It was an absolutely spiffing day in Los Angeles/New York/Japan/England. The birds were singing, the sky was blue and the children were playing in the parks.

At a particular courthouse, a rather vexing case was coming to a close. A moving picture was seen projecting onto a sheet of white material, showing the details of a dubious offence.


The sound of someone clearing one's throat sounded across the area. "I say," announced a peculiar gentlemen an odd red suit. "Didn't the gentleman in pursuit of the lady commit a most grievous foul by enfolding a handful of the young lady's hair at precisely the moment when the knife appeared?"

Across the way, another peculiar gentleman with spiky hair and sporting a monocle, shook his head and pointed at the other. "By Jove Mr. Edgeworth, I do believe a review of the television transmission, with the motion slowed to provide extended opportunity to examine the event, leads unimpeachable support to your observation."

The red-suited man tapped his top-hat and smirked. "Do allow me to differ, my good man. Clearly, your vision is muddled from having your head in your alimentary canal."

"Forsooth!" Proclaimed the elderly gentleman on the podium. He struck his gavel onto the stand in an attempt to extinguish the most troublesome conversation.

However, his attempt was fruitless as the spiky-haired gentleman frowned and replied. "Nay, honourable sir, I submit to you that if you cannot see that which is so plain on the screen, you are most likely suffering from an intestinal backup, which has rendered your eye colour brown."

The elderly gentleman banged his gavel again. "Gentlemen, may I ask that you clear the area, so that I may recollect myself before the recommencement of this trail? Your behaviours are becoming most unbecoming."

As the court cleared, the two gentlemen approached each other with slight hesitation, watching as a young woman took a turn about the room while pushing a perambulator.

"I say Miles," Commented Phoenix adjusting his monocle. "I do apologize profusely for my most unsociable behaviour."

Miles tipped his top-hat to the other. "Water under the bridge and all that, wot?" He keeled down and placed his person in front of the other. "What say you and I cavort in the courthouse library during this short reprieve?"

Phoenix let out a hearty chuckle, "Capitol idea old chap." He said, before a troublesome expression flitted across his face. "But I must ask that you retire from that semi-recumberent position. It is most indecorous."


R: Why do half of my fics end up full of crackery?