A/N Okay, so I really wanted to do the whole Ipod shuffle thing for Dasey, Derek and Casey, but I ended up evolving it into what I have created now. Rather then just writing until the song was over, I created short song fictions to each of the songs. Currently, I'm still working on the ten songs and their respective fics. So, this is the first one to the song 100 Years by Five for Fighting. So, please, enjoy.

Disclaimer- I do not own Life With Derek, its characters, or the songs. They belong to their respective parties. :]


1 0 0 Y e a r s — F i v e f o r F i g h t i n g

Derek Venturi, not just your average fifteen year old. He was the Derek Venturi; the 'it' boy at school. Every girl wanted him, maybe even some of the guys. Guys wanted to be like him, getting all the girls in the school.

Casey MacDonald, just your average fifteen year old keener. She was the step-sister of the Derek Venturi. She was gorgeous, many guys would most definitely admit to that. Most girls didn't care much enough to notice her except that she was extremely nice.

Derek and Casey; had you used the two names in a sentence it meant you were discussing a fight of some sorts between the parties. Derek and Casey were like night and day, toothpaste and orange juice. It was unavoidable that they fight, but it was also unavoidable that one would fall in love with the other.

Fifteen was such an annoying age, past ten but not quite at twenty. Fifteen didn't matter to people; it was like you were still a kid. However, at fifteen, Derek dreamt of Casey. It was hard not to, those luscious locks that fell like a waterfall of caramel tendrils; those big blue eyes that were coated in nothing but innocence.

Derek counted the ways until he saw her, counted ways to her. It was a lost cause, mostly, as he watched her with the numerous other male beings that were totally not right for her: "I mean, c'mon, Truman? Trashy… does that not signify anything?" Derek had said many times.

Derek Venturi, not just your average twenty-two year old. Not only had he evolved from the Derek Venturi… oh! Who is anyone kidding; he is still the Derek Venturi. He sits in the bar, his normal occupancy for a Saturday evening. He waits for her, Casey MacDonald, with a glass of rum and coke in his hand.

Casey MacDonald, just your average twenty-two year old woman. She was the girlfriend of the Derek Venturi, despite the numerous hate filled looks from fan girls or the disgusted looks from people who knew the situation.

Twenty-two was an age of bliss, one could say. Casey felt better then everything, while she and Derek were on fire in their relationship. Casey bounded into the bar clad in a mini skirt and pink blouse. With pleased smiles, Derek and Casey found their way back from Mars Bar and into their apartment.

Derek Venturi, just your over-average thirty-three year old. He's still the man; he is, after all, Derek Venturi. However, he's not just "him" anymore but rather a "them" or a "they."

Casey Venturi, just your average pregnant woman. She was the wife of Derek Venturi, a kid on the way. Who would've thought Derek would've tied the knot, not Casey, but she was thrilled all the same.

Who would've thought Derek would have a family on his mind. Derek becoming a loving husband and soon-to-be dad, it was almost an alternate universe to those who knew him.

Derek Venturi, just your average forty-five year old man in the middle of a crisis. The Derek Venturi had a lovely wife and a beautiful little girl who he loved dearly, but he was chasing the years of his life.

Casey Venturi, just your average forty-five year old working mother. She loved her life with her amazing husband who happened to be her step-brother and her lovely daughter who resembled her in looks, but her father in attitude.

Half the time goes by, suddenly, Derek Venturi is wise. Lecturing his daughter on things he used to do. Telling her not to see this guy or that guy; fighting about curfew and so on.

Another blink of an eye, Derek Venturi is sixty-five. His daughter is long since married and has kids of her own while Derek and Casey are rather happy in their retirement. Their hair is graying and wrinkles are adorning their once flawless skin.

Derek Venturi, your not-so-average ninety-nine year old. It's a wonder that Derek had lived this long while his wife, Casey Venturi, was ten years dead. He was dying for just another moment with her.

Derek dreamt of Casey, remembering all the years they had together. He counted the ways to where she was.

Fifteen, Derek and Casey were completely different, but Derek knew there was still time for her. He loved her whether or not she loved him back. He'd protect her while playing pranks upon her at the same time.

Twenty-two, Derek and Casey were finally an item, despite the stares they got since they were step-brother and step-sister. He felt her too; felt her breath upon his ear; felt her hair upon his face; felt her body close to his.

Thirty-three, Derek and Casey were married. There was a child on the way. They were on their way, passing through life quickly yet happily.

Every day's a new day
Fifteen, there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey, fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only get one hundred years to live

Alright, that's it for the first song, next up is Billy by James Blunt.

Thanks for reading, please review!
