Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated 'M.'

To be honest, I am somewhat hesitant to post this. This is my first one-shot I had posted on under my other name of NinjaGamer. (The name was already taken here.) I'm not too sure about the rating system on this site since 'explicit adult themes/language' is subjective to the one reading. I looked through several 'M' rated stories and found a wide range of different things so I decided to just go ahead and post it. If you like it, feel free to check out my other works on under the name NinjaGamer.


Kagome let out a sigh as she slowly lowered herself into the hot water of the spring. I can't believe how lucky we are! It was rare enough that she had time to take a bath in a cold river, but being able to bathe in a hot spring… that was an indulgence she could never pass up.

Closing her eyes, she relaxed back, letting the hot water sooth her sore muscles. Across from her Sango dipped herself into the water. They sat in silence for several minutes, both of their eyes closed.

"Kagome," Sango whispered.

"Hmm?" Kagome asked, feeling her eyebrows rise. However, she didn't open her eyes. I'm in heaven…

"I must thank you."

Kagome opened her eyes, staring across the steaming water at her friend. Like she had been a second ago, both of Sango's eyes were closed, the water up to her neck. "Why's that?" she asked, a smile forming on her lips.

"I never would have learned just how enjoyable this is had I never met you. It's almost scary how I thought the coldness of the river felt good…"

"Yeah… I never thought about it before I came to the past, but you really can't beat a long soak in a hot bath."

Sango opened her eyes. "So is it true you can make your own hot spring in your house?"

Kagome chuckled. "Where did you hear that?"

"Inuyasha told me. Granted, he was complaining about it more than telling."

"That's the bath tub. My mom probably forced him to take a bath."

There was a slight pause. "I wish I could visit the future. It seems like such a wonderful place."

"It can be—but the past has its own charm."

Sango cocked her head in confusion. "After all I've heard about the future—I would think that this place would be boring to you."

"Not at all!" Kagome said with a wide smile. "For one thing, the people are certainly a lot nicer here than in my time. Not to mention the future has its own share of problems."

Silence descended on the two as they went back to enjoying the relaxing water. "Say," Kagome said, breaking the silence, "you've never told me about how you and Miroku are doing." Sango blushed, sinking into the water until it was just below her nose. "Hey! Don't do that! Tell me!"

"It's… good," she said after several seconds. Kagome waited for her to continue, but it became obvious that was all Sango was going to say about it.

"That's it? `Good?'"

"Yeah…" She looked away, staring off into the distance.

"You worried about him?" Sango nodded. Kagome gave her friend a comforting smile, the water rippling slightly as she reached over to grasp her shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be fine. The village is only a day away and he said it was only a small exorcism."

She shook her head. "That's not what I'm worried about."

"Then what is bothering you?"

"You know how he is around other women…"

"Miroku won't cheat on you if that's what you're worried about." Sango gave her a hard stare, causing Kagome to smile anxiously. "Probably…"

Sango pressed her hands against her temples. "I knew I should have slept with him."

Kagome's eyes widened. "You mean you two haven't…?" Sango shook her head. "I—I thought you two of all people would have by now…"

"Every time we get a chance, I end up stopping us. I've used my hand—but more than that… He never says anything about it, but I know it bothers him we haven't gone any further than that."

"I still can't believe you two haven't…"

"You mean you have?!" Sango exclaimed. Kagome felt her face flush. Unable to speak, she nodded. "I can't believe it! H-how long!?"

"A month—maybe two now."

"That long! I didn't notice anything!"

"We weren't exactly trying to broadcast it or anything."

"Still—I can't believe you never told me! We've bathed together several times over the past two months!"

"Sorry…" Kagome said, smiling apologetically. "It's just a little embarrassing talking about it…"

"How was it?"

Kagome coughed in surprise. "Excuse me?"

Sango blushed. "I was wondering if it was any good."

"It's…" she paused. "Amazing." Sango smiled, her eyes filled with anticipation as she silently begged for Kagome to continue. Taking a deep breath, Kagome looked down, playing with the water in her hand. "Inuyasha is surprisingly gentle when we…" She cleared her throat. Her blush deepened as she continued. "But lately, we've been more—passionate. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I think I like it better when it gets rougher."

"I've always been wondering about it but…" Sango licked her lips nervously. Though she never said it aloud, Kagome knew what her friend was asking. Lifting her hands free of the water, she bit her lip as she tried her best to accurately hold her hands apart. Sango's jaw slackened slightly. "I—had no idea." There was a slight hesitation as Sango collected her thoughts. "Miroku is half that," she mumbled in reflection.

Kagome smiled. "It takes some getting use too." Silence fell between the two as they retreated back into their own thoughts. It was Kagome who spoke first. "Say—you wouldn't happen to be interested, would you?"


"Yeah, in—you know…"

Sango stared in disbelief. "You would allow that?"

Kagome was silent for a moment. She wasn't exactly thrilled about the thought of sharing the most important man in her life with another woman; however, she felt a certain attraction to it. "Yeah," she answered.

"W-what about him?"

"He may only be half, but I'm pretty sure the human side of him will be more than willing." God… the more I think about it, the more I want to do it! I'm turning into Miroku… "Besides, I'll have to admit, I wouldn't mind the help. His stamina is—exhausting."

"I-I don't know. Something like that—with him…" Her body shook slightly. "I don't think it would feel right."

The two stared at each other. It was as if they were exchanging everything without the need for words. In the silence of the hot spring, they wordlessly made a decision.


It was just as Kagome had predicted, Inuyasha, while confused, needed little convincing and an even shorter need for preparation. Again, luck was on their side as the ground where they made camp for the night was soft. Even still, Kagome had laid out her sleeping bag. She didn't know about Sango, but the grass against her back bothered her.

At first, Kagome was at a loss as to what exactly to do, residing herself to watch as Inuyasha plunged himself into Sango. There was a slight yelp from Sango as her eyes widened from the sudden intrusion.

"I'm sorry!" Inuyasha cried out, looking immediately over at Kagome. Why are you looking at me? I didn't do anything!

"No, I'm sorry… It just surprised me is all. It's the first time I've had something so big inside me." Her voice sounded a little strained as she struggled to keep her breathing steady.

Inuyasha looked down at where the two were joined. "I wasn't expecting you to be a virgin. I would have done it more gently."

"It's alright Inuyasha… please—continue."

Carefully, he drew himself out before inching himself forward again. His entire attention was on Sango, trying to make sure she was enjoying it and that he wasn't going too quickly for her. Kagome sat at the edge of the sleeping bag, a mix of emotions flowing through her. She hadn't been Inuyasha's first. Kikyo had long since stolen that from her. Still, it Kagome had been the only other woman he had ever been with, and until now, had a good chance at being the only other woman. She felt a tad jealous watching them. Yes, Inuyasha was just as gentle and caring when he was with her as he was now with Sango, but Inuyasha was hers.

It was my idea though… Far too late to take it back now. He was starting to speed up as he thrust into Sango with more force.

"More!" she gasped softly. Though she tried her best to hold back, she suddenly let out a cry as he began pounding into her. Kagome watched in faint amazement as her friends breasts swayed up and down from the force. She could feel herself growing wetter as she watched her best friend and lover desperately thrust against one another. Sango's cries grew louder as her hips automatically pushed against Inuyasha's forward movement. My God… I'm getting turned on watching this! Something akin to guilt briefly fluttered in her stomach before being replaced by pleasure as she ran her hand along her wet slit. I think I'm worse than Miroku at this point…

Reaching up, Sango pulled Inuyasha down into a kiss, surprising both him and Kagome. After a second, he didn't push away as he opened his mouth, allowing their tongues to twist together. At the same time, Kagome slid a finger inside her, sending a shiver through her body.

Inuyasha broke the kiss, to turn his attention to Sango's bouncing breasts. She moaned loudly as he ran his tongue across her bare skin before taking her left nipple into his mouth. Kagome could only go by past experience to guess what he was doing, but whatever it was, Sango loved it. Her cries grew louder as his right hand gently ran over her other breast, fondling it gently. Kagome knew how that felt. Unlike some horror stories she had heard from classmates, Inuyasha was extremely gentle with handing them, resisting the urge to just smash and squeeze them. Again… I have to thank that bitch Kikyo for it… According to Inuyasha, Kikyo had had extremely sensitive breasts.

Kagome watched in fascination as Sango was brought to her first orgasm. So lost in the sight, she stopped pleasuring herself. Sango's cries grew steadily louder before she let out a scream that quickly flattened Inuyasha's ears. Arching her back, her eyes had a glazed look on them as her fists clenched the sleeping back below her. Though she was no longer screaming, her mouth remained open for several seconds. Inuyasha followed quickly after her. His mouth in an `O,' he grunted as he shoved himself into her. Kagome stared at the motionless couple, each enjoying the bliss of release.

Slowly, both relaxed as the intensity of their orgasm faded. Sango stared up at the night sky, breathing heavily.

"That was unbelievable," she whispered softly. "I can't believe it…" Kagome smiled, scooting over towards her friend.

"Kagome…" She looked away from her friend's look of ecstasy to Inuyasha. Unlike Sango, he didn't look at her, his ears down. Resting her hands on his cheeks, she forced him to look at her. He looked guilt-ridden. Without saying anything, she leaned in and kissed him. He opened his mouth, allowing their tongues to entwine together. She broke the kiss when she needed air, slowly backing away as she looked into his amber eyes.

"You don't need to apologize," she said with a smile. "I was the one who put you up to this, remember?"

"But still…" he looked down at the nude Sango before him.

"Hey," she said, pulling his face back towards hers. "This doesn't mean you can go off and sleep with whoever you want. You are still mine!"

His ears perked up a little. "Feh… the same goes to you!" She almost laughed. Inuyasha kept her far too busy to even consider the thought of another guy. They kissed again. When they separated again, Kagome backed away as Inuyasha slowly pulled himself out of Sango. She moaned in disappointment as he slid out of her. Thick white liquid oozed from her opening after him.

Another mystery I haven't solved… Do all demons cum that much or is it just Inuyasha? Even though she wondered, she doubted she would ever find out. Inuyasha is more than enough for me. What she did know, was that even though he had expended so much, there were plenty more waiting…

This time, it was Sango's turn to watch. Propped up on an elbow, she watched in silent fascination as Kagome had her turn. Kagome's embarrassment at having someone watch quickly faded as he plunged himself into her. She barely had enough time to brace herself as he began pounding away from behind. The sound of skin smacking together was embarrassingly loud. A moan escaped her lips as he reached around to fondle her swaying breasts. She had to push back against his thrusts in order to keep him from pushing her face-first into the sleeping bag.

A small smile crossed her lips as she moaned softly. Inuyasha always got excited when they used this position while she preferred to be on top, looking down at him. She wondered if it was because Sango was here that he was so energized. If so… we are going to do this a lot more often.

Kagome didn't know if it was because of Sango watching or Inuyasha's vigor that sent her over the edge so quickly. In just half the time Inuyasha was with Sango, Kagome yelled as her body shook. She nearly collapsed forward, but Inuyasha held her up before gently lowering her onto her stomach. Spreading her legs more, Inuyasha continued, causing more screams of pleasure to escape her moist lips. With one final thrust, Inuyasha buried himself into her, grunting loudly as he came for the second time. Hands on either side of her head, she felt his weight press against her as he twitched inside her, releasing jet after jet of his hot seed.

She felt his breath against her ear. "I love you Kagome."

A smile touched her lips. "I love you too," she whispered back.

A feeling of discontent ran through her as he removed himself from her. Kagome watched, amused by how Sango's eyes widened when Inuyasha moved back over to her, still hard. See what I mean? Two or three times is nothing to him… Now more than ever was she thankful that she wasn't the only one to bear the entire brunt of Inuyasha's seemingly insatiable desire.

Sango's cries once again cut through the silence of the clearing. This time, she was on top. Her breasts flopped up and down from the force of her driving herself down onto him. Kagome closed her eyes, resting her head back against the sleeping bag. She didn't realize she had dozed off until Inuyasha woke her gently. Blinking quickly, she sat up, looking around.

"Huh?" she said loudly.

"Shh," Inuyasha said, holding a finger to his mouth. Looking over, she found Sango sleeping on her back, a content look on her face. Judging by the amount of dried semen covering her, she had slept through a great portion of the activities.

Rubbing her eyes, she looked back at Inuyasha. "You could have woke me…" She thrust her bottom lip out in a pout, eyeing him angrily.

He smiled. "Sorry. You just looked so peaceful. Besides," he looked over at the sleeping Sango, "I don't think she would have let me."

"It certainly looks that way," Kagome said as she smiled over at her sleeping friend. "You have fun?"

"Yeah. It feels a little weird though. I never really considered Sango as, well…"

"You never thought you would have sex with her," Kagome finished. He nodded. She smiled, running her hand across his cheek. Suddenly, she grabbed at it, pinching the flesh between her fingers.

"Owow!" he muttered as she moved his head from side to side.

"But don't you forget, you are first and foremost mine! Understood?"

"Wes! Wes! Wes!" he yelped. After studying him suspiciously, she released him. Rubbing his cheek, he stared at her angrily.

A sly smile crept across her face. "So… what do you say about us waking Sango? We still have a long time before morning."

His ears perked up almost as fast as another part of his body. Smiling, she leaned over to kiss him. Who would have thought sharing would be so wonderful?
