The Best Day

A/N: Hello! This is my first story - well really, it's a one-shot collection, but it kind of still counts - and I would love lots of feedback on
whatever. Constructive criticism is totally appreciated. Tell me what I can fix and what you like or hate so I know what I need to work on.

Mainly this one-shot collection is about the life of Noelle Alyssa Bolton, Troy and Gabriella's daughter. I really don't know how long it will be,
but I plan to finish the collection with Noelle's high school graduation, or around that time in her life. I hope you enjoy it, and please read and review!

: Noelle Alyssa Makes Her Entrance


That chilly October morning seemed like any other ordinary day. Nothing drastic had changed; the weather was even the exact same as yesterday's. No one noticed that today was indeed not another same-old day. Today, about four in the morning, Noelle Alyssa Bolton had made her entrance into the world, forever changing the lives of the ones around her.

It was around eight, and Gabriella Bolton – the proud, new mother – was asleep profoundly, her body tired and weak after giving birth. Her husband, Troy, had gone home quickly to take a shower and change, and then return to the hospital with his parents and his mother-in-law, Maria.

As Troy passed the nursery on his way to his bedroom, he couldn't help but smile at the fact that that room would soon have a new occupant. He chuckled to himself quietly as he remembered his and Gabriella's struggle to finish the nursery off, just days before Gabriella was rushed to the hospital.



He groaned as he got ready for what seemed like the twentieth complaint from Gabriella in the time that he'd begun to work on their baby's nursery. First, he hadn't been painting the walls the right shade of pink, then, when he returned from the local hardware store with brand new paint and began to cover the old color, Gabriella had decided that the first color had been the right choice after all.

Then it had been the crib. Thankfully it was the right one, but Gabriella just insisted that he wasn't putting it together right. Troy, as he glanced at the instructions, not letting Gabriella notice, knew that he was right.

And the criticism continued. Troy couldn't wait for Gabriella to deliver the baby just so she could be her own self again. Stupid hormones.

A few hours into the project, Troy had almost finished the job until Gabriella stopped by and tested Troy's patience to the point where he wanted to explode.

"But, babe, the curtains aren't even." Troy had double-checked the curtains. They were so even. "And, Troy? The dresser is wobbly." Troy could have sat on the dresser with Gabriella on his lap and it still wouldn't have even budged an inch. "Troy, I asked you for white cushions for the rocking chair, not pink." Troy wasn't losing his mind. Gabriella had asked for pink. Troy didn't even think that there were any white cushions.


"You know what, baby?" Troy said, as calmly as he could. "Why don't you come do everything? Because honestly, I'm doing the suckiest job ever."

Gabriella gave him a peck on the lips and smiled. "Oh, no you're not, Troy. Everything's just the way I wanted it to be - maybe even better."

Troy sighed and placed his arm gently around Gabriella's large waist. "Really? It is?"

Gabriella looked at him and giggled. "Well, maybe not. I told you that the crib was supposed to go over there, but, it's fine," she finished with a sigh.

She had so pointed to that spot it was at.

End Flashback.

Troy laughed again at himself. He had been running around like crazy that day, from the moment he rose to the second his head touched the pillow around midnight, going to buy different shades of pink because none of them suited Gabriella's taste except the first, which, at the end of the day, he had painted over so many times he had let out a scream.

After he showered and got dressed, he gathered a few things that were necessary before he left to pick up his parents and Gabriella's mother. He arrived at his parents' house in just a few minutes and knocked on the door quickly.

Lucille Bolton opened the door and, upon seeing her son, grinned broadly. "How does it feel to be a father?"

Troy received his mother's open arms before answering. "It feels great. You should just see her. She's perfect; she's everything Gabriella and I hoped for and even more."

Lucille smiled warmly once more before ushering Troy in and to the kitchen where his father, Jack, and Maria sat at the kitchen table.

"Troy, oh, you're here," Maria said, rushing up and enveloping her son-in-law in a tight hug. "How's Gabriella coping?"

"She's doing great," Troy answered, a sparkle visible in his eyes at the mention of his beautiful wife. "I'm so proud of her. I'm so grateful to her for giving me something as precious as Noelle."

"Noelle?" asked Jack.

"Noelle Alyssa Bolton," Troy smiled. "Gabriella and I had been thinking about that name for a while, and when we saw her, we just knew it fit."

"It's a wonderful name, Noelle," Lucille said. "Oh, but just talking about my granddaughter makes me want to see her even more."

"Well, let's go, then," Troy said. "I promised Gabriella I'd get back around ten."

They got in their cars – Troy in his and his parents and Maria in Jack's car – and arrived about a half hour later. Troy led them to Gabriella's hospital room, where they found her awake, cradling little Noelle in her arms.

Troy could tell she was tired. She had bags under her eyes and her face wasn't as alert as it usually was. But she smiled the entire time that she spent showing off her new baby.

After a few hours, Lucille, Jack, and Maria decided to head back to let Gabriella rest for a while more. Troy and Gabriella both said their goodbyes and each grandparent left Noelle with a butterfly kiss on her forehead.

Troy sighed in pure contentment as he sat beside Gabriella's hospital bed and watched Noelle's small chest rise and fall. The room was quiet except for Noelle's steady breathing; Troy and Gabriella fell in love with the sound in an instant.

"She's amazing, Gabriella," Troy whispered, a few minutes after watching Noelle fall asleep.

"She has your eyes, no doubt," Gabriella said softly, brushing her fingers gently against Noelle's cheek.

"But I think she's going to look just like you," Troy said. Gabriella just smiled at him and then leaned her head back onto her pillow, closing her eyes but still feeling Noelle's heartbeat against her body.

Troy watched his wife gradually slip off into slumber before doing so himself, dreaming of Noelle and Gabriella with him, forever. It felt like he was living in a dream. He never imagined a girl like Gabriella as his wife, or that she'd even be able to give him a miracle so precious as Noelle.

It was definitely certain that that chilly October morning was not just another ordinary day.

Noelle Alyssa Bolton had made her much anticipated entrance, and Troy and Gabriella both knew that their lives would never be the same.

A/N: Please R&R! ~Isabela.