
Promise of Tomorrow

I stared at Tony for a long moment, wondering if he was joking. Let's face it, telling me Gibbs was kidnapped by a roving alien makes no sense whatsoever, so I decided to try again. "Where's Gibbs?" This time he gave me a serious answer. There was something I needed to tell Gibbs, and it was important to me.

"Interrogation, why?" Tony answered. "He's with Lieutenant Richards."

"Okay." I got up and headed to interrogation. Tony rushed after me; he caught up to me as I grasped for the door.

"Never, ever interrupt Gibbs in interrogation."
"There's a first time for everything." I opened the door and Gibbs and Lieutenant Richards looked up.

"I tried to stop her boss." Tony decided to try and save his but.

"I need to talk to you, it's quite important." I explained calmly.

Gibbs got up. "I'll be back." He went over to me. Tony got a Gibb's slap, but I didn't.

"Why didn't she?" Tony asked. I smiled, but I didn't stick my tongue out at Tony no matter how much I wanted to.

"Dinozzio, don't you have some phone calls to make?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes, boss." He rushed off.

"Izzy, what do you need to talk about?"
"Privately, Gibbs." I told him. I followed him to the elevator and he turned on the emergency switch. "What's wrong?" he asked me. Gibbs was concerned from what I could tell

"First of all, Lieutenant Richards was sleeping with the victim and saw him the previous night. Secondly, I recognized the bomb."
"From?" Gibbs asked curious

"The same type of bomb was strapped to my chest and if I didn't get out or disarm it, I would have been a lot of birdkid pieces."
"Are you sure?"
"I've had nightmares about that bomb, Gibbs, I think I can identify it, even if it has already gone boom." Gibbs laughed
Gibbs hit the switch and we went down to Abby's lab. "What have you got for me, Abs?"
"Well, a bunch of pieces, but he would have been blown to many more pieces if there hadn't been a fault in the bomb. They got the mixture wrong. I'm trying to trace the manufacture, but… All I can tell you is whoever made this bomb didn't know much about bombs."

"Thanks, Abs?" he kissed her on the forehead.

"That's not all Gibbs, I did a blood analysis on this guy's blood and there was something hinky with it. Almost like Izzy's, but not avian."

"What about lupine?" I asked.

"Izzy, I didn't see you there." She hugged me. ", but I know what you said about coincidences so, I ran an analysis of the cells. This guy could no way be in his thirties, his cells aren't old enough. He couldn't be more then two."
"Eraser, great." I commented hoping my sarcasm was understood.

"Eraser?" Gibbs asked me.

"Wolf, human combination, work for the School want me dead, and usually don't live past three or four. Can turn into giant wolves and have healing factor. Look like male models, that kind of thing, oh, someone's coming."
As if on cue, McGee entered. "good work, Abs." Gibbs kissed her forehead. "Izzy, stay here with Abby and try to reassemble the bomb."
"Does it have to go boom?" I asked him.

"No." Gibbs told me. "You guys try to find the manufacture."
"I think I found that out Gibbs, Metro had picked up a man and found bomb parts all over his house, as well as the chemicals."
"Go pick him up." Gibbs told McGee. ",and take Ziva with you."

"on it boss." McGee left.

"Izzy, stay here with Abby, and don't leave unless it's an emergency."
"I understand Gibbs, but it isn't like that. They couldn't have found me, could they?"
"We'll find out, and I'll keep you out of it."
"Thanks, Gibbs." I hugged him before he left. I then turned to Abby to explain. Only, she beat me to it.

"want you DEAD!"

"a lot of people want me dead, Abby, if I took the time we would make Gibbs mad at our unproductiveness."

Abby pouted, well, if it was possible for Abby to pout and start working. However, in the middle of her work she would pause about to ask me a question and then didn't. Really, it wouldn't be a good idea to point out to her I could read her mind because she didn't really know that about me. Plus, pointing out a mindreading ability just made people paranoid, or at least it would make me paranoid, if it was possible for me to be more paranoid, that is.

Abby and I were not done when Tony greeted us with his usual smile. More importantly, he brought dinner which consisted of Chinese food. "I'm guessing its going to be a late night?" Abby asked.

"What about the bomb maker?" I asked.

"He wasn't there." Tony explained. "McGee is bringing all the evidence from that scene."
"great." I joked. "more work for Abby, and me to do. as I am her unofficial assistant at the moment."
"Abby doesn't like assistants." Tony informed me.

"well, Chip tried to kill me, and Izzy is an exception, I enjoy having her company."
"aw, thanks Abby."
Dinozzio's cell phone rang. "I got to go." Tony told me and left. "Tony." He greeted the person as he left the room.

"who is he talking to?" Abby asked me.

"I don't know."

"can't you, I don't know use your bird hearing."

"alright." I listened.

"Jennane, I'll make it up to you."
"alright, Tony."

"a lady, I assume his girlfriend, and we shall not continue this conversation. Please, don't tell Dinnozzio, as he wanted to obviously keep his private life private."
"Izzy, Tony is like my brother."
"then who's the father?"
"Gibbs." Abby smiled. "and Jenny is the mother."
"who's the mother?" Jenny walked in. I started laughing after realizing she hadn't heard the rest of the conversation.

Sorry for the wait. I am busy with school and everything. And my computer won't allow me to update. Please enjoy.