Hey sorry it took long I didn't had internet!and sorry you waited so long for a short chapter i didnt had time!
Bella P.O.V
This really, really sucks!
I kept chanting in my head, while driving home, I can't believe I'm going to ruin his life like that! I don't want him to suffer!
I got home a quick as possible, I parked on the drive way and kept quiet. I look back at Edward and he was out of the car already. Waiting for me to get out.
With a deep sign I got out and took Renesmee out the car and carried her to the door. I hate being stared at so I struggled putting the lock because Edward stared at me like I'm someone special!
He took the key from me and unlock it, while opening the door for me, that was a shock, he used to be a big jock, who doesn't do much nice things like I remembered.
I got in and put Renesmee down.
"Go to bed okay?"
"But mommy!"
"No buts! Go now" She always get she wants but not this time. She gave me a sour look, and turn to look at Edward, than back at me, and walked to her room. I feel so stress out! I fell on the couch and breathed. How was this going to end! it is not getting better!
I sat there for a while and forgot Edward was here, he sat next to me and went far to the edge of the couch. I looked to him through my hair wondering if he is okay. But then I just notice something. But I'm going to try to be nice a little.
"Hey,umm…you don't have any extra things with you right?"
"Man! That's right, I'll just go to Alic-"
"Wait, Alice is here?" I interrupted him.
"Ya, everyone is, why?" He looked at me curious
I just blushed and looked away. "Well, is that is been about 5 yea-"
"6 years." He flinch once he said that, is been that long?
"And I want to meet them, well not meet them like my first time seeing them, I mean like see them again, but it doesn't need to be now."
I stop there, cause I would keep on talking.
"Okay, then I'll go now-"
"No!umm..I could drive you, I'm just going to take a fast shower, is that alright?"
"Are you okay, because when you were at the hospital it felt like you didn't want anything to do with me but now…" He trailed off
"I know, well we need to… talk, Edward umm…do you want to know why I did that to you,… I mean like left?"
I looked down when I asked that,
"Yes." He whispered.
"Well, that night I found out that-"
Then the door bell rang, and made me jump.
"I'll get it don't worry." Edward said really polite, that is really new to me.
But I still keep shouting in my head: HOLY SHIT!!!!
I sat there for a while and decided to take a shower now, than waste any time.
I walked inside my room and took any clothes I found, like some jeans and a grey t-shirt. I quietly ran to the shower when I passed Renesmee's room and headed to the bathroom.
Once I got in I looked at myself in the mirror, and didn't really like what I saw, my hair was in different directions, and my eyes were just about to close, like I didn't sleep at all this whole day!
Shit! Now this is how I looked in front of him like a freaking raggy old lady from the streets?!
I really didn't pay attention to that, so I strip out my clothes and run the shower, when it was warm enough I got in and relaxed myself.
Edward's P.O.V
Holy shit! Was all I could say, when I was at the hospital, it was like any other day, and then a nurse came up to me saying that, a Isabella Swan was here, but I didn't get my hopes up there are lots of Isabella Swans, here.
When I got her room almost every nurse and doctor was in here. I looked at them and one lady gave me a smile. Man, this must be her. Once I came up to the young lady I almost fell on my face!
This is Isabella Swan!
The one I was looking for!, After 5-6 years!
She looks so beautiful!
Young, and here with me, but she looked so broken, "what happened to her?" I asked one of the doctors.
"She been seen naked, and not breathing." WHAT?!
"Can you give me a minute?" I asked everyone to give me some time alone with her.
I sat on her bed and stroke her cheek
I can't believe this is happing.
I sat there hours and hours until she wakes up, but one of the nurse came in.
"Bella's daughter is here."
WAIT! She was prego?!
Man, I wonder who the lucky guy is.
Then a little girl came in the room with tears!
Holy crap the last time I told a kid some bad news they hit me right where some boy or men wouldn't like to be hit there, HARD!
I hope she's easy.
"Is she alright!"
Man! I thought she would be easy!
"Ummm, hey, I'm Edward Cullen, and you are?"
"EDWARD!"She was crying oh shizt this isn't good.
She ran to my arms.
"Mommy knows you! I'm Renesmee!" she cried.
"Great! Could we stop yelling?!"
She giggled and nodded.
Weird, I put her down and sat next to Bella again.
"She talks about you a lot." Renesmee whispered.
"Do you think she would like it if we talked about her like this?"
She looked afraid.
"She's going to be alright, don't worry, I'll get her up now okay?" She ran to me I never knew I had a soft side, if Emmett or Jasper knew they would laugh.
I let her hug me with my arms around her feeling love?
Now my chance to finally talk to her.
"Bella you need to wake up."
End of flash back
I opened the door and there was a man and a kid there.
"Umm can I help you??" I feel really confused.
"Oh hey I'm giving Jason to Bella this week and here's his things and I'll pick him up next week okay?" He was just ganna leave me with a kid.
"Wait who's Jason and why does he have to stay here? And who are you?"
He look at me and had a smile?
"Oh you don't know me I'm Jason's father and Bella is Jason's mother and I'm Jacob nice to meet you." He pulled out his hand and my mouth was hanging open.
"Jason is Bella's son? How many kids does she have?!" I can't believe Bella would do this!
"hey take it easy she only has two that I know of." We stand there waiting for a respond
Than there was a gasp.
Bella was there red and worried. "Bella what is going on?" I demanded. She went to open her mouth but nothing came out. This is full of shit!