Emily's point of view:

Today is the first day of school, I have never been to this school before, so in a way I was excited to see what it was like. After my mothers breakdown earlier today I didn't want to put her thru a day of high school. I know she missed daddy just like I do, I never met him, but I miss him and I wish he was here to fill that missing space in me and mommy's hearts. I reached for my locket on my chest just to feel it, and know it was there. I couldn't see daddy, but I knew he was here I my heart. Today as I got ready I decided to take a risk and wear one of my dresses from the 20's it was my mothers.. It wasn't all that old school, I remember seeing something that looked exactly the same in a Forever 21 store. I had my bangs pulled back and let the rest of it hang by my waste. My bronze curls were long, and my mother hated cutting my hair. As I walked up to the school, all eyes focused on me. I could literally feel girls hate towards me, and guys lust towards me, I almost gagged. I can feel others emotions towards me, not others just towards me, for some strange reason. I walked thru the parking lot, looking at the damp pavement as I went.

"Hey!" A boy popped up beside me. I looked up at the smiling boy. He reminded me of a golden retriever, his blue eyes filled with excitement, and an adorable smile to match.

"Hello." I smiled.

"I'm Mike." He shook my hand.

"I'm Emily." I replied not sure why there was so much flirtation rolling off of him.

"Um, I'm not sure where the office is.. Can you show me?" I asked. Maybe I was asking the wrong person.

"Oh yeah, sure. Follow me." Mike smiled wide and started leading me to the office.

"So where you from Em?" He tried to make small talk.

"Chicago." I said in a small voice. I wasn't one to make conversation with.

"Cool Chicago. What brings you to Forks?" Now there was real curiosity rolling off of him. I could comfortably reply now.

"My family made a simple move that's all." I answered that somewhat truthfully.

"Oh, well its nice seeing some new faces in this small place." Mike joked. I just laughed.

"Well here we are." Mike gestured to the office.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"See you in class." Mike walked off, and I could have sworn I saw him wink at me. I walked into the office and went to the front desk where a woman with red hair stood looking thru papers. I walked over quietly and cleared my throat to get her attention. She looked up and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Emily Masen. The new student" I smiled.

"Oh yes Emily! Hold on one moment." The woman started going thru the papers, and then went to the back for something, and came back with more papers.

"Hello Emily, I'm Mrs. Cope. Here is your schedule, a map and get all of your teachers to sign this slip right here, then bring it back to the office at the end of the day." Mrs. Cope explained.

"Okay." I answered simply. With that I took the papers and began walking to my first class. As I entered my first class a familiar aroma filled the air…. Vampire? My eyes scanned every seat in the class room, till I found what I was looking for. A pale dark haired, pixie like girl sat there a wide smile on her face.

"Vampire?" I whispered so low only a vampire would hear or see my lips move. The pale girl nodded once and then motioned for me to sit next to her. Only half the class had arrived and the teacher wasn't even here yet. I made my way to sit next to her, she looked extremely excited and happy.

"Hi I'm Alice Cullen." She smiled.

"Hello. I'm Emily Masen." I smiled back.

"Welcome to Forks Emily, are there many more of you?" She whispered the last part.

"Its just me and my mother." I whispered back.

"The leader of your coven?" She questioned.

"No, she's my real mother, after she was changed she came back and changed me." I explained.

"Oh, that's .. different." Alice tilted her head.

"We have a strong bond." I tried to explain further.

"Are there more of you?" I asked this time.

"Yes, actually 6 of us." She giggled.

"6?" I gasped. That was a lot, more than I have ever seen.

"Yes, we get that a lot." She laughed.

"Its me, my husband Jasper, Emmett and his wife Rosalie, then there's Edward, Carlisle and his wife Esme." She explained.

"A big family." I smiled dazing off into thoughts, she said Edward that was my daddy's name. She said Carlisle, who sounds very familiar. I remember mom telling me about Carlisle, he helped my mother thru the difficult time she had with caring for me and my father. She would always get emotional talking about Carlisle, because she said she feels like she lost another father. Carlisle really did love my mommy like a daughter, he even fed her when she accidentally staid too late at the hospital and forgot to feed herself.

"Carlisle Cullen?" I asked hoping it was.

"Yes that's him." Alice smiled.

"Where can I find him?" I needed to see this man, he knew my father, my mother, and in a way me!

"Well if he's not at home, he's working at the hospital till 6." Alice answered confusion in her voice.

"Oh." I answered simply I would have to tell mother.

"Why?" Alice was feeling concern towards me.

"Just thought I knew him." I shook my head. I didn't want to disappoint myself and find out it is not the same Carlisle, so I would not set my hoped high.

"You should come over tonight and bring your mother." Alice suggested.

"I will ask mother." I smiled. I liked this Alice girl she was nice. Alice nodded and then the bell rang and we both sat forward and listened as the teacher began lecturing. The period went by fast with my mind running thru all the possibilities, what if Carlisle knew something me and mother didn't, what if Alice's Edward, was some way connected with my father Edward. The bell rang making me jump. I quickly gathered my stuff and began to walk out of the class room.

"See you at lunch Emily?" Alice asked before walking off.

"Yeah lunch." I smiled and began walking down the hall. When I got to my next class, the same vampire sent filled the air, my eyes scanned the seats till I found what put me in shock. I looked at the bronze haired boy, who stared at his desk. I took in a sharp breath and stepped back into the hall way and behind a wall. I quickly took off my locket and opened it to view the picture of my father Edward. I looked at the picture and then I peeked around the corner at the Bronze haired boy sitting at his desk, and then back at the picture and then back at him. Not only did the picture look like him, but I looked like him.. a lot. We had the same color hair, and everything. No way. I thought. No way. If I didn't get in class I would be late, so I rushed into the class room and half ran to the back desk. I didn't dare look up, I knew that if he was a vampire, he could smell me, and would be curious. I also know that other students saw me run past and might think I'm a freak. For all I knew this was Alice's Jasper, or Emmett, I didn't know he was Edward. The teacher walked in and introduced himself, then went off rambling about test grades and how the class could have done better.

"Edward was the only one to get an A." The teacher announced and everyone looked at the bronze haired boy Edward. I only saw the back of him, so I couldn't see his expression. After a few more minutes of the teachers rambling he moved on. I studied Edwards back hoping to find something I could connect the dots with, but I found nothing. I began to wonder if this was all just a part of my imagination. Say he was my father, would he still love me, would he still take me as his. Its been so long. What would I tell mommy. Oh god I had to tell mommy.

"Oh before we start, Emily Masen, please give me your slip." The teacher asked, and I put my head down. Ugh, the teacher blew it, so much for keeping it on the down low. I got out of my seat and walked up to the front with out looking at Edward, I was far to scared. I gave the teacher my slip, he signed it and the gave it back to me. And I tried as quickly as possible to get back to my seat. I sat down but curiosity burnt inside me and ran in my veins. I slowly put my head up just to take a peak at Edward, and sure enough he was looking directly at me. Confusion, anger and annoyance radiating off of him towards me. He hated me. If I could cry I would be. I gathered my stuff and ran out of the class room. I couldn't take it, my own father didn't like me. I ran out of the school and decided to go home, I let our dry sobs my whole way there. I ran human speed, I didn't want to look too suspicious to anyone, we just got here, no need to move, although I had a feeling we would have to be moving soon, due to the hate my father holds for me. I let out a loud fresh sob and ran my way home. It felt I was running for hours, painful hours. The man I loved the most, the man I longed t meet and see, hated me. I finally made it t the house, luckily the door was unlocked, so I ran right in, past mother, and up to my room and locked the door.

"He hates me." I cried into my pillow.

"Who hates you?" My mother asked from outside my door.

"He hates me." I cried again. Somehow she got the door unlocked and ran to my side, she put a hand on my pack, and stroked my hair with the other.

"Who hates you baby?" She asked worry, thick in her voice.

"Daddy." I sobbed. It went completely quite, she didn't even stroke my hair or rub my back, it was completely silent. All you could hear was my sniffles.

"No, he doesn't hate you, he loves you and always will." My mothers voice was angry now with a hint of sadness. I sat up this time to explain.

"No mommy…… I .. .I'll show you." I sat up and held her hand.

"Show me?" She said slowly.

"Follow me." I Stood up and pulled her with me out of the room.

"Where are we going Emily?" She asked very worriedly.

"Don't worry just please run with me." I said and started running hoping she would follow. At first when I looked behind me she wasn't there, I didn't stop running.

"Come on mommy." I whispered. The she appeared in the distance running behind me. We ran together for just a few minutes until we reached the hospital. When we stopped in front of the hospital my mother looked hesitant.

"Emily.." She started.

"Mom, wait here." I nodded. I knew she hated being in hospitals, I wouldn't put her thru that. I walked into the hospital, and it wasn't very busy. I went up to the front desk to ask for Carlisle Cullen. The lady was on the phone, so I waited for her to finish. Once she was finished she began looking thru paper work and seriously, that would have to wait.

"Excuse me." I called. She didn't look up.

"Excuse me." I said a little louder and she looked up.

"Hi, how may I help you?" She smiled, an annoyed smile.

"I have to see Carlisle Cullen." I stated.

"He is really busy, I'm sorry its going t have to wait." She went back to looking thru those papers of hers. I could not wait any longer, this had to be settled. I ignored the lady at the desk who yelled at me to 'not go back there', but I ignored it and went right past her.

"Carlisle." I called, he was a vampire, I'm sure he could hear me.

"Carlisle." I tried again.

"Yes?" A males voice came from behind me. I turned on my heel and stared up at Carlisle. Pale skinned like myself. He looked a little worried.

"May I help you?" He asked again.

"Yes." I said and reached to take off my locket, and open it.

"Do you know this man?" I showed him the picture and his eyes softened.

"Yes that's Edward." He nodded. My eyes grew wide. This is Carlisle Cullen, the Carlisle that helped my father my mother and myself.

"Carlisle, I'm Emily. My mother is Bella Masen." I whispered. Carlisle's eyes grew wide and then his hand went to my cheek.

"Emily?…… you're so big." He hugged me then pulled away. "And your eyes there still green like your fathers!"

"Where is you're mother?" He smiled.

"Out side…. She doesn't like hospitals.. Since.." I didn't need to say more, Carlisle understood. He grabbed my hand and we began walking towards the exit of the hospital. Once we were outside and in my mothers view she froze, not that she was moving before, but her muscles tensed , here eyes got wide, and she dropped the flower she had in her hand. A flower she must of picked up while I was in the hospital. She always had a passion for nature, and flowers. She doesn't sketch anymore, she just looks now.

"Carlisle?" We heard her whisper. Carlisle nodded once and my mother ran into his arms. She rested her head on his chest and let out a dry sob.

"Carlisle!" She cried.

"Bella, its me ." He rubbed her back. I just watched in awe . My mother looked happy and I loved it. My mom pulled away and looked at Carlisle.

"You haven't changed one bit." She smiled and they both laughed. It was quiet for a moment as they both let everything sink in.

"I want you to meet my family." Carlisle stated and whipped out his keys.

Bella's point of view:

We drove in a comfortable silence, but I kept looking back at Emily and she seemed nervous. She kept fidgeting with her hands.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing momma." She smiled, but I saw through it. Maybe she would like to discuss it later. I was extremely happy to see Carlisle, to find a long lost friend or family member. I felt like I found a little piece of me, but not all of me. Edward was my life, he made me whole, he made me see the world in a way I would have never seen it before. We arrived at Forks high school, they must play as high school students, like Emily and occasionally myself. As we drove into the parking lot a group of people stood by a silver Volvo, I looked at Carlisle questioningly.

"One can tell the future." He shrugged. I just smiled. We parked and got out of the car and Carlisle led us to the people by the Volvo. Emily stayed behind me in a shy gesture, but I could not see why, she was never shy when meeting new people. Just very polite from what I've seen. We walked up and I turned my attention to the strangers in front of me.

"Bella, Emily, this is Alice, Jasper , Emmett, and Rosalie." He smiled and gestured to each person as he spoke their name.

"Hello." I smiled at each of them.

"Oh yes and Bella, there's Edward." Carlisle whispered. My eyes searched for this Edward fellow, and when I found him my knees got weak, and I thought I felt my dead heart beat. There with all his glory Edward Masen was walking towards me, his bronze hair the same mess it was the day I met him. His eyes no longer that stunning green but now a stunning topaz like mine. His eyes grew wide as he met my gaze.

"Ed-ward." I choked out.

"Bella?" He squinted his eyes as if he needed to see better. . All these days, I have been wasting away, I didn't even look for an explanation, or other answers, I just thought I had to accept he was gone, forever and I would never get him back. Edward stopped walking and stared at me with an expression I could not read.

"Edward Masen." I whispered. This time Carlisle answered.

"Yes Bella, your Edward Masen. Carlisle whispered to me.

"Bella Swan?" Edwards sweet voice spoke up this time, but not the voice I remember this voice was even more smooth more velvety.

"No." I shook my head. If tears could from they would be, in fact I would be drowning in them. Edward looked a little disappointed, and a little hurt.

"Bella Masen." I cried and ran to him.

I ran to him like there was no tomorrow, I saw it as I ran, I saw the park we sat in when the apple tree was to far, I saw the lake he loved to take me to just for fun, I saw that night at the hospital, me in tears and my love letting go, I saw it all as I ran to him, I saw it all. He caught me in his arms and lifted me, kissing me on the lips. He spun me around and then sat me back on the ground. My hands went to his hair, his ears, his cheeks, his lips. He's here, and its real, he's here and I'm in his arms, like I wished to be again, every single day.

"Hello Stranger." I breathed taking in his sweet smell.

"Bella." He whispered and kissed me again, so much passion in each kiss, so much I have missed, his touch , his stare, his kiss, his everything, everything I wished I wanted. Everything I wished I would get back here now , with me right at this moment.

"I missed you so much." I cried into his shoulder.

"I never let go Bella, I never let go." He hugged me tightly. I felt my world coming together, I felt those broken pieces come back together to form one, to form the Bella, I use to be.

"Oh Edward!" I cried into his shoulder as he held me.

"I love you Bella." He kissed my cheek.

"I love you Edward." I kissed him on the lips, and let my lips do the rest of the explaining. I pulled him closer if that was possible and he tightened his hold on me and responded with deepening the kiss. My hand traveled to his head and I pulled him closer. I remembered something from earlier.


"He hates me." Emily cried.

"Who hates you?" I asked.

"Daddy." She sniffed.

End of flashback.

I pulled out of the kiss to look Edward straight in the eye, so much love held in his.

"There is someone who has been dieing to meet you." I sniffed away the invisible tears.

"Who would that be?" Edward tilted his head in confusion. I didn't answer instead I gently pulled out of his hold and grabbed his hand, to pull him back to where Carlisle and the rest stood. Everyone except Carlisle and Emily had shocked faces on, I could tell Edward had yet to explain his past life. Emily had a rather scared expression on her face, but I would fix that, I would show her how much her father loves her. Carlisle had a joyful look on his face. As we got to the group Emily looked down at the pavement and played with her hands. I let go of Edwards hand and ran to her side, I put my arms around her.

"He didn't know." I whispered into her ear. "Show him you know."

She immediately put her hand to her locket and twisted it in her fingers. I looked up at Edward who had a shocked expression on his face once he saw the locket, he knew that locket, I knew that locket. I gave her a small push forward and she stumbled forward, staring at Edward.

"My eyes." Edward whispered looking at Emily's eyes, and he was right, those were his eyes. She took slow steps to him and her breathing got a little heavy. She walked at the same speed till she came face to face with him.

"Hi, I'm Emily." She looked at the ground. "You might not know me, but I know you." With that Edward lifted her from the ground, and hugged her and she responded by wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Of course I know who you are, with those eyes and that beauty. You're my little Emily, and I have loved you since the day I knew you existed. I never stopped loving you and I never will." He promised her and hugged her tightly.

"I love you too daddy." She cried into his shoulder.

"My baby." He murmured and kissed her cheek. The other watched in pure shock, I watched in joy and awe, Carlisle watched with the same joy I watched in. They hugged for a long time, till Edward put her down, but then grabbed her hand.

"See." She undid her locket and opened it so he could see the picture of him inside of it. A brilliant smile spread across his face and he looked down at Emily and leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Look." Edward smiled and pulled out his wallet and opened it and then showed it to Emily, whatever it was made Emily glow with joy and excitement. She grabbed the wallet and ran to me.

"Mommy look." She showed me the wallet and inside was a picture of Emily just a little baby, and right next to it was me sitting under the apple tree. I smiled wide.

"He didn't forget." Emily smiled.

"No he didn't." I nodded, those invisible tears running.

"How could I?" This time Edward spoke and began walking towards Emily and I.

"My life, my reason to be was taken away from me, my little Emily gone. My love, my life, my other half, taken from me, my Bella gone. I tried to go back and look for you too, just to watch over like I promised, But when I arrived the news was Bella had died. I looked for Emily but I could not find her, she must have been out of town, but I actually stole those pictures from Bella's mothers house." Edward explained.

"I hadn't died, I had been attacked by a vampire while visiting your grave. I didn't know what I was but I knew I wanted blood, human blood. I couldn't do it though, so I fed off animals which was satisfying. Then I went back to find Emily, living a sad lonely life. So I decided to change her, and when the transformation was done, she woke up with the same stunning green eyes. They never change." I explained.

"We missed you daddy, so much. Mommy didn't even smile for a long time, and I would always make her cry when I would ask about you, but I couldn't help it I wanted to know you so bad because even though I didn't know you completely I already loved you so much." Emily hugged Edward again.

"Well we are all here and we wont have to worry about that stuff ever again, because we will always have each other from now on." Edward hugged both Emily and I.