Chapter One
So, this story is NOT a threequil to Sonny's Heart. This is a totally new story, and I'm trying a new genre. Trust me, there will still be Channy(: Maybe it's a romantic thriller? IDK. Read, review, Lemme know what you think?
"Hey Josh!" I chirped, twirling a lock of mocha hair around my finger absently. Tawni and I were flipping through the week's scripts in the filming room when Josh walked by in his usual slump.
"Hey, Sonny," Josh replied in his daily sleepy, half-dead tone. He peered at me over the rims of his black glasses. "You have a package today," He added, fumbling around in his mail cart.
"A package for me?" I asked in surprise. None of us really get packages. 'Us', of course, are the cast of So Random! I'm Sonny Munroe, a sixteen year old actress on the show, previously from Wisconsin and now adapting to the Hollywood lifestyle.
"For her?" Tawni echoed enviously. I ignored this as Josh presented me with a plain brown package, but there was truthfully nothing plain about it: it was adorn with neon hued balloons, obviously meant to catch an eye.
Josh merely nodded and continued his slow moving steps towards the next mail recipient. "What is it?" Tawni asked eagerly, hovering over my shoulder. "Hold on," I answered, busily ripping the brown paper and tossing it aside, untangling the mass of balloons and tied them to the back of my chair.
"Well, its…just a letter," Confusion was clear in my voice. I don't know what I was expecting, but underneath all the flashiness was just a small piece of paper? It seemed odd, but I guess the dictator of the letter just wanted me to read it for sure.
I smoothed out the gray stationary and cleared my throat. "Dear Sonny," I began in a voice full of importance. "I think you are a wonderful actress. I am your biggest fan! Would you consider meeting me? It would be a dream come true. Tomorrow I'm having friends over for a Sunday breakfast, and they all adore you. Perhaps you could join us? Sincerely, Craig Zynder Fanon." Following were a list of directions to his house and what the food selection would be.
"Craig Zynder Fanon?" Tawni said with disgust, flipping her blonde hair cautiously. "What kind of name is that?"
I smiled patiently at her, folding up the letter and sliding it into my pocket. "The name of a very nice boy who wants to meet me!"
"How old do you think he is?" Tawni wrinkled her nose.
"Uhm…I'm not sure. Maybe ten? How old is our age base?" I wondered. Tawni shrugged and agreed, and her eyes lit up mischievously when we both saw Chad Dylan Cooper striding down the hallway.
Chad is…complicated. Sometimes, he's an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered jerk. Other times, he's incredibly sweet and caring, and obviously, incredibly handsome. Whenever we get to a point where we've made progress, where I think he likes me and we're above the trivial teasing, he always goes back to his rude ways, and there we are, back where we started.
It's complicated.
But where were we? Chad was sauntering down the hall with a bored look plastered across his tanned face. His windswept blonde hair fell over his crystal clear blue eyes, and they matched his light blue button down shirt over tan pants, a black suit jacket on top. His usual attire.
"Sonny," He nodded at me in greeting. He paused and looked at Tawni, strained. "Hi…uhm…"
"Tawni!" Tawni shrieked. "Sure," Chad winked. He turned his attention back to me. "Whats with the balloons?" He asked dubiously, stuffing his hands in his front pockets.
"Well, they're-" I started. But Tawni burst out in that fake laughter that made people cringe and gently cover their ears. "A guy sent them to Sonny with an invitation for a breakfast party at his house tomorrow," She said smugly.
Chad looked startled. "Is that true?" He asked incredulously.
"Well, I guess-" I started again, but Tawni slapped my arm in a playful manor.
"Yes its true," She said breezily. Then she hopped up and adjusted her sparkly, sequined purple jacket. "See ya!" She giggled, skipping off to…wherever it is she goes to.
"Can you talk today?" Chad asked sourly. I laughed gingerly and stood from my chair.
"The question is, will Tawni LET me talk?" I said humbly, crossing my arms.
"Are you seriously going to go over some guy you don't knows house?" Chad spat. He seemed to hate this plan. "Why, jealous?" I teased. Chad's eyes tensed up and he fixed a nasty glare at me. "No…no, no, no, no, no!" He laughed snobbily.
I merely shrugged off the blow to my self esteem. "Whatever Chad. I'll bring you back a muffin," I said craftily, starting to walk away.
But as I was flouncing away, my foot twisted against some wires that were strewn on the floor, and suddenly I was face down against the floor, dizzy and unsure what had just occurred. But Chad was in front of me, urging me upwards, eyes tense for a different reason this time.
"Oof!" I coughed, wobbling as Chad steadied me up. Sonny the Klutz strikes again.
"You okay?" Chad sounded genuinely concerned, and we faced each other.
"Yeah, thanks to you!" I smiled thankfully. I wasn't hurt that badly, just totally embarrassed, as my signature blush spread like thick crimson roses across my cheeks.
Since I was unharmed, Chad's cockiness washed over him like an ocean wave. "Chad Dylan Cooper saves the day," He popped his collar and did a point and shoot gesture at me.
"Because you're such a hero!" I said sarcastically, patting him on the arm. At that, I finally left without injuring myself.
I didn't see the serious look on Chad's face as I walked away.
I checked in with Marshall to spread the news. His thick brown eyebrows came together as he said, "We usually go to Church on Sunday mornings…will you be okay on your own?" He said curiously.
I shrugged. "Sure!" I said pleasantly. "I won't be long. It'd be cute to meet the fan though. A party of all his little friends- it's so cute! I love kids!" I babbled.
Marshall studied the letter. "Did Craig say his age?" He said suspiciously.
I waved off his worries. "No; but it's obvious!" I laughed. "I'll eat some muffins, pose for some pictures, sign some autographs, and be back by lunch." I promised.
That night, I fell asleep looking forward to the morning.
But the next morning…
Chad's POV
I replayed the letter over and over again in my head. Something was trying to click. The pieces fit together, but they couldn't figure out how. I was sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria. None of the residents of Chuckle City were present, no doubt praying and stuff. And Sonny, of course, was on her way to meet her number one fan…Craig Zynder Fanon.
Craig. Zynder. Fanon. The name sounded distasteful and suspicious. Why did it seem vaguely familiar? Abandoning my breakfast, I headed down to the office.
"Could I borrow the surveillance cameras, Janet?" I asked angelically. The black haired petite secretary waved at me happily, and waved me off. I strutted into the office and popped yesterday's tape out of the basket of videos.
Back In my dressing room, I slid the video on. Boring stuff- until I noticed the guy walking inside with a box attached to twenty balloons.
"Ah!" I shouted, anxiously pressing pause.
Honestly, I couldn't pinpoint why I was so worried and annoyed about Sonny's fan. Maybe I didn't want another guy in Sonny's life. Besides her cast mates, it was just me. And I was perfectly fine with that.
"Who is he," I murmured, staring at the screen. The image was blurry and dark, but I could easily tell it was a grown man delivering the package. Either Craig had a dark, musley papa, or Craig wasn't a cute little ten year old.
And just like that, I remembered. Memories, painful ones, rushed into my head, and I gasped out loud, eyes cracking in horrified shock. A lump pursued to clog my screams as I stood up uneasily.
When I had joked yesterday about being Sonny's hero, I hadn't known I would have to test my promise.