Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.
hey people!
Good morning Upper East Siders! Guess who's back. Yes it's me, Gossipgirl! Reunited and it feels so-well, you know how it goes! You didn't think I would leave you all without that juicy gossip we all love did you?!? The crazy frat and sorority parties of dorm life make the gossip even juicier, and I can't wait to fill you all in on what's been brewing between our favorite spoiled offspring of the UES…
Spotted: B taking a leisurely stroll through Yale back to her dorm looking absolutely miserable in her absolutely adorable outfit. Why so glum B? Maybe because of a certain green-eyed, blond-haired boy who's MIA? S with a lifetime supply of luggage hailing a cab outside of her penthouse. Rumor has it she got tired of the movie star scene and decided to hit the books. We all knew S was flighty, but pass up clubbing with Orlando Bloom to head back to school?!? Lord knows that S will be stealing the hearts of all of our college boys. ATTENTION ALL STRAIGHT MALE YALE STUDENTS: meet the object of your affection for the next four years (or more)!!!! A tanned N back from his world voyage and docking at the harbor looking especially delicious. Cutting the trip so short N? Is it because of a certain petite, brunette beauty, or a leggy, blond bombshell? We're all dying to find out…
Will S steal the spotlight once again as she invades B's stomping ground? Will B stand for it? (Is it just me or does this feel like déjà vu?-and FYI, I don't mean the strip club!) Will N continue to juggle these two, or will he finally man up and pick one? Some words of wisdom for N-follow your heart and not your dick!!!
Fuck boxing-watching these two hotties duke it out satisfies my fighting fix! I can already feel the French manicured claws coming out-we all know that there are more benefits to acrylic nails than vanity...Let's get ready to rumble!!!
Unfortunately, just like you guys, I have some studying to do. Remember, we can't attend those raging parties if we flunk out- so study your ass off first, party your ass off later! Till then…
You know you love me,
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