I do not own any characters from Dragonball or Dragonball Z. They all belong to Akira Toriyama.

Bardock was exhausted, it had seemed easy for him to fly through the blockade of Frieza's men, but it had taken a lot of his power to do so. Blood from the wound on his head streamed down his armor. "This is the end Frieza! Do you hear me? The end!' He said as he felt himself grow weaker.

'Is that so? You monkey, there is a reason that even the mightiest of warriors fear and obey me! Don't fool yourself, you don't stand a chance!' shouted Frieza.

Frieza held up his index finger, a small ball of light was on it. 'Oh crap, I know what that it is. Frieza's signature final attack, the Death Ball! They say it can blow up entire planets. I have to get out of here before he kills me!' Bardock flew back to planet Vegeta-sei; home world of the mighty warrior race the sayains. Slowly Frieza's Death Ball grew; Bardock landed at the pod launching pad.

He ran towards a big pod at his left and a pink-skinned alien tried to stop him from entering the ship but he never got the chance as Bardock knocked him out with an elbow strike. Bardock opened one of pods and hopped in; he closed it again and pressed a few buttons, activating the pod. 'Bardock was looking at himself or at least he thought so, until he realized it was his son. The young sayain stood in front of his brother, Raditz.' Kakarot!' Growled Raditz. 'My name is Goku and I'm from earth!' replied his younger brother.

Bardock snapped out of his vision. The voice from the computer asked: Destination?

Bardock cleared his throat and replied, "Planet Earth. Land me nearest where sayain Kakarot may have landed."

"Understood. Estimated arrival time: 1 week and 4 hours." The machine told him. Bardock grunted. He turned and gasped in shock; a gigantic ball of energy was blowing up Vegeta-sei. He could see Frieza laughing manically. "Damn you Frieza! I may not have defeated you or will I ever dream to; but I swear I will make my visions come true. You will have the honor of being killed by my son Kakarot!' Bardock vowed.


Bardock's space pod arrived at its destination, Earth after a journey of several days. The space pod crashed into a forest after flying through the atmosphere of the planet. The pod was drilled deep into the soft soil of the forest, de-rooting several trees in the process. Bardock stepped out of the pod coolly; his armor was tattered, his wounds were moderately healed, and he was covered in dry blood and old bruises. He stretched in aching joints and cracked his neck. Man did that fell awesome. He wandered though the forest and a small smile came a across his face.

It was another space pod; it looked tattered and burned. He stumbled near the pod and kicked the pod's door, making it open. Bardock's face split into a rare big grin, inside the pod was a wailing baby boy with the same hair-style as him and a little furry brown tail. He had just found his youngest son, Kakarot. Bardock gently reached in and picked up the trashing, weeping little boy. He cradled him in is muscular arms, trying not to hurt the boy. Bardock was still sore from his battle he laid down near a giant ancient tree. Kakarot still crying, Bardock cooed, "There there, I'm here now. Daddy's here. It's alright, it's ok. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Hush now son, don't cry."

Kakarot finally stopped crying. He was now cuddling up to Bardock's chest fast asleep; sucking on his fist. Bardock sighed in relief. 'It's about damn time you quieted down. But like I said, I'll always protect you. And one day, you'll become stronger than me and become a true warrior. I'll make sure I'll train you to defeat Frieza.' Bardock laid his eyes against the tree's trunk and fell into the darkness of sleep.