Anchorage, Alaska


We flew down to the small grocery store, and all walked in.

"Don't steal pointless items." I said, glaring at Iggy and Gazzy.

"She's glaring at us Ig." Gazzy said.

"I am serious." I said, as Iggy shrugged. "Go guys." The all split up, and went to different isles. I started looking at the soda's, stuffing some of them in my backpack, when a heard a loud bang, and Iggy muttering apologies. I walked to the scene. Iggy was on the ground, and a pretty girl with dishwater blonde hair, with red streaks, was standing over him with her hand covering her mouth.

"Ohmygosh." She said. " I am so sorry." She tried to help him up, and by then the whole flock was there. I glared at the girl. She smiled at me. "I am sorry." She mumbled again, and fast walked out of the isle.

"Wait." Iggy said, following her, even though, you know, he's blind, he has like really good hearing. The girl stopped, and turned around. Her eyes were blue almost grey, they were really pretty. She had on a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt that said, I LIVED THIS LONG. "I'm Iggy."

I soon figured out what Iggy was up to, he wanted a place to stay. Smart boy. "I'm Skye. Nice to meet you, Are you guys, like, homeless?" She asked. Wow, was it that obvious?

"Sorta." He said.

"Well my Dad and I are staying at anchorage hotels, and there is an extra room if you want it." She Said. SCORE!

"Sounds Good to us." I stepped up, and said.