Bleh, some of the reviews are bothering me... i really don't want your "Judgment"...really. I don't write to be judged. I get enough of that in real life... and I know this story can be very confusing! Trust me, I've gotten very confused while I'm writing and not even I know what's going on in Inuyasha head! His reactions are always a surprise to me too. Not even Inuyasha knows what he's thinking. I just wanted to write a story biased on the idea "If you love something set it free, Not." and the idea of Kagome growing from a chick, into a beautiful swan all the time trapped in a cage. While i wanted Inuyasha to be a crude, violent character, it is hard to write a Romance with a guy like that! So he tends to have a love hate relationship, because he hates humans, but for some reason has fallen for Kagome! ahh the sweet melancholy of it all!

Chapter 5,

"Master Inuyasha is so confusing! It's my tenth birthday and he wont even come down from his study to wish me a happy day!" Kagome complained to Sango as she brushed her hair.
"I know, I know." she smiled as Kagome rolled her eyes. It had been two years since Inuyasha had abducted the little girl, and Sango had become like a mother to her. The first two years were not easy, relentless attempts of escaping, many tantrums from Inuyasha...
"He came down last year! And gave me this...." Kagome lightly touched the black choker around her neck. He had instructed her to never take it off. The pendent sitting neatly in the middle of it was a silver heart. It constantly confused her, did it mean Master Inuyasha loved her? Or was it merely just a pretty gift? She sighed and Sango kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come down from his study sometime today, it is still early." She was always surprised by how much Kagome cared for their Master , she would remember all the nights Kagome would cry and beg her to leave. She had to know the only person keeping her here was Inuyasha himself right? Why did she not hate him? Ah..but Sango knew the answer to that question. Kagome didn't hate anyone, in fact, she loved everyone. Even the man who made her shed a hundred tears. What a weird child she was...

"Finished yet Sango?" Kagome wiggled around impatiently in her chair, playing with the ribbon across the waste of the red dress she was wearing. "Yes, all done." She replied, pinning up part of her hair at the back with a small red rose clip.
"Thanks!" Kagome cheered and jumped off the chair, waiting for Sango to unlock the door to the room she was held in. It broke Sango's heart every time she had to unlock this poor girl, set her free, only for her to enter another cage.

When they got out to the garden Miroku had prepared a table with a cake and treats. There were even presents, and she could see Kohaku peeking out from behind a tree. She looked up to see Sango giving him a dirty look. For some reason Kagome was still forbidden from playing with him... even Miroku wasn't aloud to even hold her hand or pick her up...
Sango had told her once it was something called "Jealousy" that Inuyasha was feeling, but Kagome hadn't understood then or even now...
"Happy birthday!" Miroku called out when they arrived at the table, while Sango pulled out a seat for her and sat down.
"Happy Birthday to you too!" Kagome smiled, she had always refused to have a birthday all her own, because the other members of the castle did not celebrate birthdays. She would demand they have a part of hers.
"Why thank you, little miss Kagome." Miroku smiled and began lighting candles. "May i wish you a very Happy Birthday as well Sango?" he gave her a wink.

"Miroku...." Sango felt her cheeks get a little pink and Kagome giggled.

"Can Kohaku come over today, just because it's a special day?" Kagome looked up at Sango, then Miroku. No one said anything... but everyone looked up as a paper airplane flew from the bushes and landed on Kagome's lap. She quickly opened it before anyone could take it away, it read; "Happy Birthday Kagome! Don't worry about me, I'll have some of the leftover cake and treats tonight. And I'll stay over here and watch! Have fun! -Your Friend Kohaku". She smiled and folded up the letter, putting it into her little red shoe since her dress didn't have any pockets.
"Ahem.." Miroku began, clearing is throat, to sing Happy Birthday "to us all". When they finished they all had cake, and Kagome began to open her presents. More dresses and shoes likes usual from Miroku, because Inuyasha told him to. But the present that really caught her eye was the little glass vase from Sango (and Kohaku), so Kagome could pick flowers and put them in her room. And the unsigned box of dandelion seeds...
"Who are these from..?" Kagome questioned holding the box up. But no one knew. Soon the party was over, there was not a lot to do without friends to play with. And surprisingly it was already getting late. Kagome said goodbye and Sango escorted her back to her room, tucking her in. The vase was put on the window ledge, the dresses and shoes in the dresser. But Kagome held onto the little box of seeds.
"Good Night Kagome." Sango smiled and closed the door behinde her after Kagome replied "Good Night."
She sat up in her bed... why hadn't Inuyasha come to her Birthday celebration? He was always in his study... Kagome sighed and lied back down. "Stupid Master...." she yawned and fell asleep, still holding the seeds.

Click, the door quietly opened as Inuyasha stepped into the tower room. Silently walking over to the bed the he stood at the edge. "You just keep growing don't you?" Inuyasha paused and touched Kagome's cheek. "It's only been two years and already your taller, stronger, and more beautiful.". He had never thought of her as anything but "Enchanting" and "Amusing". But he could already see her in the futar, strong, beautiful, all grown up. He felt his heart skip a beat. When he had first laid eyes on Kagome he had never thought of her as anything but a child, innocent, pure. Now he could feel himself wanting something more, but not yet. She was still far too young. All these weird feelings bubbling up inside of him, it made him uneasy. "Goodnight, Enjoy the weeds.." And with that he disappeared into the night.

"Wuah..." Kagome stretched, and yawned. Why had she dreamt of that day so many years ago? It had to have least seven years since her tenth birthday. she lightly touched the black choker around her neck. Getting out of bed she walked over to the window bench, looking down at the garden she sighed. Maybe it was the dandelions in bloom that reminded her of that faithful day? She had planted them the day after her birthday, and they had faithfully taken over most of the garden...they were weeds after all. But she still loved them as much as she had back then...
"May I come in?" Someone knocked and called from behind her door, Kagome recognized Sango's voice. "One minute!" Kagome called back, hurrying over to her dresser she pulled off her pajamas and threw on a red kimono with fall scenery. She was still not aloud to wear anything but dresses...and compared to a frilly dresses, she preferred the dignified kimono. She brushed her hair and let it stay down, falling around her shoulders. "Come in!" She called to her, she had long since stop needing Sango to get her dressed and brush her hair. But smiled when Sango came in, she was now no longer a teenager, but an adult. Sango was around the age of twenty six. Since she had been sixteen when Kagome had first met her. "Good morning lady Kagome." she smiled and bowed politely. Kagome didn't have to, but she always did the same, bowing and replying "Good morning."
"Out to the garden as usual Lady Kagome?" Sango asked, knowing the answer.
"Where else would i go?" Kagome replied, it was a little joke they shared together...even though it was terribly sad. They walked down the spiral steps of the tower and out into the bright sunny day.

No matter what session it was it always seemed to shine in Inuaysha's garden. Kagome walked lightly over to a shaded bench Inuyasha had made for her, since she had long grown out of sitting in the dirt. She sat down and watched the trees sway gently in the breeze. This was pretty much what she did everyday, the dreams she had as a child of adventure and seeing the world were long since gone. She had finally accepted that this, as she had her her grandfather say a long, long time ago, "was her destiny." But just because she accepted it didn't mean she liked it, she would sit there, on the bench made by her captor. And dream of being on the other side of those walls. With the family she couldn't remember. Did she even have family out there? ...Yes, she was sure she did...somewhere.

She could hear Miroku talking to Sango far behind her, something about them being the right age to "further their relationship" whatever that meant it got him a slap. Kagome tried not to laugh, but it slipped through. She paused, how foreign her own laugh had become to her. Like a weird strum from a a un-tuned instrument, or the new call of a bird she had never herd before.
Many more hours passed before more talking caught her attention and pulled her out of her dreams. Sango was asking Miroku's opinion on what she would be preparing them for dinner that night. Inuyasha had started demanded Kagome join him for supper alone in the dinning hall. That being one of the few other rooms she had ever been in in the huge castle. They would eat in silence, and Inuyasha would just gaze at her. She wondered what he saw.... Kagome would remember the days as a little girl when she would wait for Inuyasha to come see her. And his visits were always far and few between. She had decided that, underneath his rough exterior. He was a shy hanyou. But on the days when he did bless her with conversations, he was very rude, harsh, mean and she couldn't get enough of the sound of his voice. Her captor. What a strange relationship they had.

"Kagome!" Sango called out to her, leaving her daze she responded, "Yes?".
"I am going to take Miroku to the kitchen to show him the desserts I'm planning for tonight. Will you be fine here by yourself?".
"Yes, go ahead!" Kagome called back, wishing she could go with them. But that was not aloud. Sango and Miroku left and Kagome giggled when she herd another slap echo down the halls. She could just bairley hear Miroku protesting, "What?! I just asked about your desserts!!".

"Kagome...", Kagome gasped at the familiar, yet unfamiliar voice and turned around. A teenage boy only a year or two older than her was standing beside a tree.
"Kohaku!" Kagome called getting up and hurrying over to him, "It's been so long!".
"Yeah..." Kohaku replied, he had not been able to contact Kagome at all since her tenth birthday. After that Inuyasha had personally made sure he was too busy doing chores and too tired by the end of the day to do anything but sleep.
"My how you've grown..." Kagome smiled fondly, Kohaku had been her only real friend in the castle, since they were kids. And she felt comfort knowing he was there with her, even if she couldn't see him.
"May I come up to your room tonight Kagome?" he asked, taking a step forward.
"Of coarse! We must talk Kohaku! I have missed you so." Kagome smiled and closed the gap between them giving him a quick hug. "Now I don't want you to get into trouble, so you better get out of here before your sister gets back!". She hurried him off and he disappeared back into the trees just as Sango entered the garden again. "What are you doing over there Kagome?" she called out, sounding worried.
"I'm fine! Just picking dandelions for my vase!" she responded, bending down she began to actually do as she had lied.

By the time she had a good bundle of them in her hands it was dinner time. Sango escorted her to the dinning hall, taking the flowers from her and promising to put them in the glass vase with water. Kagome wanted Kohaku to see that she was using his and Sango's present when he came to talk with her. Maybe they would play games like they had those fun few times when they were kids! She sighed happily and entered the dinning hall. Inuyasha pulled out her seat for her as she sat down and moved across the table from where she was. Miroku came and served them and left again.
"How have you been...?" Inuyasha asked calmly cutting his roast.
"Well." Kagome replied, "And you?"
"Fine." This was usually how their conversations went, Inuyasha was not the talking type. But Kagome didn't mind, she just eat in peace and quiet. While her Master gazed at her. She was just glad she got to see him everyday, recently she had started feeling things she had never felt before. Her Master had always just been the halfdemon who had stolen her, yet taken care of her. But lately she was feeling other things towards him...she wished she had a mother to talk to about her weird emotions. Sango just wasn't the right person to confide in. Maybe should could ask Kohaku that night? Yeah that sounded right...
They finished their dinner and desserts, Kagome excused herself and bowed. Inuyasha nodded and left, most likely to go back to his study. Kagome left to her room, Sango would not be in to tuck her in or say goodnight, because Kagome would stay up as long as she wanted now that she was that age. Miroku locked the door behind her and she sat on her window bench, waiting for her childhood friend.

Inuyasha walked down the hall and into his study, opening the door and closing it behind him he let out a very loud and frustrated sounding sigh. "She's gotten too beautiful..." Inuyasha whispered to no one but himself. She's....such a woman now. When i found her she was a beautiful little girl, now she has become a gorgeous young lady. And i want her. Inuyasha felt his face become hot, he had such an animalistic demon side. How was he ever going to resist her? Kagome had become such a temptress... and she didn't even know it. Was the girl he had taken a goddess in disguise? He wanted to see her. He had wanted to see her every night since she had become a young woman, but had resisted. Did he really want to hurt her more than she had been already? No.... but... Inuyasha's mind got deep and dark, selfish thoughts bubbled to the surface. His good conscious was trampled like it had been so many times before. She's mine right? Doesn't that mean i can do with her what i will? He though about her, the way she moved, the way she smelled, her voice, her hair, her eyes... and lost control.

Ah! Wow... i hope this uhh.. wasn't too confusing... what with the dream and all! I tried my best! I hope i did an okay job advancing the story a few years. TT^TT; So what does Kohaku want to talk about? What will happen with her lusting master? Did i write a lot more than usual? Who knows!? Not even me! (If you don't like violence and other smutty things turn back now!) Tune in soon for the next chapter of....CAPTIVE!
Ps~ Sorry almost all my readers think Inuyasha is a mood-swinging psycho. I was trying my best TT,TT; ... If it confuses you so much you can't enjoy the story, please don't force yourself to read!