I haven't been able to write a new story in ages (biggest writer's block in the history of writer's blocks). So I'm hoping that posting one of my old stories will somehow manage to boost my creative juices. If I get enough positive feedback, I'll start posting the rest of the chapters. So please please please post your reviews, it only takes a few seconds of your time.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill or any of it's characters. If I did, season 6 would have been much more interesting.

Chapter 1

The doors of the Supreme Court of justice opened just as the clock struck noon, and the crowd went mad. Television cameras, reporters, photographers, fought with one another, just to get a better glimpse of the scene above. When the petite figure of Haley James, finally came to view, that's when the party really started.

"What are your thoughts on the case?"

"Did Nathan Scott really kill Senator –"

"When is the next hearing?"

"Has Mr. Scott been released on bail?"

The series questions continued one after another, too fast and too many for Haley to answer. So she took the easy way out, the old "no comment" phrase came in quite handy sometimes. As Haley, shoved past the hostile crowd, all she could think of was how she could get away from these people. It made her wonder why she'd decided to become a lawyer in the first place. She wasn't a fan of crowds, correction she hated them. Her life had been going just fine until Nathan Scott decided to barge into it, again.

A few days earlier

"Ms. James, your 4:00 clock appointment called in. He said he'd be a little late." said Jenny, her assistant.

"Thanks Jenny that will be all" replied Haley, making sure to sound extra professional. These interns were downright annoying, becoming like teenagers at the sight of some celebrity. Oh and if its some male heartthrob, they'd go completely out of control. That's why she'd picked Jenny, she'd seemed somewhat sensible at the time. Now she wondered why. This one was a sports fan, even worse, every time Lucas came to visit, she'd be short of fainting.

Suddenly Jenny burst into her office, "Ms. James! Ms. James! It's Nathan Scott! Nathan Scott", she yelled, jumping up and down and on the verge of hyperventilating.

"No no no no no! Tell me you did not set up an appointment with Nathan. Please tell me you're joking," yelled Haley. It was now her turn to hyperventilate.

"I did Ms. James. In fact, Mr. Stevens suggested that you take the case. He was quite insistent about it.", replied Jenny, somewhat taken aback by Haley's reaction.

"It figures that Jonathan would give this case to me, you need to take on more high profile clients my ass" muttered Haley.

"What you're still here? Shoo!" she yelled, practically pushing the poor woman out the door.

It wasn't that she didn't want to see Nathan, or that she wasn't interested in the case. It's just that Nathan and she had a lot of history together, and they hadn't really parted on good terms.

"If you leave, then don't come back. Because as far as I'm concerned, you and me we're done"

"Chris, can I talk to you?"

"Sorry babe, Chris Keller doesn't go for leftovers", he slams the door on her face.


You have been accepted to law program at Harvard University…

"Look, I know you've all invested a lot of your time and money in order to launch my career. And trust me, this tour, the single, they mean the world to me and for that I'm always going to be thankful but at this time I just don't think launching a singing career is right for me."

"Umhmm … Ms. James, Mr. Scott is here".

"What? Oh. Send him in" replied Haley, somewhat off balance.

When Nathan walked into the office, it was like time had stopped. Everyone stopped working, they all struggled to get a glimpse of him. Nathan had always had this effect on people, even back in school, long before he became the legendary basketball player that he was now. People seemed to be mesmerized by him. At one point she too had been among those people, except that she'd gotten to know him better than most. At one point of time, she'd known him better than anyone else. At one point she'd been his wife. But then everything changed.

A/N: Should I continue posting the rest? Reviews mean the world to me!