The characters and canon situations in the following story belong solely to JK Rowling. I am not making any money from the publishing or writing of this story.


This is my second story. Please let me know what you think.


"Gabbie we should talk before this goes any farther." Harry Potter was holding an incredibly lovely woman in his arms. She was everything a wizard could possibly ask for she was intelligent and funny. She had a drop-dead gorgeous body that she wanted to share with Harry and yet he was hesitant to take their couple of month old relationship to the next level.

Harry had been resisting Gabbie's advances for the last few dates. It was becoming increasingly awkward. Harry knew he should have his head examined for feeling this way and when Gabbie smiled at him his heart almost melted. She was perfect, he should be grateful that she adored him but he did not love her. If he was to be completely honest, he did love her but he was not in love with her and that was the problem.

Of course, he wanted her who would not. Harry's sense of fairness kept his libido in check.

Harry was standing the doorway into his bedroom of his London flat trying to fend off the sexual advances of a part-Veela. Could this week get any worse? Harry was an auror for the Ministry's Law Enforcement Department and he had just return from a weeklong assignment. After five years in the department and having been promoted to section chief, Harry still had to pull his weight with the difficult cases. This past week had been spent following in the rain a low life scumbag through the seediest parts of London. The waiting had been mind numbing but worth it when his suspect finally made contact with his suppliers of knock off potions. The black market potions had left over a dozen witches in St. Mungo's fighting for their lives.

Harry was tired and could only think a getting a hot shower when he had unlocked the door to his flat. His fatigue would explain why he did not notice the smell of roasted chicken or the candles on the kitchen table as he walked pass. Harry had been completely caught off guard when he opened the door to the shower to find a towel clad Gabbie standing waiting for him.

"May I join you?" she purred as she dropped the towel and moved to join Harry under the spray of water.

Harry recovered quickly and made to grab a fresh towel from the rack. Gabbie smiled, "Here let me get you one." She turned her back to Harry and bent for the waist to pick up her discarded towel from the floor.

Harry had to admit she ever looked so inviting. His sense of fairness was battling his raging desire and the fairness was losing badly.

"Gabbie, I was not expecting you." Harry took the towel and wrapped it around his waist.

"Were you surprised?" Gabbie purred as she brushed his chest with her fingertips.

"Yes Miss Delacorte you surprised me. That was very naughty of you breaking into my flat and then sneaking up on me very naughty. You should be punished young lady." Harry wrapped her in his arms and whispered in her ear.

Gabbie turned her face up to his and licked her lips, "If you must."

Harry brushed his lips against her forehead and then kissed her tenderly. They had playful relationship and both gave as good they got.

Gabbie broke off the kiss and taking Harry's hand, she led him back into the bedroom where she had turned down the bedding.

"Harry" she whispered into his neck as she wrapped herself around the wizard. Harry could feel himself wanting her and cupping her bottom he pulled her to him. Gabbie smiled between kisses as she rubbed against him.

"Gabbie we really need to talk about this." Harry had let go of her and taken a few steps backward to ward the door, "I do not want to hurt you."

Gabbie had followed him and rubbing her hands along his ribcage, she peppered him with kisses. "Harry please I will love enough for the both of us."

"No, I do not want to get hurt." Harry's resolve was faltering

Gabbie was pulling him back towards the bed, "You will love me you will see…" She finished with an imploring look as she lay back on the bed.

Harry hesitated all he could feel was sadness. He wanted her that was obvious but he also wanted to be in love with her and he was not. Maybe he was right maybe it was time to move on.

"Gabbie," he groaned as allowed to pull him towards her. He could sense her excitement and he knew that if he did not truly love her he would at least please her.

Harry froze when the doorbell rang. He did not move to answer it; all he could think was who could possible be at his door at this time of night?

Gabbie pulled his face back to hers, "Do not answer it…they will go away."

Harry agreed and his lips found hers.

Bang, bang, bang. Now someone was pounding on the door. Harry cursed under his breath. "This better not be Ron looking for the couch." Harry looked around the room and finally found a pair of jeans to throw on as he walked to answer the door.

"So help me if that is you Ron you are going to wish Hermione had hexed off your bits mate!" Harry hissed as he yanked open the door.

Harry stood in shock. Standing before him was Ginny, his Ginny the woman who had shattered his heart four and a half years ago. It was his Ginny.


Thanks for giving this story a shot. Hope ya'll come back now.