The dagger pressed deeper into the fairy's neck and Sabrina grinned. Power that she had never imagined before ran through her veins. The power of holding a life in her hands. The power to be able to kill whenever she wanted to.

A tingling desire filled her, the desire to push the dagger farther into the fairy's neck. She couldn't hear Daphne and Zack's screams, their yelling at her to stop. No. It was just her and her prey.

Sabrina stuck her face to where it was only inches away from Puck's. "Why shouldn't I?" She hissed.

"Because . . . because . . ." The fairy stared, hesitation flashing across his face and then, in an instant, the hesitation was gone, squashed by a bold certainty.

Without warning, Puck leaned forward and kissed her.

Sabrina stiffened in shock and then slowly felt herself go weak. Warmth blossomed inside of her, quickly spreading throughout her body, pushing away the coldness that had settled inside of her and quieting the buzzing that filled her ears.

Sabrina wanted to stay that way, to stay in that feeling of blissful peace, but something made her pull away.

She pulled away from Puck with a gasp and stared up at the fairy. Her now bluish-green eyes met his pure green ones.

"Because, I kinda like you." Puck whispered.

Sabrina blinked at him and then stepped back, horror filling her. What had she done? "Puck . . ." She started but then the dagger suddenly pulsed and the buzzing sound filled her ears again.

"NO!" She shouted. She tried to throw the dagger away but her hand wouldn't work.


Sabrina stared down at the dagger, willing her hand to release the weapon, but her fingers didn't move. A cold, sick feeling twisted inside of her when she realized that she couldn't control her body.

It was inside her head, controlling her and there wasn't anything she could do to stop it.

Unbidden, her arm moved and she felt herself turning back towards Puck, the dagger gripped tight in her hand.

"Sabrina . . ." Puck's eyes widened as she took a step towards him.

"Sabrina, stop!" Daphne cried.

"Can't . . . control . . . it!" Sabrina gasped out. She tried to stop her feet from moving but she only managed to slow her body down, and just that small effort took all the strength out of her.

"Fight it!" Puck shouted. He was still leaning against the tree, blood sliding down his face and dropping onto the floor in fat, red drops.

"Can't!" Sabrina gasped, her heart pounding and her blood roaring in her ears. Her brain was screaming at her body parts to stop moving but they wouldn't listen.

Puck stared at her, still not moving. "Yes, you can." His bright green eyes were filled with faith, faith in her. Faith that she'll be able to stop.

Sabrina gritted her teeth and the fingers gripping the dagger trembled. Elation ran through her and then her fingers closed around the dagger, holding it in a tight grip.

"No," She gasped and closed her eyes.

GET OUT! She screamed in her head but it didn't work. Nothing was working.

Tears leaked out from behind her closed eyes and slid down her cheeks as her arm raised the dagger over her head.

Whatever it was that was inside of her forced her eyes open. She found herself staring at Puck through blurry eyes.

"You can do it." Puck whispered and then Daphne was standing in front of him, Zack standing beside her.

"Sabrina, please." Her little sister stared up at her, tears leaking down from her face, her pigtails a complete mess. "You can stop it. You have to!"

Sabrina stared at her little sister, the dagger still raised above her head.

"Please." Daphne whispered, her brown eyes pleading with her.

I'll take care of you, Daphne.

Her little sister. The one she had promised to protect, to keep safe.

Her grip on the dagger involuntarily tightened and then her fingers released the weapon. The dagger fell to the ground with a thunk and Sabrina fell to her knees beside it, doubling over in pain.


Sabrina gasped as her insides twisted, feeling like they were being torn apart. She could faintly hear people calling her name but she didn't pay any attention to that. All she was focused on was the pain inside of her.


"Get out." Sabrina hissed through gritted teeth.


"GET OUT!" She screamed as pain tore down her. Her body felt like it was tearing itself in two. A high pitched scream filled her head, grating against her ears. She screamed again and then, as suddenly as it had come, it was gone. The buzzing, the voice, the pain, gone.

Sabrina opened her eyes to find three worried faces gazing down at her. She slowly sat up, waiting for an explosion of pain, but she was fine. She looked around at the faces, Zack, Puck, and then her eyes landed on Daphne.

Daphne, her little sister. Alive. Safe.

Daphne smiled at her, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "You did it."

Sabrina blinked at her and then threw her arms around the little girl, hugging her with all the strength she had as the sun rose, covering the trees in a golden light.

. . .

"Of course Granny, Uncle Jake, and Mr. Canis weren't happy that we didn't tell them what happened, but I think they were just happy that everyone was okay to be too mad."

Sabrina stared up at the ceiling, comfortably nestled between her two sleeping parents. She didn't know if they could hear her, but it still felt good to tell them all the things that had happened.

"I almost killed Puck." She said after a while, her voice a guilty whisper. "That dagger thing, it . . . controlled me and . . . I almost killed him."

A mix of guilt, shock and nausea still filled her whenever she thought about that moment. Whenever she remembered him looking up at her, the dagger in her hand, and that one instant when she wanted to kill him.

Ever since they got back to the house she had meant to say she was sorry, but the fairy acted like nothing had happened, continuing with the practical jokes and banter like she hadn't almost killed him.

"I . . ." She started when someone opened the door.

Sabrina sat up to see Zack and Daphne standing in the doorway, a smile tugging at her lips when she that they were holding hands.

"And they're my parents. They're under a spel . . . oh, sorry, I didn't know you were in here." Daphne said, smiling apologetically at Sabrina.

"They're under a spell?" Zack asked, his voice filled with awe as he stared at Sabrina's sleeping parents.

Every time she saw the boy, Sabrina felt a pang of sympathy. She couldn't help but remember that look on his face when he was staring at the statue of the Bounty Hunter; that pale, sick, tearful look. It had gone away just barely when Daphne had called him a hero and kissed him on the cheek but Sabrina knew the young boy still carried around a guilty feeling.

"Guess what Elvis found?" He said now, grinning at Sabrina, his eyes shining behind his sunglasses. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the now familiar stone squirrel. "PACO!"

"That's . . . great!" Sabrina said, forcing herself to sound happy over the recovery of the stone squirrel. "Are you staying for dinner?"

Granny Relda had offered the boy countless times a room in the Grimm house, but each time Zack refused. Sabrina suspected that it was because deep down, the little boy was afraid of turning one of them into stone. But each time the old lady asked him, the boy hesitated longer before responding. Sabrina hoped that soon he would say yes.

"And he's spending the night!" Daphne said excitedly, practically bouncing up and down. "He's sleeping in Puck's room!"

Zack smiled at Sabrina nervously. "Yeah . . ."

"But if you snore, I will kill you." A voice sounded from the hallway and Puck shoved his way into the room. "I hate it when people snore. It gets in the way of my beauty sleep."

"Like you have any room to talk." Sabrina said, not looking at the fairy.

"C'mon, Zack." Daphne said, winking conspiratorially at Sabrina. "Let's leave the two lovebirds alone."

"I knew it!" Zack shouted. "I knew they were dating the moment I saw them."

Sabrina grabbed a pillow and threw it at the boy, hitting him in the head.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice." Zack said, ducking when she threw another one at him.

"Is Paco from Mexico?" Daphne asked as Zack shut the door.*

"Naw, he's from Argentina." Zack answered.

The door closed behind them and Sabrina felt her stomach twist nervously. Now she was alone in the room with the boy she almost killed.

"Grimm, what's wrong?" Puck asked, plopping down on the side of the bed.

"What do you mean?" Sabrina asked as she looked down at her hands.

"Well, for one thing, your insults are insultingly half-hearted." Puck said.

Sabrina turned her gaze to the quilt beneath her, studying the swirling patterns instead of looking at Puck. "Half-hearted?"

"Yeah, like you're not really into it." Puck's voice was filled with indignation and, Sabrina realized with surprise, a hint of hurt. "And I find that very insulting. Then there's the fact that you won't look at me, which is surprising seeing as how stunningly handsome I am."

Sabrina sighed and picked at a loose thread on the blanket. "Of course you are."

There was a long moment of silence and then Puck spoke, so silently that Sabrina almost didn't hear her. "Did I do something wrong?"

Shocked, Sabrina looked up. The fairy was sitting on the bed, a small twig sticking out of his messy blonde hair, his green eyes staring at her warily, as if he was afraid of what she was going to say.

"You?" Sabrina gaped. "You . . . Puck, no, you didn't do anything. It's just . . ." She stared at him. The bruise on his forehead from where he had hit the tree was still visible, a flash of purple standing out against his pale skin.

"Why didn't you move?" Sabrina asked, the words choking in her throat. Self-loathing and guilt filled her. "Why didn't you move? I could have killed you!"

Puck blinked, not once looking away from her. "No, you wouldn't have."

"How . . ." Sabrina started.

"Because you're Sabrina Grimm!" Puck said, interrupting her. His firm, serious voice shocked her. Puck was never serious about anything. "Stubborn-headed, hot-tempered Sabrina! You've fought Jabberwockies and giants! A magical butter knife isn't going to tell you what to do." Puck smiled at her. "Besides, think of all the times I almost got you killed."

Sabrina grinned. "That's true." Then as fast as it had come, her grin disappeared. "But what about all those horrible things I said?
Puck finally looked away and stared down at his hands. "Di . . . did you mean any of it?" he asked hesitantly, as if afraid to hear the answer.

Sabrina blinked, the words running through her head. You mean nothing to me.

"No," She said. "I didn't mean any of it."

Puck looked up, relief bursting in his bright green eyes. "Then, I don't see why we're still talking about it." Puck stood up, his familiar smirk on his face. "Now, if you'll excuse me, there's something I need to take care of."

He walked into the magic mirror but stopped when Sabrina spoke.

"Puck, thanks." She said. "For helping me get my sister back."

Puck smirked at her. "You wouldn't have been able to do it without me." He said, puffing his chest out. "I'll just add it to your tab." And then he disappeared in the mirror.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and waited. A moment later the fairy emerged, holding a large axe.

"And what are you going to do with that?" Sabrina asked, raising an eyebrow.

'There's a certain tree that needs to be chopped into toothpicks." Puck said, hefting the heavy axe onto his shoulder.

"How are you going to know which tree to chop?"

Puck looked at her and gently touched the bruise on his forehead, anger glinting in his eyes. "Oh, I'll know." He walked to the door and stopped, his hand on the knob. He turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "You coming, ugly, or are you just going to sit there like a dummy?"

Sabrina looked at him, a scowl covering up the smile that was tugging at her lips. "Shut up, barf-brain."

She jumped off the bed and walked to the door. She stopped for a moment and looked over at the mirror, a feeling a familiar tugging inside of her.

Deep inside the mirror, at the far end of the Hall of Wonders was a heavily locked room. Inside the room were two statues. One a large, snarling dog and the other a man. Long scratches covered the man's face, giving the impression that he was crying. Just behind the statues was a small pedestal, and resting on the pedestal, surrounded by an invisible barrier, was a dagger with two snake heads protruding from the hilt.

Sabrina could feel the power even from where she was standing, could feel it calling for her. She stared towards the magic mirror, her hand hovering over the door knob. Puck's voice drifted up the stairs to her as he yelled for her to get her 'lazy butt down here!"

Sabrina looked towards the stairs and then back to the mirror. She could see her reflection in the mirror, her jeans, shirt, long blonde hair . . . and clear blue eyes.

Oh, give it a rest." Sabrina whispered, smirking as the tugging feeling inside of her disappeared.

Without one look at the mirror, she turned and left the room, closing the door firmly behind her.

Deep inside the room the dagger pulsed a dark green light and suddenly, the light blinked out, plunging the room into darkness.


*There you go, Blonde to the Brain. =D

So, there you have it, the end to my story. I hope you liked it and if you didn't, I'm sorry. I really enjoyed writing it, especially writing Zack. I think I might bring him back in a different story. =)


Bribri, Schadenfreude62, Zombie Attacks, Julie Margaret, lol, Curlscat, tofu-rox, Twilarose, Gothic Pink Bunny, DarrenShanIsMine, K and A sistersgrim, MoodyRuby227, no one, Dramaqueenruling, deadgirl, xxCamille Elizabeth Storm xx, She wants to move, 12grimmfan21, Bluestocking Inc., Lara D, Member not logged on, Cathy 83, izzninja, Random Person, My-Room-Is-My-Retreat, DeDe, KENDRA1212, randomer, MarG Z, Redin'OnCloud9, Yellow.r0se, echomyecho, geekyreader1234, yorkie999777000, Dreamgreen16, Plaincrazysuckup, Elizabeth Grimm, justkeepswimmin'justkeepswimm, CrazyDyslexicNerd, future author 16, Rhymer II, Blonde to the brain, Aishwarya

for reviewing! if it wasn't for you guys I would have stopped writing this story a looong time ago! So thanks for all the helpful things you said and thanks to those who continues to read despite how long it took me to finish this story. ( I apologize that it took me this long!) =D

Also thanks to everyone who reads this story! =D