A/N Er, beware this is very random. I wrote it late at night when I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd post it and see if I got any good reviews. Basically, I was thinking about all the different sides of the Doctor and came up with this poem/drabble thing. The last line isn't mine:I stole it from a trailer because it seemed to fit.

Disclaimer: Do not own the Doctor (sadly) or anything out of Doctor Who.

I am rage, fury and fire

I am mercy, but I will not award second chances

I am a destroyer of worlds as well as a saviour

I am a survivor, a wanderer, a fighter

I am lonely, the last of my kind

I am a traveller, a tourist, a sightseer

I am a talker with several million languages and you've got no hope of shutting me up

I am like a hurricane, a walking disaster

I am someone who tries to avoid trouble but finds it anyway

I am a friend of the Earth and its people

I am someone who can change the course of history just by turning up at the wrong time

I am someone who will never have seen it all

I am someone who will always try and find the bright side

I am someone who you don't want to fight with because if you do you will lose

I am someone who can lead you into the wonders of the universe

I am someone who has the courage to do what is right

I am the protector of this universe

I am the cleverest, the fastest, the best

I am the Doctor

And if you come with me, nothing will ever be the same again
