Hey this is my first fan-fiction so please read and tell me what you think and sorry for any errors.




"Bella get up and fix me some breakfast, now!"


I mumbled some unintelligible things while crawling out of bed. My clock said 6:30A.M.

I threw on a tank top some baggy-jeans, and my vans.

I dashed down the halls to make my Aunt Trina and her daughters Lauren and Jessica some breakfast.


"Bella hurry up," my aunt yelled from the houses intercom.


While pressing the intercom button I said" I'm coming."

I'm probably one of the most clumsiest people alive had to walk up marble stairs carrying a platter of food.

Luckily for me I made it up the stairs with only a few stumbles. I walked into my aunts giant bedroom and looked around seeing the stack of dirty cloths I would have to clean and fold, the king size bed in a tangled sheet mess, and my aunt looking as horrid as usual. She told me set her food down on her nightstand then leave right when my watch went off signaling it was time to leave to go to school or I would be late.

I ran out of her room and down the stairs but my luck couldn't last I fell on the last few steps. It didn't hurt that bad so I got up and ran to get my skateboard to go to school.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I said as I sat next to one of my best friends Angela or as I call her Angie.

"Nothing you?" Angela said from on her boyfriends lap Ben.

"The usual torturous Aunt."

"I'm sorry" Nessie said from on her boyfriend Jacob Black's lap. She and Angela grabbed my hand.

"I'm used to it by now." We stead there until the warning bell rang and I had to run to make it to my first class.

I put in my I-pod head phones to drown out the teachers constant babble. As the bell finally rang I grabbed my stuff and headed sluggishly to my next class. The rest of my classes I had with Angela, Nessie, Jacob, or Ben. We talked and then when class would start we would pass notes.


After History I headed to the cafeteria with Nessie and Angela at my sides and me in the middle like usual.

We sat down Nessie and Angela giving their boyfriends a kiss on the cheek. It was about five minutes into lunch when THE Edward Cullen AKA the most popular and hot guy with his brownish reddish hair and piercing emerald green eyes stood up on a table to get everybody attention.

I almost didn't hear what he was saying because of his velvety smooth voice until I made my self-pay attention to what he was saying and not how sexy his voice sound.

"Hey, since I won the annual Twilight skateboarding competition last year I will be hosting and competing in it this year so anybody who wants to sign up be at the New moon skate park tomorrow at 4:00 P.M." With that he got down off the table.

I started thinking about how much I would love to do that competition but I knew I was no were near good enough to win manly if he was going to be competing.

I turned around only to find all my friends staring at me with this mischievous glint in their eyes.

"What?" I Yelled probably a little bit louder then I should have.

"You are so entering!" Angela screamed while locking her hands around one of my writs while Nessie grabbed the other.

"No I'm not." I said back with little hope of actually getting out of it. I tried to get my writs out of their hold to little avail.

"If you don't you will endure shopping and say bye-bye to your wardrobe." Nessie said in a menacing tone knowing that I hated going shopping with them and I loved the cloths I had right now.

With a sigh I agreed to join if they would come with me.

Please leave me any Questions ,suggestions or you want to comment that would make me happy
