"Buyo! Where are you, you stupid cat!" Please tell me she didn't fall down into the well. It could hurt her unborn kittens! Who wants to buy dead Kittens?!? Kagome runs to the well house and sure enough Buyo is looking down at the well. Buyo thinks it would be the perfect place to birth her kittens. Kagome knows she's about to give birth so she picks her up and finds a dark corner for Buyo to birth. She birthed a rainbow litter many different colors and stripes.

"Aw poor kitty, I think I love you already!" One scrawny orange kitten stands out to Kagome. She decides to name it Shippo.

A week later Kagome goes in the well house like she has been doing every day since Buyo gave birth to check on her and the kitten. She walks in she see the orange little kitten on the edge of the well.

"Oh no! Shippo get down from there!" She dives for the kitten just as he hops down the well. As she catches the kitten – while falling through the well - she's suddenly surrounded by a bright blue light. As it fades she sees blue sky coming from the top of the well. Shippo climbs and rest on her shoulder, under a thick veil of her ebony hair.

Kagome starts to climb up the well and she finds herself outside – not only that but her home is gone and now is replaced by loads of forest. She looks around wondering where the heck is she. Suddenly Shippo jumps off her shoulder and starts running.

"Shippo! Come back here!" She runs after Shippo and finds him lovingly in the arms of a little girl. The girl is cute. Her hair is still fine like a newborn baby, and as the sun reflects off it, it has a brown warm and inviting color. Kagome is instantly attached to the girl.

"Rin loves Kagome. Rin loves Kagome's kitten Shippo more. Rin wants a kitten too. Maybe Rin can ask milord to get her a kitten just like Shippo. Can Shippo do any cool tricks? Rin doesn't care she still loves Shippo." Rin aimlessly talking –more to herself than Kagome. Kagome is wondering where she is still – all she could get from Rin is the Western Lands. What are the Western Lands? Why is this adorable – yet talkative -little girl by herself? Don't her parents know about all the recent crime? As she's pondering she hears Rin mention something about 'milord.'

"Rin who is 'milord'?" Rin smile on her face becomes wide and full of wonder.

"Only the greatest taiyoukai there is Lord Sesshomaru. Rin loves milord. Milord saved Rin from wolves..." On the word 'taiyoukai' Kagome froze. Taiyoukai, as in youkai, as in demons, as in lord of demons! Oh Kami. Grandad was right. Wait does that mean I'm in Senjuki Japan? Warring Era. Oh Kami.

During Kagome's freak out and Rin's incessant rambling they didn't notice evil aura coming towards them.

Naraku felt it. As soon as she fell through the well he knew she had the Shikon no Tama. The key to him becoming a full youkai.

He attacks. Rin screams. Kagome stares at him like an idiot. Do something, do something. Oh! Stop. Drop, and roll! Wait, shit, that's for fire. Oh Kami what if this youkai can breathe fire. Shit shit shit!

From far away Sesshomaru hears Rin's scream. Why is she screaming?

"Jaken!" In comes the ugly frog, panicked. He heard Rin's scream too. He was supposed to be watching her but there was a cute new frog youkai as a servant, and he just had to show her the ropes. As soon as Sesshomaru found out that Jaken abandoned his ward for the new servant girl he flattened him against the wall and ran off to find Rin.

He came upon her in the field hiding behind a human – no miko – and somewhere in her is the Shikon no Tama. That's what this youkai is probably after.

"Listen wench I know you have the Shikon no Tama, so just hand it over and no harm has to come to you or the little girl." Sesshomaru growls; no one threatens his ward. But he doesn't want to reveal himself just yet. He wants to find out more about the miko first.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what the Shikon no Tama is. I sure as hell don't have what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me girl. I know you have it." Sesshomaru watching from the tree senses no lie from the miko. Could it be that she doesn't know she posses it. Before he could think more on the matter Naraku decided he's waited too long to have a stupid conversation with a human and just lunges for Kagome. She dodges. Naraku – still incredibly impatient- decides a paralyzing spell would work. A black beam of light shoots from his hands but before it hits Kagome Rin intercepts - gaining the brunt of the blow. All went quiet as a earsplitting howl was released from an enraged taiyoukai.

White meets black as Naraku and Sesshomaru go at it. Naraku gets close enough to Kagome to land a punch right in her gut and out flies the Shikon no Tama. The only one to notice is Rin and Shippo. The paralyzing spell is fading. Rin knows the importance of the jewel. She knows in the wrong hands it's bad. Naraku is bad. Rin signals Shippo to fetch the jewel. By the time the spell completely fades Rin walks towards the kitten who is trying hopelessly to put the jewel in his little mouth.

Rin gathers Shippo and the jewel and goes over towards the flowers to watch the battle between Sesshomaru and Naraku. Meanwhile Kagome is standing there helplessly. She finally realizes she is no help and goes to join Rin. They talk about flowers while the boys are fighting.

As Sesshomaru tires of fighting the stupid hanyou he quickly whips out his poison whip and slashes Naraku in half. Ba-da-boom ba-da-bing. He heads over towards Kagome and Rin.

Rin in her world of flowers and kitties notices Kagome's ocean blue eyes. It reminds her of water. She unknowingly makes a wish on the Shikon no Tama.

She wants to make flowers from the water in Kagome's eyes.