to leave to go home. Work was in the morning. She left and that left Angelina all alone.

She slowly did the dishes. She still did them by hand because it took longer to do and if she focused on something it took her mind off of others. She had been able to finally accept Fred's death and that was was…well she wasn't okay with it exactly. The place she was at had more to do with the fact that she could live her life without feeling haunted by him. Not that he wasn't always present in her thoughts.

When she was with George, she never needed to work as much or as hard. Being near him was harder and easier. Easier because she didn't have to try to remember or keep him in her thoughts, and George knew what it was like so she didn't have to pretend if she didn't want to smile or act like nothing happened. But it was harder. Harder because he was right there. Physically Fred and George were the same, except now with George missing an ear; it was on the inside that they were different.

Different, but still similar, some aspects the same.

That was why George was different. Part of him was dead. Angelina could see that in the way he responded to things. But George was handling it so well, as well as could be that was.

Angelina looked around; she had just finished the dishes, which meant that she had nothing else to do before going to bed.

That was something that she didn't like so much anymore. After Fred…it was hard to be around so much noise, but she had gotten used to it. The world was still in celebration of what Harry Potter had done.

Angelina had never celebrated. How could she? How could George? How could the Weasleys?

Those without losses or minimal were able to celebrate, but for those who had lost someone near and dear to them…that was another story.

It was a happy ending, a bittersweet ending.

An ending.

An ending, but also a beginning.

A new beginning for muggles, witches and wizards everyone. Something for everyone to begin anew.

Start over. That was easier said then done.

Even if Angelina had moved to a completely new town, a completely new country, it still wouldn't have worked. Fred would still be there. Then she would also have the fact that she had left all of her friends.

Starting over had to be one of the hardest things to do.

But staying in one place after something like that happened? Even harder.

Angelina quietly got into bed and pulled the covers around her. She could feel the feathery soft pillow and the warm blanket lulling her to sleep. She knew she would yield soon enough but she couldn't let her brain shut down just yet.

She and George were going to be fine. She loved being with George, but it was confusing with him too. She didn't understand her feelings. Maybe it was part of the curse of the Weasley twins. Not knowing what you felt when you were with him. She shook her head and sank deeper into her bed, she wouldn't focus too much on that now. Sleep was calling her.

She knew that she needed to move on, Fred wasn't coming back. It would be hard to go on without him, but…it was right.

Moving on was right. Moving on, but not forgetting. Her mind was slowly fading away into unconsciousness. But before she had slipped all the way under she realized that she could move on, even if it took a while.