A/N: Once more thank you for the wonderful reviews. Your comments and support are my greatest source of inspiration. Well here is the final part of this story. I hope the end is satisfying for you all. I would love to hear your thoughts so don't forget to leave your reviews. Once again, writing in italicize refers to flashbacks. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill or any of it's characters.


After I left Nathan's I'd received about a dozen calls, some from Nathan, others from Lucas, the rest I didn't even bother to check. How did I get myself into this situation, I wondered. My world was fine, work, home, Lucas and Brooke, and back, that was in essence my life for the last 7 years. It was monotonous at times, I admit, but at least it was peaceful. My blackouts had stopped, Nathan was out of the picture, everything was so simple, either black or white, no grey area in between. And now, it was all grey, no black, no white just grey and grey everywhere. I thought I was done with the life of chaos, how did I get pulled back into it?

When I got home that night, I found Lucas standing at the front door, with a lop-sided smile, miserably failing to mask the concern in his eyes.

"You're back", he replied seemingly relieved as he let me through.

After resting my briefcase on the floor, I walked into his arms, feeling his loving arms tightly wrap around my body, trying to convey the emotions he couldn't even begin to articulate through the use of mere words.

- When there's nothing good to say, it's better to say nothing at all.

"Did you know?" I asked not wanting to be lied to again.

He looked at me almost hurt that I would even think of suggesting such a thing.

"Of course not"

We walked over to the couch, me resting my head on his chest and him putting his arm around my shoulder. Before I knew it, I fell into a deep slumber, finding it difficult the morning after to regain my consciousness. After many many nights, I had had my first peaceful night of sleep.

I awoke the morning after with a peculiar sense of determination. The file, the check, the sequence of numbers, what did they mean? People kept their most valuable possessions in their safety boxes, were these Dan's Scott's?

I decided to take on the simplest task first – the check. Given that the check expired 20 years ago, even that would be a considerable task indeed. Call it intuition but something from within me suggested that I'd find the answers to all of my questions where it all began, the source of all of my problems – back in Tree Hill.

Leaving a brief message to Lucas, I booked the earliest flight back to North Carolina and reached Tree Hill shortly after. As always, Tree Hill remained unchanged. As I walked back through my old routes, remembering those carefree days, I began to feel the stares. A long time ago it had been because I had been the one to break the heart of Tree Hill High's star basketball player. This time around it was because I was here to save their legacy – Nathan Scott, NBA star and THH alumni.

"Haley" exclaimed Karen, pleasantly surprised.

I dropped my suitcase and felt myself being pulled into a warm motherly hug.

"It's so good to see you sweetie. How are you doing", she asked, touching my cheeks, trying to compensate for the years of separation.

I guess the inner battle I was going through seemed to surface into the exterior as well. Either that or Karen was a damn good mind reader, either of which is possible.

We sat down on the kitchen table where she looked at me questioningly. I'd called her out of the blue and told her I was coming, no explanations whatsoever.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked, suddenly terrified to look at the woman who'd raised me.

"Sure honey. What?"

"Nathan told me that I was the one that hurt Dan, is it true?"

Hurt. That's the word I'd used to describe cold blooded murder. Even the thought of it chilled me to my core and yet I was supposed to believe that it had really happened? Part of me believed that this was just a dream gone horribly wrong and part of me accepted the fact and was now ready to face punishment.

Karen wouldn't look me in the eye. She looked through the window, staring at some high school students, lost in thought.


"What? Oh. Sorry. I don't really know what happened that night. I only know what Keith told me"

I'd expected it, but still, hearing the words from her mouth made them seem more real. Everyone knew about this secret and everyone chose to keep me out of the loop. I didn't know what to feel, I felt guilty for having put everyone in a situation where they felt like the hand to lie to me, and on the other hand I felt happy. Happy to know that in spite of what went down, in spite of all of my mistakes, I still had people who cared for me.

"So all this while you both knew?"

She looked at me guiltily, not being able to come up with words.

"When I came here for the statements, you said nothing. You just let me believe that it was Nathan. How could you?" I questioned, suddenly hurt beyond belief.

"We did what we thought was best. We never wanted to hurt you", confessed Karen.

I wondered if this was the line everyone was going to spew at me every time I questioned them.

"God, what is wrong with everyone? You people treat me like a freakin' China doll. You had no right to do this to me", I screamed just as Keith made his entry into the kitchen.

I knew I was being rude. Karen had taken me into her home when I had nowhere to go. She raised me like her own daughter, it was wrong of me to act this way. I knew the guilt of my actions would come back to torment me later on, but at the time, I was furious and had no control over my emotions. Everyone I cared about, everyone I ever trusted, they had all lied to me. Granted that it was to protect me but a lie is a lie no matter how you spin it.

"Haley, you apologize to Karen right now", said Keith sternly while Karen tried to stop him.

I took a deep breath and counted back from ten, a little trick I'd learned from one particularly hostile client. It always helped me get over my anger.

"I'm sorry Karen; I shouldn't have spoken like that. But the fact remains, you guys shouldn't have lied to me".

Karen came forward, wanting to hug me and put an end to this argument but I stepped back. I just wasn't ready to put this behind.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this", I said softly, and rushed back to my old room.

Pastel green walls, inspirational quotes and family pictures all around, things hadn't changed at all. Inside it was like time had frozen, I felt like I was in high school again. Tutor girl, the one everyone came to when they needed help and otherwise ignored. I felt like at any moment, Lucas would walk in with his overgrown blonde hair, pining for Peyton Sawyer.

After years of denial, I truly felt like an outsider. Throughout high school, I strived to be my own person but in the process always ended up being alone. It wasn't until Nathan and I started dating that I truly felt like I belonged. So many years had passed and yet my life was the same. I left Nathan and once again the world made me into an outsider. Only this time, I was the only one on the other side, this time around, Lucas wouldn't be there to relate.

I walked to the bed and felt the soft white sheets caress my arms. This room had so many memories. My first kiss, my first couple fight, my first memory lapse, everything. Now that I thought about it, it really was a shame that I left the way I did. Nathan wouldn't take me back, that was fine but by leaving, I'd accepted defeat. As I began retracing my footsteps a peculiar thought came to mind. When I was young and discovered this condition, I began writing things down, so as not to forget. My own mind could betray me, but words written on paper were as good as stone.

I opened the closet, pushed past the clothes, organised by color and event and looked for something. Everything was the way I'd left it, down to the lone sock laying on the wooden floors. But something was missing.

"It's not there", Karen announced tentatively, unsure of where we stood. I hadn't forgiven her, I'm not sure I ever would, but I realised there was no point in ruining a relationship over what had already been done.

"What's not there"?

"The memory box, that's what you're looking for right", she asked sitting on the bed, patting it, ushering me to come sit with her.

This brought back so many memories. When Karen gave Lucas and me the talk, when I told her about Nathan's proposal, when I'd cried on her shoulder upon making the deal for divorce, so many recollections, it all seemed to have happened so long ago.

"Where is it" I asked, getting ready for another hurdle. I didn't know why but I was certain that this had some sort of connection to Dan's case.

"About two or three weeks before, well … you know, Dan's passing, you came to Tree Hill".

"What" I asked dumbfounded, feeling the beads of sweat develop on my forehead. I waited in anticipation for Karen to go on.

"You seemed disturbed. 7 years I have no contact with you and one day you showed up no warnings, no explanation. You just came in, and locked yourself in this room. When you wouldn't talk to me, I went back to the café. Later on, when I came back, you were gone and so was the memory box."

"So I didn't tell you anything?" I questioned, but it came out more like a plea, hoping against hope that Karen could give me the one clue that could solve this entire mystery.

"Not exactly. You mumbled something about putting an end to this lifelong source of agony".

Life long source of agony? What the hell did that mean? Agony … agony … it was finally coming back to me.

"The box, I know where it is", I said triumphantly.

And that was it. The golden clue, the one thing I'd need to string together all the pieces to this ever changing riddle that was now running my life. When Mouth was in college, in hopes of helping me deal with my condition, he'd told me about this. He'd called it a trigger, one small thing, an object, a word, a feeling, one thing that could bring back the suppressed memories. At the time I hadn't really understood it but now that I'd experienced it, I realised just how valuable a tool this could be.

3 days later

In a surprising turn of events, early this morning, Haley James, head defence attorney in the Dan Scott murder confessed to killing the senator. The legitimacy of these claims is still in question; however, sources suggest that there is ample evidence to support this theory. Up next, an exclusive interview with the leading prosecutor Rachel Gatina. Stay tuned, we'll be right back!

Lucas stood in the New York Knicks locker room stunned. Haley had surrendered herself to the police? Why? She said something didn't add up but why would she take the charges upon herself?

Some 200 miles away in Washington DC stood Nathan Scott viewing the same revelation through 10 different televisions outside of a store window. He felt his phone vibrating deep in his pocket but couldn't remember how to pick up the phone. He stood frozen, eyes glued to the television screen(s).

"H … Hello"

"Nathan Scott?" asked the voice of an unknown woman.

"Yes this is him".

"This is to let you know that the charges against you have been dropped. Please come by the DA's office to complete the formalities".

Nathan didn't hear much else after that. He was free. Good god he was free! For the last month and a half he'd longed to hear those words and now that he'd heard them, he wasn't sure how he felt about it. The implications just crashed on him and he found it difficult to breathe. It was as if his airways had narrowed, no matter how hard he sucked, his lungs refused to cooperate.

"Sir, are you okay?" asked an elderly woman, to which he motioned that he was fine and the lady went on her way. Haley was in jail. Haley was in jail. No matter how he said it, he just couldn't make himself believe it.

Brooke was in her car when she got the news: "Ladies and gentleman, the plot thickens in the case of basketball's first family. Haley James attorney and ex-wife to Nathan Scott surrendered herself to the MPDC (Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, DC) this morning at approximately 10 AM".

Had she begun hearing things? She changed the radio station about a dozen times and everyone had the same thing to say, that Haley had confessed to Dan Scott's murder. This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't.

"Moreover, she has waived her right to an attorney. What the heck is going through that woman's mind right about now? Gloria, what do you think the Scott family is doing at this very instant" asked the man no doubt getting a kick out of the situation.

It was all just fun and games to them. What will Nathan do next? Has Haley gone crazy? How will the family members react to this situation? They were cruel and heartless people. The media, they were like vultures, pouncing on their prey the moment they sensed vulnerability. They just kept biting and tearing, feeding on others' weaknesses without even a trace of guilt.

Brooke felt light headed. The world was spinning, and her heart was pounding like a sledge-hammer. She felt empty inside. Lucas … had he gotten the news? Haley had been her friend since sophomore year; Lucas and Haley had been friends since they were babies, what would he be thinking?

A few hours later

Lucas stood at the state penitentiary waiting for the guards to bring out Haley.

The arraignment was set for the next day and this was his only chance to knock some sense into his best friend.

He sat in filthy room, fixated on a particularly deep cigarette burn. His trance broke once the two bulky men brought out Haley. It broke his heart to see her this way. She looked so small compared to the guards. Her hair was dishevelled and you could see the dark circles beneath her eyes. Upon sight of him, Haley's face broke into a smile. It could fool anyone else but he knew better. Lucas could sense the turmoil beneath the safety mask. Her eyes just didn't light up like they used to.

"Orange really doesn't look good on you" joked Lucas.

"Gee thanks Luke", responded Haley rolling her eyes like an immature 16 year old.

And then severity of the situation dawned on the two friends.

"Why'd you do this Haley?"

"Surrender? Because it was the right thing to do", she replied blinking away her tears.

"Tell me, did Nathan put you up to this? Did he frame you? I'll kill him if he did."

Haley reached out her hands through the tiny space under the bullet-proof glasses that separated them and waited to feel his touch, being near Lucas made her feel closer to home.

"It's not Nathan's fault. I did this to myself. I killed Dan and this is my penance."

"No! This can't be true. I know you Hales. You wouldn't do such a thing", argued Luke.

"But I did do it Luke. Nathan was never a part of this. In fact, if I hadn't figured it out, Nathan would have taken the fall and I'd never come to know of the truth".

"W… What are you saying? That you killed him? Then why pretend to be so distraught over the case if you'd known it all along"?

"I never lied to you Luke. I never lied to anyone. I committed the crime and then forgot about it", replied Haley, sensing how absurd her words had sounded. She'd forgotten that she'd committed a murder. Who would believe that?

"Tell me what happened, Hales. What really happened that night"?

The truth was so long and complicated, she didn't know where to start. Sucking in as much as air as her lungs could support, she prepared for what was going to happen next.

"The truth of Dan's death doesn't begin on the night of his Christmas party. The events of that night had been 17 years in the making".

"Seventeen years, what do you mean"?

"Seventeen years ago, Dan Scott committed a murder. Three murders to be honest".

"What? Who", questioned Lucas, bewildered.

"Lydia, Jimmy, and … and Haley James. In a way he killed me too on that day" replied Haley not being able to look at Lucas. Dan and Luke had never been close, they'd never shared that special bond and yet there were some traits that were undeniably similar, their dashing good looks for one thing. Lucas would never believe it but he had Dan's eyes. Both crystal blue in colour, they had only one difference. Dan's were filled with wickedness while Lucas's were as pure as snow.

"Haley are you serious? Dan killed your parents? How long have you known?"

"Not long, two days. Do you remember the memory box?"

He stayed silent for a moment. As if trying to brush away the dust that had covered the memories from what seemed like a lifetime ago: "Yeah, your whole life was in that box… What has that got to do with any of this?"

"It's complicated Luke. Last year, I was asked to assist one of my old law school professors in fighting a murder trial where a prominent businessman was accused of hiring a contract killer in order to murder his partner. While doing the research, I'd found an interesting connection between Dan and the defendant. Since then, over my free time, I'd been looking into this mysterious link. So I wouldn't forget, I kept detailed accounts on all of my findings in a small diary and in the days before the murder, I hid it in the memory box. Two days ago, I found the diary and it helped me remember things. I won't be able to give a play by play of what happened but I remember the highlights. Along with my notes and certain clues I found during my investigation, I was able to put together the truth. What I found out was this: I'd gotten my first real proof about a month before Dan's murder. At the time I was working on another case related to contract killings. The common link between the two cases, was a man named Matthew Trenton. As I later found out by way of an expired check, my suspicion was indeed correct. Trenton's case related to the first trial had been declared a mistrial due to inconclusive evidence. But this time, he wasn't so lucky. Following the trial, I'd gone to visit him once and he'd told me something very unsettling".

"What", asked Lucas shocked by this sudden revelation.

"Even before I'd introduced him, he'd known who I was"

"Haley James. You were married to that senator … what was his name. Oh yeah Dan Scott. You were married to Dan's Scott's son weren't you?" asked a scraggly old man, no older than fifty but the life of crime had forced his hair to turn grey and his teeth to become yellow.

Not wanting for her past to come out in front of her peers, she'd feigned innocence "I don't know what you're talking about, you must be thinking of someone else".

"Nope, it's definitely you. Same reddish blonde hair, big brown eyes, its you alright. Heh … he sure did a real number on you didn't he?"

Haley realized that this was going into something dangerous. She sent the guards outside and turned off the speakers. This was between just her and him.

"What if it was me? How is this any of your business?"

"Girlie for a lawyer you sure are a pretty bad one. You don't even know what happened to your own family".

Haley was used to sleazy criminals like him. Though she worked for the rich and the famous, she'd come across several slimebags such as this one. For one thing she knew that men like these enjoyed riling people up. They lied, they tricked, they did what ever pleased them with out the remotest bit of guilt. Trenton was no different and yet his mannerisms suggested he spoke the truth. He'd already gotten a life imprisonment sentence; he had nothing to lose by telling her the truth.

'What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your mommy was a pretty lady. Smart, talented, it's a shame she got together with that James kid. Any guy would kill to bang that woman. I see you've gotten her umm … assets too, good for you!"

Haley could see it in his eyes. The creep was scrutinizing every inch of her body, imagining her naked and underneath his own pathetic corpse. Just the thought of it made her feel dirty. She felt like kicking his sorry ass right there and then. She had a small frame but could hold her own in any fight.

"You sick bastard –"

"Hold on there girlie. Don't go around callin' me names like that. Don't you wanna find out how your parents croaked?" he asked with a crooked smile. Haley could tell he was thoroughly enjoying this little encounter.

"Get to the point will you?"

"Your parents they died in a car crash right"?

"Yeah, but it was an accident"

"Now who told you that? Your daddy's passing was no accident. And your mommy that was a mistake, I admit".

"Y… you killed them", said Haley in realization. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing tears. She would not break in front of this man. She remained stone cold, not giving away even the remotest inkling of the kinds of thoughts running through her head at that very instant.

"Your pops was putting his nose where it didn't belong and I guess Scott didn't like it so much. Something to do with taxes I think. Danny boy hired me to scare your old man a bit. I'd been young and stupid and had tried to tailgate him. 'cept, out of nowhere this truck came into roads and daddy dearest panicked. Now I wasn't about to go and get myself killed now was I? So I ran your daddy's car off the road and got myself the hell outta there. Now your father in law, he was one slick bastard. He was so pissed when he found out what happened that he threatened to put me in jail. He didn't even give me my money. He shut down muh business over that tiny mistake. It took me an awfully long time to get back on his good sides again".

"My parents married when they were very young. Dad needed a job so he left school and went to work at the power plant. I'd been too young to know but after a while he'd begun taking night classes and ended up getting a business degree. After graduation, he'd gotten a job with the IRS doing tax auditing. One of his cases was to inspect Scott motors. It turns out that over the years, Dan had transferred millions of dollars to off shore accounts in order to evade corporate income taxes. My dad was the first to find out about this and when he refused to accept hush money, Dan Scott paid Trenton to threaten my dad but ultimately he ended up being murdered instead".

Lucas ran his fingers through his hair in frustration: "God Haley. We've always known Dan was a terrible person but this? I never expected him to stoop this low. I'm so sorry Hales".

"It's not your fault Luke".

"I know. I just … you suffered so much because of him. I just wish we'd known sooner. So what happened next"?

"You know that I'd had a memory lapse soon after the murder right?"


"This meeting had taken place the afternoon of Dan's party. I came home that night enraged. I was so angry Luke. So incredibly angry. What I was feeling I can't describe it. It was pure hatred that I felt for Dan that night. He killed my parents, he was a constant problem in my marriage. He continued to hassle me years after I'd cut-off all ties with the family. As cliché as it sounds, I was blinded by vengeance. I couldn't think straight. All I could think of was the years of sadness. The years of crying alone at night wishing for my parents to come back, wishing for my life to become the way it had been before. How I got to the apartment, I have no idea".

Haley stepped out of the state penitentiary and walked back to her car almost robotically. For the longest time, she sat in the car staring at the barbed wire surrounding the cold grey prison walls. "Dan Scott killed my parents. Dan Scott murdered my parents", she thought. The more she thought about her life, the angrier she felt. This despicable man had ruined her life. Her childhood, her marriage, he'd destroyed everything that ever meant something to her. Knowing what she knew, she couldn't just keep quiet on this one. She thought of all the ways she could get her revenge but nothing seemed to be good enough. It was then that her eyes fell on the invitation letter and a plan came to mind. Being a true compartmentaliser, she stuffed her anger into a box in the back of her mind and drove to Mouth's apartment. The key to the plan's success was to give the illusion that everything was normal. Dan didn't kill her parents and she didn't possess a single vengeful bone in her body that was the mantra she kept telling herself throughout the evening. Enjoy Christmas Eve with your friends, take care of Dan afterwards.

After what seemed like ages, Haley was finally out of Mouth's apartment building. She'd tried very hard to relax during the party but she just couldn't. It was like her entire life was on hold until she'd taken care of this business. Nothing mattered, not the presents, not her friends' company, none of it mattered. She walked back to her car and within a few moments, found herself in the vicinity of Dan's apartment. She turned towards the backseat and picked up a bottle of Remy Martin, $200 a piece. She'd been saving it for her 20th case victory but opening it now seemed more appropriate. Admiring the circular caramel coloured bottle once more, she opened the top and took in a large gulp, savouring its rich flavour.

It was time.

She stepped out of her car, generously dropped some whitish powder inside the bottle and closed the top.

Dan Scott was going to pay.

Christmas Day 12:40 AM

Haley steps into the darkened halls of the Lincoln apartments. The streets were empty and surroundings were quiet, the party must have ended thought Haley.

Just as she was about to make her way into the elevators, she heard voices.

"Well that's Dan alright. I don't care what he's going through, after all that he's done, does he honestly expect us to sympathize with him?" asked the voice of whom she recognized to be her estranged mother-in-law.

"Ladies, let's call it a night. As for Dan, we're better off without him. Do any of you need a ride?" said a man with a deep voice with a hint of drunkenness.

"Thanks Keith but I think we're going to sleep it off at my place. You don't mind if I steal your wife away for the night do you?"

"Nah Deb you can take Karen with you for tonight. All girls night out or whatever you want to call it. Just don't make it a regular thing okay"

And then slowly, the voices faded into the distance.

Haley sat on the cold marble floors behind the reception area for a little while longer. She wanted to make sure Dan was absolutely alone before she made her move. Ten minutes later out walked Nathan. It was the first time she'd seen him in over six years. It was the one and only time she'd felt a twinge of guilt over the entire sequence of events that took place that night. He marched through the corridor and stopped just beside the counter to make a call.

"Peyton where the hell are you?" he yelled over the phone.

Nathan was less than a meter away from Haley so it was easy to hear the other side of the conversation.

"I'm on my way home Nate".

"What? I don't have a car. Turn around and come pick me up right now" he demanded.

"Why should I? You're an ass Nathan. You don't even know how to act in front of your dying father. Real classy Nate, how can you be so cold?"

Nathan breathed a sigh of frustration then said "I'm sorry Pey. Maybe I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Now look, I'm tired and I have practice in couple of hours. Will you come pick me up, please?"

"I'll be there in five. Love you"

And finally the coast was clear. Haley went upstairs and straight into Dan's office. For a moment he didn't seem to notice her. His eyes were closed and hands carelessly placed above his head.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Scott", greeted Haley, disguising her motives.

"Oh Haley. I didn't think you'd come. You're a little bit late aren't you. The party's been over for a while now".

"Oh I didn't come her for the party " she replied as she settled herself on the leather chair directly in front of him. "This is for you" she said as she handed over the bottle of cognac.

"Oh really you shouldn't have", he replied as he took out two glasses.

"So tell me, we haven't spoken in years. Why'd you send me an invitation anyway"?

"I don't know. I've had an epiphany of sorts. I thought it was time to make amends", he answered with a tight smile. "I know we haven't been on best of terms. Mostly because of my actions in the past, I admit but I thought we could make a fresh start".

"You speak of it so lightly. After everything you've done do you really expect me to forgive you?"

"Haley, you make me sound like a criminal. Have I really been that bad?" he asked with a queer smile.

"Let's see, you tried to turn Nathan against me, threatened me, had me followed even after Nathan and I got divorced, am I forgetting anything else?"

"Nope, that pretty much sums it up. Cheers" he said as he handed me a round glass filled with the poisonous liquid.

"All I remember is forcing that poisonous bottle of wine down his throat and a feeling of utter fulfillment and pleasure on seeing him writhe in pain".

For a moment they remained silent. Scott enjoying the smooth taste of the luxurious gift and Haley watching his every move.

As soon as he looked up she asked," Are you sure Mr. Scott? Are you absolutely certain that that is all you've done to harm me and my family"?

For a moment he looked genuinely confused. Then the effects of the poison set in and Dan Scott looked into Haley's murderous black eyes, horrified.

"What did you do?" he asked stunned.

"As disturbing as it sounds, I enjoyed it all, the way blood spewed out of his mouth, the way his eyes filled with guilt when he realised that I'd come to know the truth".

"It's called Strychnine. In a few minutes your neck will become stiff" she began with a toothy grin.

He touched his neck "Why?"

"Next your body will go into a spasm" she continued excitedly.

"J … Jimmy James. I'm so sorry. It was an accident", he confessed as the symptoms began to surface, more vigorously with each passing moment.

Haley continued to ignore his pleas: "and finally, you'll have trouble breathing. Your lungs will feel heavy and your body will tire from the convulsions. It won't be long now".

The great Dan Scott continued to beg for forgiveness but Haley was merciless. Before you go, I want to hear it from your own mouth. Admit that you're responsible for my parents' death. ADMIT IT!"

"Watching the life drain out of him gave me a sense of peace".

"You don't know how sorry I am. Your parents died because of me and all these years I didn't bother to care. I'm so so sorry. I deserve to die", he finally confessed as he dropped to the floor, reflecting on his sin in the last few minutes before death took him away. The great Dan Scott had been reduced to a ball, pressed together in a fetal position awaiting the inevitable. At last his body went still and Dan Scott whispered "Thank you" to his assassin before taking his final breath.

Haley looked on at the motionless figure and felt at rest. Dan Scott was like a virus, given the opportunity to spread, he'd destroy anything and everything in his path. Now that he was gone, the danger was over. The way she saw it, she'd done the world a favour, no one would ever have to face him. Haley backed into a small corner of the spacious office and finally let the emotions overcome her. She cried for her parents, she cried for herself, she cried for Lucas and she cried for Nathan. Every pain she'd ever felt came back to her all at once, piercing her soul. Her body ached like it never had and yet she still wept. Soon her body could no longer sustain the amount of stress and Haley James lost consciousness and recollection of the events that took place this evening along with it.

"The last I remember before losing consciousness is my hands, covered in Dan's filthy blood".

It was all over. It was all finally over.

As she'd done several times since she regained her memory, she once again examined her hands: "I don't have any regrets Luke. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't change a thing. Dan Scott deserved to die and I'm glad I was the one to finally bring him down".

Lucas looked at his best friend, almost frightened by her intensity. This was a side of her he'd never witnessed till date. The woman in front of him wasn't the one he'd grown up with. There was no sweetness in her voice and no innocence in her face. The woman in front of him was one who had nothing left to lose.

"Luke do you hate me?" asked Haley apprehensively, her softer side, finally surfacing.

The truth is he didn't know what he felt. He never loved Dan, that much was certain but had he wanted him to die? He wasn't sure. He didn't know why but when he looked at Haley, he didn't see her any differently. Had he been in her place, he might have done the same thing.

"I don't hate you Hales. You're my best friend, I could never hate you".

Just then an alarm sounded, signalling that there were only five minutes left of visiting hours.

"Wow. Look how time passes. I'll plea guilty at tomorrow's arraignment and soon after my sentence will be announced. I don't have any regrets over what I've done and I'm willing to pay for my actions"

It looked like Lucas wanted to say something but Haley didn't give him the chance: "I need you to do me a favour"


"I need you to make sure Nathan keeps his mouth shut. I'm already paying for my actions, I will not have Nathan be stupid and get himself charged on assisting a criminal. Is that clear?"

"Is that clear?" asked Haley once again.

"Clear, but you listen to me carefully. Just like you want to protect Nathan, I have a right to look after you as well. What is wrong with you? You can't go into court without representation. What you did, you weren't thinking straight, I can't … I won't let you throw your life away like this".

"Luke – You can't protect me forever. I know what I'm doing, please do as I say", begged Haley.

"Visiting hours are over. It's time for you to leave sir", insisted one of the guards but Lucas didn't care.

"I'm sorry Hales, I don't care how good a lawyer you are and how smart you think you are, I will not let you go without a fight. Come tomorrow morning, you'll have representation whether you like it or not", declared Lucas in his no nonsense tone.

Before she could protest, Lucas was gone and she was back in her cell waiting for the following day to arrive.


Nathan was sitting alone in the dark, dwelling on the past. He still remembered the innocence in Haley's face. He didn't know why or how Haley killed his father but he knew that it wasn't without reason. After 7 years of hatred, seeing her helplessly laying there in the flames had made him feel something he never thought he'd feel: concern. He'd always told himself that he didn't care what happened to Haley but the truth was he did care. Why else would he keep track of her on goings years after they'd separated? Though he wouldn't admit it to anyone but on the day of Haley's convocation he was present at the ceremonies and he'd been proud. He'd also gone to court the day Haley won her first case but she'd never know, just like she'd never know that there was a large scrapbook hidden underneath his bed containing various articles from the days when she was on tour.

"Nathan, you there", yelled Peyton upon entrance into the Scott mansion.

She walked into the living room to find Nathan sitting on the couch intently staring at television screen ahead, watching footage of Haley walking in and out of the District attorney's office. They'd shown this footage about a dozen times in the last hour.

"Nathan", she said softly receiving silence in return.

He was living and breathing but his mind was somewhere else altogether.

She seated herself beside Nathan and carefully took off her heels. It had been a long day and her feet were aching.

Peyton turned off the TV and called out to Nathan once more, Nathan remaining unresponsive.

She kneeled on the floor, stopping at a level so she could maintain direct eye contact with him. Resting her hands on his cheek she pressed her lips unto his. Beneath her hands, she felt Nathan's body return to life once more.

"When did you get here", he asked so innocently that it broke her heart.

This case was tearing him to bits. She could see it. The media was merciless and the case was weak. Day by day she could see the resolve in him dissipate. And now, now that Haley had turned herself in, she was afraid of what he'd do.

"Just now. What happened to your hand", she asked concerned. In response, Nathan pointed to the empty fireplace mantle.

"God Nathan, what the hell is wrong with you?" she could have gone on and on about this but stopped upon seeing his face. He was deeply disturbed.

"I told her the truth", revealed Nathan after some time.

"What? Why"

"Because it was the right thing to do", he confessed. "You should've seen her Peyton; I watched her fall to pieces when I told her what really happened that night".

Peyton didn't know what to think. Nathan was an honest man; she'd known that he wouldn't be able to go through with such a big lie. When Nathan had called her a second time in the middle of the night, asking her to pick him up from an unknown address, she'd known right then that something was wrong. She came, picked him up and drove him to where he wanted without questioning. At first he wouldn't tell her anything but after much coaxing he confessed. At the time she'd thought he was crazy for doing what he'd done but as the court proceedings began, she began to understand.

"Nathan, you never really explained what happened and I never asked. But I can't just leave this unsaid. Tell me what happened that night?"

Thirty minutes after Nathan left Dan's apartment, he found himself back in the apartment looking for his house keys. The moment he stepped inside, he sensed danger. From the outside everything looked perfectly normal but his instincts were telling otherwise. As he stepped into the apartment, he smelled smoke. He walked around the doorways until he located the source, the office. Inside, what he saw was the last thing he'd ever expected to see. On one end of the room lay his father the one who'd raised him and on the other his first love. Surrounding the two entities lay a ring of fire.

Haley being nearest to the doorway was his first target. He touched her throat and felt a faint pulse. He swiftly picked up her feather light body and ran towards the exit. Resting her limp structure on safe grounds, he ran towards his father. Battling the flames, and trying his best to suppress a coughing fit, he moved towards his father. Even before Nathan had reached the senior Scott's body, he'd known that it was too late. The more logical thing to do would be to take Haley and get out of the building as soon as he could but he didn't care. Dan Scott was still his father and regardless of how awful he was, regardless of the circumstances that forced Haley to end his life, Nathan couldn't just leave him there to be burnt to ashes. He just couldn't.

As Nathan got beside his father's lifeless corpse, the source of the fire became clear – a bottle of alcohol and his dad's favourite Cuban cigars. He brushed away the shards of broken glass and began lifting his father's body. By the time he got through the fire, he was breathless. He could no longer support his father's body and they both collapsed onto the floor.

He pushed himself up and the proceeded to drag his father's body towards the elevator but as he got closer, he realised that the fire had spread too far, too fast. If he wanted to survive, he'd have to let go of his father. It was the only way. And so with one last glance at his father's body, Nathan Scott escaped the burning apartment, with Haley safely tucked in his arms.

Once inside the elevator, Nathan finally let himself relax for a moment. He notified the authorities of the fire. Once outside, he let the realization set in. His father was dead and Haley had killed him. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his arms were shaking and he was exhausted beyond belief. He wouldn't be able to drive home in this condition. Nathan called Lucas to no avail and couldn't trust Brooke to handle the situation. Finding a nearby payphone, he called Keith instead.

Within minutes, his uncle arrived and they had returned Haley to her apartment. But they couldn't just leave her alone could they? He didn't know if Haley'd remember any of the events that had taken place just moments ago but he couldn't take any chances. He'd have to hide the truth in order to protect her. It was the only way.

Just as he tucked Haley into her bed, Mouth arrived. Not only was he a psychologist but he was Haley's friend too. Seeing him crashing in her apartment wouldn't make her suspicious, and being a health professional, Mouth could take care of her in the best possible fashion. It was a win-win situation either way.

That fateful night in Dan's apartment, he was so sure that they'd both leave this incident unscathed. He'd been careful not to touch anything; he'd been discreet so as not to raise suspicion among the neighbours. He'd done so much and yet they'd still been caught. Nathan tried to pinpoint the one mistake that he'd made that led to his arrest and Haley's confession. It was ultimately the fingerprint he'd left whilst moving Dan's body that had been the kicker. He'd made other mistakes like leaving the security tapes in the apartment for anyone to see but thankfully through clever manipulation, he'd tricked Haley into letting him enter the premises and thus correct his mistake. When it came to Haley's finding out about the whole thing, he realised it probably wasn't a good idea to stash the belongings that he'd managed to salvage from the fire into the safety box. Who would have known that Dan actually kept his biggest secrets tucked away confines of his office drawer? If he'd known the code behind the picture was actually an encryption code or the fact that the check was actually written in the name of a contract killer, he certainly wouldn't left them in a place Haley could easily get access to. And even if he had known, had he not been called in for questioning that morning, he'd have fixed that mistake too. He'd organised everything, sent Haley away on a shopping trip, taken the day off from work, he was all set to clear his mistakes, except he never got the chance. If only he'd been more experienced in hiding evidence. They should have had a class called Murder 101 in high school mused Nathan. Things would have been so much easier that way.

After he'd finished his side of the story, Nathan looked to his beautiful girlfriend, anxious to see her reaction, anger, disappointment, anything, but what he saw was much worse. What he saw was nothing; her face was void of emotion.

She looked at him thoughtfully: "So who knew about all of this?"

"Me, Uncle Keith, Karen, Mouth and now you"

"Why not Lucas or Brooke, I mean they're close to Haley, they could've kept an eye on her".

"I know but Lucas can't lie. He would've told Haley sooner or later. I didn't want to take any risks".

"You must think I'm insane right? First wanting to take the fall, compelling everyone we know to help in establishing this farce and then breaking down and confessing to Haley."

"Foolish, yes. Crazy, no" she replied with a sad smile. She'd seen it coming long ago but hadn't wanted to face the truth until now: "You're still in love with her aren't you"?

He looked at her guiltily, not being able to verbalise his thoughts.

"It's okay to say it. I won't be mad", said Peyton as a lone tear escaped from her emerald green eyes.

"Why did you say yes?" he asked.

"To marriage? Partly because it was you and partly because there was no one else" she replied with such honestly that it shocked herself even.

Peyton could feel it, driving the last nail into the coffin, sealing the end of their short-lived relationship. Sure even after everything with Haley, when he'd virtually shut out the world, Nathan and she had remained friends. She became his support system in the days after the divorce. However, it wasn't until last summer that they rekindled their relationship. Did she love him? Yes. And did he love her back? Yes again, that much she was sure. If she asked him to marry her, he'd do it in an instant, that's the kind of man he'd become. But truth be told, there was no passion in their relationship. There was no point in compromising when it came to love, she'd learned that long ago.

"Why are you being so understanding Pey? I mean you hate Haley"

"I don't hate her Nate" declared Peyton resulting in a disbelieving stare from Nathan.

"What I'm serious. I don't hate her. I resent her. I've had people coming and going in and out of my life ever since I was born. First my mom, then dad, Ellie, Derek, Brooke, even you at one point".

Nathan looked away from her.

"I'm not making accusations Nate, I forgave you long ago. The point is Haley had everything I ever wanted. And she threw it all way and for what, a night out with Chris Keller? Please".

"Not for Chris Keller, for her love of music" corrected Nathan.

It hurt her to see the way Nathan still hung on to the past. "She may have loved her music, but she didn't have to abandon you to pursue it right? I mean if she'd asked you to come with her on tour, wouldn't you have done it?"

"In a heartbeat", replied Nathan. "You know, when Haley left, most people thought that I'd wanted divorce because she'd left me. For me it because wasn't the tour that was the problem. I'd gone to a couple of her shows, she was good Peyton, really good. She'd come on stage and the crowd would come alive. I saw the glazed looks, the looks of utter bliss, people loved her and she loved them. I'd seen a different side of her then and it had made me fall in love with her even more. I understood her need to pursue her dream, it's the same thing I felt about basketball."

"So what was the problem", questioned Peyton, intrigued.

"It was because of how little faith she had in us, that's the reason why I dissipated our marriage. Maybe it was my fault for asking her to marry me at such a young age. Maybe it was my fault; I pushed her into making this huge commitment when she wasn't ready for it. I knew she was the one from the moment I kissed her for the first time but for her maybe it wasn't that simple. I was so deeply in love with her that I couldn't handle seeing her in bed with Keller."

Peyton carefully took off her engagement band and placed it in Nathan's palm. "This isn't for me. Give it to the one it was meant for, Haley".

It broke her heart to look at Nathan right now. She dried her tear streaked cheeks and continued: "This isn't the end Scott. I'll always be there when you need me". "Friends" she asked as she put forth her hand.

For a moment he seemed to hesitate but then he came back to form. He took her hand in his own and pulled her in for a tight hug. "Always" he whispered resting his chin on the crook of her neck.


"Case number C835400. The District of Columbia versus Haley James. One count of arson and murder in the first degree, how does the defendant plead?" questioned the judge in a monotonous voice. For the first time in her life, she understood what it was like to be on the other side, to have to face the disapproving eyes all around you. It's was an awful experience.

Haley stood up to answer the question but found someone else answering for her. "Your honour, my name is Jeffery Stevens, and I have been hired by Mr. Lucas Scott to represent Ms. James during the court proceedings", declared Haley's boss, without so much as even glancing at her.

"It was to my understanding that the defendant had waived her right to representation?"

"Yes your honour. However, I have here evidence suggesting that the defendant is mentally unstable and thus is not capable of making decisions to her best interest"

"Hand them over " ushered the judge, clearly annoyed by this new development.

Meanwhile Haley stood alone in the courtroom watching her life be controlled by those around her. She was a mere spectator in her own life.

"The following is the most recent psychological evaluation done by my client's personal psychiatrist, Marvin McFadden. As you'll see, Ms. James has a lifelong condition of frequent memory losses and –"

"Thank you Mr. Stevens. I will review the documents and then make my decision. Court is recessed for lunch"

After two days of intense arguments and testimonies from virtually everyone she'd known, a decision was finally reached. Though the case had been rather straight forward, it felt like the trial had been running for ages. Haley stood up as the representative of the jury stood beside the judge and read out the verdict that would forever change her future: "We the jury find the defendant, Haley James, on the count of arson, not guilty and on the count of murder in the first degree not guilty by reason of insanity".

"Very well, the court sentences you to six months of psychiatric treatment at the Fairview Mental Health Facility. This court is hereby adjourned."

Six Months Later

Haley walked out of the facility that had been her home for the last few months. For the first time in her life, she felt truly happy. She didn't feel the need to hide behind her work, nor did she feel the urge to have everything in her control. For the first time in her life Haley was completely at peace with herself. It was a brand new day, the sun was shining, the scent of fresh flowers tingled her nostrils and the afternoon mist gave her slight shiver. Haley walked out of the facility and found herself coming face to face with the love of her life.

A tall man with dark brown hair and crystalline blue eyes that made you feel like you were floating came forward with a bouquet in hand.

The man handed her the bouquet of lilies, her favourite, cupped her face, and tasted her cherry lips, enjoying the feel of her body pressed against his own.

"Welcome back" he said breathlessly, as he tasted her sweet lips one last time.


On a clear day when the sun was shining and the salty smell of the ocean filled the air, a little girl no older than two years of age played on the beach. Covered head toe in sand she looked at the sparkling blue ocean ahead. Like every other morning, she sat on her own, building her precious sand castles. She imagined what it would be like to live in a real one. She'd be the princess and everyone would have to follow her word. No one would be able to force her to eat her peas then would they? Then one day when she'd grow up to be as pretty as a swan, a handsome prince would whisk her away to his fairy castle and they'd live happily ever after.

In the latest of "where are they now" we're talking about Haley James, a singer, a lawyer, a wife, a murderer? A few years ago, it was all anyone could talk about. For the longest time, we couldn't figure out who she was. If it weren't for the facts, it would be hard to believe that she even existed once. So now the million dollar question is where is she now? Some say she's been whisked off to some unknown island off the coast of Argentina, others say she's right here in good old America. What the truth is nobody knows. We asked her ex-husband and NBA all-star Nathan Scott and here's what he had to say:"All I can tell you is that she's alive and well" said Nathan with a peculiar smile spreading over his face.

"So you've seen her then?" asked the woman with an inquisitive smirk.

"Mommy, Mommy look daddy's on TV and he's talking about you" exclaimed the little girl as she ran toward the beach house.

Upon hearing her child's voice, Haley emerged from inside carrying a picnic basket containing Emily's favourite foods. She looked at her daughter, sitting cross-legged in front of the TV looking as if she'd won a million bucks. Everyday that went by, Emily looked more and more like her father. Same sparkling blue eyes, same thin lips, she'd grow up to break a lot of hearts, that's for sure. A real stunner as Luke liked to call her.

"Mommy look daddy" she repeated once again pointing to the tiny portable TV resting on the white sand. Haley sat beside the little girl and gave her a special surprise: "This is for you".

Emily picked up the white postcard and examined the picture. It was a photo of the Olympic stadium in Brazil. The 2016 Olympics were in progress and her father was part of the dream team. She didn't know much about the game but one day she wanted to be as good as her father. And who knows, maybe one day she could play for the WNBA. Anything's possible right?

She flipped the post card and read its contents. She instantly recognised her father's writing. Her mom always thought it was messy and distracting but Emily thought otherwise. A bit sharp and yet curvy at places, she thought her daddy's writing had character.

To: Emily and Haley Scott

2601, Crescent Sands

Myrtle Beach, SC


Dear Emily,

I'm sorry I wasn't there for your birthday. I hope you had a great time. Did grandma Karen give you my present? You like the basketball right? It's purple, you favourite colour. I wish I could have been there to see my little girl turn two but what can I say daddy's gotta work. I'm in Rio right now and we're kicking butt out there. If we win, you'll be the first to see the medal, I promise. Tell your mom not to worry about Uncle Luke and Aunt Brooke, both are doing well. Oh and I guess I should let you know, you now have a baby cousin, his name Justin. Aunt Brooke can't wait for you guys to meet. I'll be home soon. Tell your mom I love her and both of you, try not to miss me too much.

See you soon.



As the little girl drifted off into her own world, where only she and her father existed, Haley took out the second letter that had come in the mail and followed suit.

My dear Haley,

It's only been a month since I've seen you but it seems so much longer. Late in the night I think about us and I try to remember what it has been like to be with you over the past few years. I think about you and I remember the days I came to visit you at the clinic. Even in the darkest moments, you brought light into my world. I look at you and the entire world fades. Do you remember your last day at Fairview, when I kissed you and asked you to marry me? That was truly the best day of my life. When I think of us today I can't believe that there was ever a time when we were apart. You once said that we were too young to get married. At the time I hadn't understood but now I do. Everyday at the clinic, when I came to visit you and we talked for hours on end until the nurses came and kicked me out, we got closer. With every word, every kiss, every touch, we began to understand each other in a way we never could when we were teenagers. I look back and I feel no anger for your having left the way you did. We were young and we needed to see the possibilities the world had to offer before we could choose our path. It was a mistake that only teenagers could make. People said that we wouldn't make it, that we were too different, they were wrong. When we were kids, I'd known it then and I know it now, you and I, we were meant to be. Just look at us now, one beautiful child and another on the way. In these last couple of years we've made a life for ourselves that most can only dream of.

Dan was an awful person in life. He lied, he cheated, he killed your parents for god's sake but he also gave us the one thing that we both longed for -- love. His passing brought us together again and for that I am thankful.

Friday is our second anniversary, two beautiful years and many more to come. I'm counting the days till I return home, so I can have you in my arms and watch our children grow and prosper.
