(A/N: I am so sorry if you guys saw this twice. I had a lot of trouble with the formatting and wound up deleting the story while trying to fix it.

Disclaimer: APH is not mine)


Dear Ludwig~ (I'm supposed to call you this in letters, right?)

How are you? Is it nice at your house? It's lovely here. The flowers are blooming and there's love in the air and it's so nice to see young couples hanging around and it really makes me miss the times when we hung out all of the time. Do you remember? You, me, and Kiku would have so much fun together hanging out. Do you still eat wurst all the time? It's not good for you, you know. You'll turn into wurst and I don't like wurst. I think you should eat more pasta because then you'll turn into pasta and I love pasta and since I love you, you being pasta would be perfect don't you think?

Ve~ Big Brother Lovino is reading over my shoulder and yelling at me to stop writing to---


Stay away from my idiot brother. Or else. I know where you live!


Dear Feliciano (Yes, that's what you're supposed to call me in letters),

I'm doing well, I hope you are, too. It is lovely here, it is spring, after all--though a certain roommate is determined to make things much louder and more chaotic than they need to be. Yes I remember those times, how could I forget? You shouldn't look at that period of time so fondly. ["Though I do miss hanging out with you, Feliciano.

…Did you say you loved me?" Germany scratched the last two lines out. The Italian was energetic enough, he didn't need to know that Germany missed him, and he probably only meant that he loved Germany as a friend, anyway.] You want me to turn into pasta? You should be more worried about turning into pasta yourself with how much you eat. You really should cut back on the pasta.

["I love you too, by the way. Tell your crazy brother hi." More crossouts. Surely Italy wasn't serious…and why would he want to tell Romano hi, anyway?]

I hope you're doing well. Talk more about yourself in the next letter.

["Love" No, can't end with love. He's just a friend.] Sincerely


P.S. Lovino, please don't hide this letter from Feliciano. Go write one to Antonio instead.