Author's Note: 'Kay here's the deal, right now I have a MAJOR case of writers block so to pass the time – and to help get those creative juices going – I'm writing another story. And don't worry. I am not giving up on Maximum Ride: Shadows.

*I know this plot is way overdone but I'd thought I'd take a whack at it. I have ever since I've read Book 3, Saving the World, and Other Extreme Sports.

Disclaimer: All content and material in regards to the Maximum Ride series belongs to James Patterson. I own nothing! (It's like a slap in the face each time I write that …)

Fang's POV

Drip, drip, drip


Drip, drip, drip

Come on …

Drip, drip –

"Shut up!"

Iggy raised his eyebrow at me – well not directly at me, but at a spot close by me for sure.

"What's your problem?"

"Damn faucet." I muttered

"You know things like that can be easily fixed, watch and learn." Iggy walked with exaggerated slowness to the sink then – just as annoyingly slow – turned one of the knobs so the drip, drip, dripping of the faucet stopped.

"See? Problem solved." Iggy said in a voice of mock pride.

"Thanks." I muttered reluctantly.

Iggy sighed. "Okay, what's up?"

"It's the 23rd."

"And …?"

"It's the 23rd of June, remember." I said softly.

"Yeah so … oh, I remember." Iggy's face turned into a mask of grief that mirrored my own.

June 23rd.

The day the flock split up.

"So, what now?"

Max shifted uncomfortably. It was the question we both wanted to avoid, but I knew we were going to have to sooner or later. "What to you mean?" she asked hesitantly. She already knew what I meant.

"Max," I paused until her eyes met mine again. "You've seen them. They're tired of this. We're all tired."

"What do you want me to say, Fang? 'Okay kids let's forget about trying to save the world, let's forget about the millions of lives that are depending on us' I can't do that and you know I won't. It's wrong. I have a duty and if I didn't see it through … I wouldn't be able to live with myself. But I do agree with on you on one thing, it is wrong to subject the others to a cause that they don't – that they don't believe in anymore."

"So…" She drew a deep breath.

"So…?" I was afraid of what she'd say next. I was right to be afraid.

"I'm going to go off on my own. I'm going to finish what I started. Anyone who wants to go with me can but … anyone who doesn't …" Her eyes were shining with unshed tears. She didn't say anything else. She didn't have to. I understood that anyone who didn't go with her had to stay with me. I was her second- in- command. I had to protect them.

Even if it meant leaving her behind.

"Max…" I looked her over one more time. Even though she looked a breath away from crying she still had that same look on her face. Defiant. Fierce. Determined. Strong.

Oh, God. She was really going to this.

I swallowed the lump of cotton in my throat and finally said,

"Good luck."

And that was it.

Short, I know, but Please Review!