A/N, Greetings readers, this is story is something I've been brooding over for a while now; even during my one shots recently. One thing I want to make clear, the leading OC character in this story is not to be confused with Slinky Thief's character in "Masked Warrior". I've wanted to write a story in the KFP series using a raccoon for a while now, they're my true favorite animal. I apologize for making this sound so paranoid, I just wanted to make sure all my bases were covered and everyone's on the same page. Okay now that this has been said, onward with the story.
Disclaimer: I own no one but the leading OC SinCato.
Hot weather was always the worst for traveling long distances, it matched up nicely with the terrible rains that would appear in each season. Being a creature that donned a fur coat added to the problem, creating dehyradration and dizzy spells for the traveler. Taking a moment to wipe his sweaty brow with his right paw, the newcomer to the Valley of Peace quickly shook off his continuos pleas from his legs to sit and rest, and instead continued on his way, into the valley.
Hu shim, a rabbit daughter of the local produce store owner, could be found heading on her journey back home after a long day's experiance from visiting with the dragon warrior among the other children. It had been close to a year after the defeat of the snow leapord known as Tai Lung, in the months of recovery, the rabbit had aided her father and mother with rebuilding the main corner of their home where the large snow cat had smashed into. Now their home had been finished good as new, she was delighted to be able to have a room once more, having grown older than really nessesary to sleep with her folks anymore. Now that the feared leapord was gone and news had spread about the dragon warrior, the valley found itself free of the majority of crimes and attacks on villagers. As she walked down the darkened path though, her shadow did not go unnoticed, a set of menacing eyes found themselves behind the girl, treading ever so slowly, stalking her. The newcomer to the village walked out of the closing establishment as he tied up his bag and threw it over his shoulder when he heard a scream.
Finding noone else having heard the cry out of the night, he pursued the voice's direction he had heard it originate from. Turning into a side alley, he soon found his answer, the scream he had picked up on was for good reason. A little white and black spotted rabbit, was being held by the strong arm of a boar, the look in the beast's eyes said something terrible was being planned for the little one. The newcomer slipped into the shadows, unsure of who to go to for help, what to do? If he left, the child wouldn't have a chance, her face soon plastered on the missing people poster he had viewed on a wall of the entrance. Noone ever found those who go missing because of ones like this boar. This selfish greedy monster was no stranger to the newcomer, he had seen what their kind was like. They were intolarably horrible in their actions, anything they wanted, they took, wether it was money, one's innocence or a life.
A rage soon filled the newcomer as he slipped into the shadows and scaled the wall of the side of the alley. Silently undoing the buttons on his robe. The Boar, still completly focused on the struggling little rabbit who continued to plead for help, to no avail when her mouth was clamped over with a large hoof. The newcomer, concealed in darkeness decided it would be somewhat wrong to kill someone in his first day in the new valley, the one he was seeking most likely would not be pleased either. Pulling down the black cloth the covered his mouth and nose, he called out into the alley from his hiding spot, letting his voice bounce off the walls and encircle the boar and rabbit, taunting preventing him from finding the speaker.
"You there, COWARD,
If you wish to survive long enough to leave this place
you will release the child!" The boar stood for a moment, glaring in all directions as he kept a firm hold upon the rabbit. He stood in silence for a secound before responding.
"And exactly what makes you think I'll do that?" He yelled into the darkness, As he heard this taunting reply, the newcomer clamped his eyes shut tight for a moment as he felt something all to familar rising within him. It was the reason he had traveled this distance to the valley in the first place, the newcomer carried a demon within himself that had become all too well at sufacing itself. From his position in the blackness, a terrible insane laugh came out from the shadows, springing off the walls and hitting the boar in all directions. The sound sent a sever chill through the spine of the boar. Whether he could see his opponant or not, that sickening cackle told him this person was truly enjoying this.
"I was hoping you'd say that." The silloutte whispered down to the pig.
The shadowed one reached inside his robes and produced two blades in both his paws. He watched the boar turn madly in circles trying to see through the darkness and find the voice that toyed with his mind. Leaping from his lofty perch on the rooftop of the side of the alley, the newcomer landed mere feet infront of the boar. Reacting faster than the wild pig was prepare for, a shadow leapt in front of him, thrust his blades between the legs of the pig and pulled back toward himself slashing into his left and right thighs, suddenly crippling the beast and sending him to fall onto the ground in a gasp of pain, giving the girl rabbit a chance to excapse its grasp. He tried to stand, but as he'd put his hands to the ground to push himself up to face his attacker, the black robed one slammed a blade into the boar's paw, forcing him to bellow in pain as blood poured out of the three gaping wounds on his body. Walking up to the head of the pig, the attacker panted and began shaking his head viciously from side to side ,as if trying to remove something that was stuck inside. the knive clad warrior slid the sharp edge under the pig's throat as he leaned in to whisper to the boar.
"I saw what you wanted from that child, I saw how you looked at her. I'm doing everything I can to keep from truly showing you what I believe should happen to things like yourself. Let this be a lesson to you, to use the rest of your life. There are consequences for your actions, and they will always be twice the punishment to the crime." The pig took in stifled ragged breathes as he tried not to move, making the smallest of nods in understanding. The blade was removed from its throat as the creature walked away, not before having the knife in his hoof ripped back out unmercifully sending another chilling cry of agony from the pig. He then walked away, leaving the pig to either bleed out or cry out for help. The pig looked up to see the back of his attacker leaving him in the alley when he saw him stop. The figure stood for a long moment before whipping around and sending a silver gleaming knife flying into the wall above the pig's head. The knife embedded itself three inches deep into the plaster and concrete above the boar's head, forcing him to flop to the ground again.
"I just wanted to make sure you take this seriously." He walked back over to the pig, grabbed the knife with both hands and wrenched it free and tucked it back safely in his robes. And with that the figure was gone from the pig's sights.
Walking into the light, the newcomer looked around for the little rabbit. He saw the faintest of white feet behind a cart next to a wall. He quickly sheathed his weapons and rebuttoned his black sleevless robe, tying his silver belt tight to complelte his outfit again. He coughed slightly, making it clear he wished for her to come out from beind the cart. She paused before slowly slipping her way from behind the cart, into the moonlight.
When she came into the light and looked to her savior, she saw something unexpected. There stood before her, a short hooded black sleeveless robed creature, with a silver belt around his waist. He appeared to be no taller than Master Shifu and looking at the rest of him she saw his uncovered arms had grey fur with black glovelike fur that started close to his elbows down to his fingertips. He had a thick grey tail that had black rings along it as it swished side to side. From what she could see, there was a black cloth under the hood, sheilding his identity from her, she couldn't even seem to be able to see his eyes again shrouded in darkness. She took a scared but curious step forward, knowing this person before her had come to her rescue, which must have meant she was in good hands right?
"Who..who are you?" She asked trembling slightly. The hooded figure stared down at her before pulling down his cloth from his face again, letting it rest under his chin and around his neck.
"My name is Sincato." he said with a soft voice as he pulled back his hood of his robe. As it fell behind his shoulders he stepped forward into the light. The rabbit saw his face was mostly gray and with two black triangles over his eyes, a white line tracing the top of both eyebrows. Hu looked into Sincato's eyes, they reminded her of those of the dragon warrior Po, emerald green, staring down at her with a gleem of positive energy. He looked up from the girl standing close to him and peered around the village before returning his eyes to her.
"We need to get you home, would you mind leading the way?" She nodded and began heading down the main street of the village. He walked along next to her, keeping hi eyes peeled for anything that appeared out of the oridinary. When they stopped outside of a standing alone home, he soon found something DID look out of the oridinary, to him at least. Hu noticed him staring at the oddly decorated home with a questionable look. Smiling she explained,
"Hehe yeah... my mother's an artist. My dad doesn't really care what happens to the house as long at it doesn't get too cluttered or messy." Sin nodded, walking up to the door of the home, doing his best to not knock over the apparent "art" that laid strewn around the place. Knocking on the door, they waited momentarily as the door creacked open and the face of a middle aged rabbit greeted them. Sincato nodded in a formal greeting as Hu shim ran inside the house, dragging her mother alongside her.
"Mother! Mother I was almost kidnapped tonight coming home!" The mother rabbit's eyes widened in shock as her daughter continued her story.
"This giant pig had his dirty paws on me and was dragging me into this dark alley when all of a sudden a voice came out of nowhere and told him to let me go. He didn't listen and then the man over here jumped down infront of him and hurt him so he'd let me go." Hearing himself being mentioned in the story, Sincato looked up from his view at the floor, to the mother and father rabbit who clutched thier child tight in a hug. They looked over the direction their child pointed, to the black robed raccon who stood before them in the corner, his hands in front of him, interwined together. He gave a side smile out of the corner of his mouth as the mother walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you sir, for bringing my baby home to me safe. I'd thought for the longest time our fears in the valley were finished when that snow leapord was destroyed by the dragon warrior., I suppose not." She said looking in his eyes.
"Speaking of the dragon warrior. He's actually why I'm in the village actually, can either of you tell me where to find him?" He inquired to the parents of HU Shim
"Yes yes we know where to find him, but first, you must be so tired from traveling. Allow us to set you up with a room for the evening and we'll show you to the dragon warrior first thing in the morning." Sincato nodded in agreement, he was rather tired, exausted to be fully honest and he could wait till morning for what he had come for.
"Oh forgive me for not asking sooner, what is your name dear?" The mother asked politely.
"Oh its-" the child rabbit cut him off by leaping into the air.
"Its Sincato!" She said with a laugh and her father caught her in the air, the raccoon looked back at the mother with a chuckle and a shrug. She smiled back and after an insistance from the father of having a meal together, the mother showed the raccoon to his room. He bid her goodnight and closed the door behind himself as he laid down on the bed and shut his eyes, quickly driffting off into a well needed sleep. In the morning he would finish his journey, but what the black robed raccoon was unaware of, was that his journey had just begun when entered the valley.
A/N, Ha! okay I finally got this put together, well theres chapter one everybody, please tell me what you think so far and I will do my best to have a soon update but keep in mind I am still school for the most part so be prepared to wait for a minute.