(A/N: Hello, and welcome to the Epilogue- the final chapter of Mi Amor, Aerrow!)
Disclaimer: I still, unfortunately, do not own Storm Hawks or any of its characters… *sniff* ENJOY! =)
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Piper's POV
Dear Journal, I write, it's been 4 full weeks since I was captured by the Cyclonians, 4 full weeks since I was rescued by the team, and 4 full weeks since my true love and I became a couple.
You should've seen the way everyone else reacted! It was the next day, when Aerrow and I walked out into the main room hand-in-hand, that they immediately found out. Stork gasped in sarcasm- but I saw him smile before he left to steer the ship again, Junko gathered the both of us into one of his famous bone-crushing hugs, Radaar cheered, and Finn claimed he knew all along. He accidentally let it slip that he'd read my diary prior to everything. He's still recovering from the big lump on his head that I gave him by throwing a baseball at him- the one that was his and was conveniently lying around at the time.
As for Aerrow and I… I pause in thought, and then continue. Well, let's just say that it's hard to go out on a date when there's a team to manage, and we certainly can't leave Finn in charge again, now can we?
But we manage. For instance, a few days ago, Aerrow and I stayed up all night in the main room, watching movies, commentating for them, and just talking period. It was so fun. Ok, so I didn't manage to stay up all night. I actually fell asleep. When I woke up, I asked mi amor if I'd fallen asleep and how long I was out. He told me that I did fall asleep, and that he'd lost track of time because he had been watching me sleep. He also said that I look like an angel when I'm asleep- calm, peaceful, and adorable. He's so sweet.
And I ended up falling back asleep about an hour later, this time I fell asleep in his arms. I remember that I'd dreamt I was flying with him somewhere- anywhere, in the warmth of the sun.
When I woke up for the second time that night, I found myself back in my room. He must've carried me back to my room, I thought. I even went to check up on him (who knew how long I'd been out?). I found him in his room asleep. And he says I look like an angel when I sleep, I thought. He's absolutely adorable when he's asleep. Sure, I can't see his beautiful green eyes when he's asleep, but he looks like a baby when he's sleeping. I'm not saying he sucks his thumb or anything- just that he looks so innocent. And he was smiling in his dream. I wonder if he dreamt the same thing as me…
Anyway, yeah, it's been 4 weeks. A month since we got together. I'm wondering, should I get him something- like a month-erversary present? I know it sounds tacky, but I've been waiting for this for a long time. I want to make the most of it… So what should I-
"Piper!" Finn says, now standing at my door, "C'mon! Terra Neon awaits!"
"Terra Neon?" I ask, completely confused, "No one said anything about Terra Neon."
"Oops, must've slipped my mind," he says, "now c'mon! You can write later!"
After he leaves, I sigh. I can never get all of my writing done. But I've got most of it done, I suppose. I close my journal and place it in the drawer of my desk, and then lock it. Finn hasn't touched it since the baseball incident, but why tempt him?
Terra Neon… no one told me… I look out of my window. Finn was right, we're here already.
And then I almost gag with a sudden thought. I check the calendar. It's his birthday!So that's why we're on Terra Neon!I need to find something for Aerrow- now! Argh! What would he like? Something from Neon? A stuffed animal? Funnel cake (A/N: Mmm, funnel cake)? A-
Then it hits me. I stare at my desk where I left it. Why didn't I think of this sooner?? I put the object in my bag and run out of the room to join the others.
Aerrow's POV
Terra Neon's where I chose to come for my birthday. Why, you ask? For starters, being the energetic person that I am, I won't be able to stay still, and Neon can take care of that with all of it's side-show attractions and rides.
The second reason, and by far the most dictating reason for my choice, is that Piper and I can get in some real alone time. All of this will keep everyone so entertained that they might not notice the birthday boy slip out of the spotlight for a moment, right?
My thoughts stop for a minute when Piper comes in. I smile at her. She smiles right back, her orange eyes bright with excitement. I'm so glad that her eyes are back to normal. The reddish-purple color didn't suit her like orange does.
"Happy birthday, Aerrow!" She says as she tackles me for a hug and gives me a birthday kiss. "Where'd everybody else go?" She asks as she looks around for everyone else.
I squeeze her tight. "You know Finn, he never wants to wait." I told her. "I told them that I'd wait for you."
"As usual?"
"As usual. C'mon," I say, leading her by the hand, "we've gotta catch up with them before they come back and mob us."
She laughs as we step off of the ship. Terra Neon actually was a good choice. Not only because Piper and I can get away from the guys (I mean, I love them like brothers, but they really are like brothers- Finn pokes fun at me and Piper, Junko goes "awww" every few minutes, Stork suggests a bunch of repellants for when we go on our honeymoon, and Radaar… well, he's very excited that we're together, and I mean that), but we can actually have some real fun here.
There's something everyone wants to try wherever you look. I can see a very, very tall roller coaster that I'm dying to try to my right. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Piper eyeing a nearby booth.
Maybe I could win her a prize? I don't care if it's my birthday and it's supposed to be my day, the Storm Hawks are known for not following the rules.
"Come on already!!" Finn shouts from the crowd, earning him a few stares and making him easy to pick out.
Piper gives me a "what are we going to do with him" look. I laugh and walk towards or group.
"Jeez, you guys take forever!" Finn tells us.
"Well, we're here now," I tell him, "so where to first?"
"I say scatter and regroup later," Finn says.
"I think Aerrow should choose," Junko says kindly, "It is his birthday after all."
"Thanks Junko. And actually, Finn's idea isn't a bad one."
"Really?" Stork said, eyeing Finn, "It's just the perfect plan for our enemies to pick us off one by one." He gasped. "Or even worse, we could be overrun by mind worms."
"What is it with you and mind worms?" Finn asks Stork. Before Stork can answer, he says, "Ok, you heard the b-day boy, scatter! Let's meet back by the Ferris Wheel in a couple of hours. Let's go!"
Finn and Junko high-tail it towards a clutter of booths. Stork rolls his eyes and heads back in the direction of the Condor. "They never heed my warnings," he mutters, "one day… one day they'll regret it."
I turn to Radaar. "Hey buddy," I tell him, "could you do me a favor and make sure Stork has some fun while we're here?"
Radaar gives me a small salute before he takes off after Stork.
Suddenly, I start laughing. When Piper looks at me like I'm crazy, I say "Wow, I didn't think it'd take so little effort to get some alone time."
Piper giggles. "Well, that's Finn for you. Sometimes he can be a bit of a pain, but he has his moments."
I smile at her. "Ok, where do you wanna go first?"
"It's your birthday, I'm supposed to go where you want to go." She smiles.
"Yeah," I say, "but as the birthday boy, I want you to choose."
"Touché," she says. "Ok, how about a roller coaster?"
Just what I had in mind. Well, one thing, anyway. "Which one?" I ask. There are a lot -and I mean a lot- of roller coasters on Terra Neon. Corkscrews, flying coasters, bobsled coasters, even suspended coasters. It's almost impossible to choose. But I'm letting Piper choose.
She looks around at all of the roller coasters in view. "How about that one?" She's pointing to a flying coaster that's called "Wind Swept," promptly named because of all of it's loops and turns.
"Sure, I'm up for it. Let's go!" I say.
We race each other to the end of the line, which is long- very long. I already know it's going to be a pretty long wait, and as much as I hate waiting, I'll do it.
Time passes slowly. I see Piper check her watch. "How much time until we all meet back at the Ferris Wheel?" I can't help but ask.
She sighs. "About an hour."
An hour's gone by?! Already? I look around the people ahead of us to see how far we are from riding. That's when I see the sign. I groan.
"What's wrong?" Piper asks.
I point ahead at the sign. She looks to where I'm pointing and groans. "'A sixty minute wait from this point.' We're not even at that point yet!" She sighs. "Maybe we should try another ride…"
"Sounds like a plan to me." I lead her away from the line and look back. People are already moving up to fill our spots in the line, making the part of the line that was behind us shift.
Piper's POV
Although Finn may find it hard to believe, I love Terra Neon, and I'm glad Aerrow picked it for his birthday. So many rides, booths, side shows… a few- no, a lot of rides and things for couples. Even though it's loud because of all the people, it's a really nice place. It's even better since I'm spending the next hour with Aerrow.
"Ok, you choose this time," I tell him.
"Alright." He says. He looks around. I catch him looking at another nearby coaster, but when he sees the too-long line, he immediately starts looking for something else. "Wanna try a booth?" He asks, pointing in the direction that Finn ad Junko headed in over an hour ago.
"Sure," I say as he leads me towards the booths.
There are tons of them. There are some "knock over the bottles to get a prize" booths, "shoot 'em all" booths (I can see one of the booth managers trying to quickly refill the counter with toys. I think Finn's been here already…), and some squirting game booths. Along with the booths are a few food stands and side show games, such as the "test your strength" one (I see that the bell at the top is missing- yes, missing- from that game. Yep, they've definitely been through here.).
I stop by a booth when something catches my eye. Hanging from the ceiling is… an Aerrow doll. A tiny, chibi version of Aerrow. Whether you have to sign off on a contract for someone to make a doll of you or something, I'm not sure. But out of the blue, I just start giggling, only to stop after Aerrow looks back at me to see what I'm laughing at.
Pretending that I don't notice his glance, I settle in front of the booth, slapping down some change for the game onto the counter. It's a knock-over-the-bottles-with-a-ball game. "Three please," I tell the booth manager, since to win that prize I have to knock out three stacks of bottles in a row to win it. He scoops my money off of the counter and lays out three balls for me.
"What do you wanna win?" Aerrow asks, eyeing the prizes above us as I wind up to throw it.
I let the ball go and it sails through the air directly into it's target. One stack down, two to go. "It's a secret," I tell him, getting ready to take my second shot. I let the ball slip through my fingers straight into my target. Two for two. One more…
I eye the third and final stack of bottles while rotating my last ball in my hand. I have to aim carefully with this one- it all comes down to this. I hold the ball behind me, winding up to throw it. The noise around me seems to go silent. It's only me, the ball, and the stack of bottles.
Finally, I let the ball go. It speeds towards the target, but in slow motion for me. It's almost there. Almost…
It pushes right through the stack, making them all fall to the ground in defeat. "Yeah! Way to go Piper!" Aerrow says.
"So what'll it be?" asks the booth manager. His hand motions to the prizes around him.
"That one," I say, pointing to the chibi Aerrow doll.
When Aerrow sees him hand me the prize I want, his eyes widen. I laugh and hug the plushy little doll to my chest. I hold it up for him to see. "Looks like you've got a little admirer," I tell him.
"Who?" He says, grinning, "You or the doll?" I nudge him playfully with my elbow as we walk away from the booth.
The Ferris Wheel towers over us as we look around for the guys. We can't find them. I glance at a clock on a nearby building. The two hours are up- they should be here by now…
"Hey," Aerrow says, breaking into my thoughts, "wanna ride on the Ferris Wheel while we wait?"
I glance over at the line for the ride. It's not long. In fact, it's actually short. Short. A short line on Terra Neon… Weird… "Sure," I smile at him. We walk hand in hand to the end of the short line and wait our turn.
Still holding my hand, Aerrow let's me get into our seat first. He thanks the wheel operator as he climbs in. He looks back as the man closes our door. "Y'all have a nice ride," he says to us. And I could've sworn that he winked at Aerrow. Aerrow might've winked back, but he was facing the man so that I couldn't see his face.
Finally, Ferris Wheel began to move. With my new plushie in my bag, I gaze out at the activity that is going on below us as we ascend in our seat.
"It's so nice up here," I try to say nonchalantly.
"Yeah, it is," Aerrow says quietly.
A few minutes pass and the Ferris Wheel slows to a stop, with us at the highest point. And that's when it hits me. I go in my bag to get out my present for him.
"Aerrow," I begin.
"Hm?" He looks at me quizzically.
"Could you close your eyes for a second?"
"Trust me- just close them."
He closes his eyes obediently. "Ok, what is it?" he asks, his face slightly twisted in confusion (so cute…).
"Hold out your hands." He holds them out for me and I place my present in his open hands. "Alright," I say, smiling, "open them."
Aerrow opens his eyes to look at what he's holding. "Wow," he says, checking out his present. The crystal that I found on Tropica glows the brightest I've seen it, even with all of the lights of Neon trying to dim its pink glow. But… it's changed its shape again. It's now in the shape of, not one, but two hearts, side-by-side and connected to each other.
Suddenly, before anyone can say anything, it begins to change before our eyes. It glows brightly, almost bright enough to blind me, but I continue to see it change. The crystal looks like it's melting together into another shape. It happens so quickly that when I blink from the light it's done reforming.
After blinking away the dots in front of my eyes from the sudden brightness, I stare at the crystal that is still in Aerrow's hand. It is, once again, one whole heart. Except it looks more refined this time than it did back on Tropica.
"Wow," Aerrow says again. "Where'd you find it?"
"Back on Tropica," I told him.
"I love it." He kissed me, his soft lips thanking me, just before the ride began to turn again (in the back of my mind, I think about the supposed wink that Aerrow and the wheel operator exchanged. I'm sure that Aerrow had something to do with the ride stopping at that particular point in the ride.).
"HEY! LOVEBIRDS!" I know that voice anywhere. I reluctantly break off the kiss to look down below. Finn is down there with the others, waiting for us. He's standing near a birthday cake with the candles already lit. "C'MON! THERE'S GONNA BE MELTED WAX ALL OVER THE CAKE BY THE TIME YOU GET DOWN HERE!"
"WE CAN'T RUSH THE RIDE FINN!" I yell back at him. Then I start laughing. Aerrow laughs with me too. We laugh ourselves until the ride ends.
After the birthday song is done, it's time for him to blow out the candles. "Make a wish Aerrow," I say.
He looks at the semi-melted candles and then looks around at all of us, letting his eyes rest on me. "But what more could I wish for?" he asks, "I've got all I need right here."
"Some anti-rash lotion would be nice…" Stork mutters, making everyone- except for him (he was serious) laugh.
As Aerrow blows out his candles, I think about all that's happened within the last month. A few weeks ago, this wouldn't have happened if he had left me with Cyclonis like I told him too. I had said that I hated him. But we declared our love for each other the very same day. I hope it stays this way forever.
When all of his candles are blown out, the whole team cheers. "Dog pile on the birthday boy!" Finn calls out. He, Junko, and Radaar jump on him, causing him to collapse under their weight.
While Stork rolls his eyes, I laugh and think- that's mi amor, Aerrow.
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A/N: Yayz!!! And that's a wrap! Phew! Took me a while to get this chapter down- it took up four and a half pages in my word document! Lol… look out for more Storm Hawks stories- I love this couple so much I may be writing up another story for them soon enough! A sequel, perhaps? We'll see… =)
Also, thanks to my faithful reviewers- I appreciate the motivation y'all gave me to continue with this story! You guys are awesome!