Dear my readers, I would like to say that I am so SORRY that I have not been updating in so long!
But dont worry I dont plan to abandon this fanfic any time soon.
For my readers that have been waiting so patiantly for the next chaps of 'Faith Trust Pixie Dust' I am so sorry

I have recently started a Certificate 3 fast track caurse in Hairdressing that in one year will make me fully quolified as a senior hairdressor.

The reason I am telling you all this is because on the 28th of this month I have to take an examination that if I do not get over 51% on then I fail and can never become a hairdressor.

Some of you are probably thinking what does this have to do with anything but the reason I am telling you all this is because
this cause is extremely important to me and it comes before everything else.

But that does not mean that I am giving this story up.

I plan to continue writing and uploading after my Science exam on the 28th.
And because you have all shown such a interest in this story this shall be the fanfic that I write and upload to first.

Again I am very very very sorry that I have not explained myself earlier but now I have I hope you all understand and wish me luck on my exam.

I am only 16 years old after all and juggling two jobs, TAFE, study, friends and loads more is proving harder than I ever thought it would be but I am determind to not only ace my exam but also make you all happy and finish this story.

If anyone has any questions at all please feel free to write to me and I will be pleased to answer.