The Brat Prince of Vos

Chapter 26

Continuity: Pre- and Post-TF:A, a little bit of AU here and there
Pairings: Megatron x Starscream, Cyclonus x Galvatron, Strika x Lugnut. Sort of, anyway.

Last chapter, guys! Please see the author's note at the end :D


The Decepticons jumped back in surprise, and for one horrifying moment said tyrant was sure Starscream was going to start yelling at him about killing him. But then the Seeker sat up in his pod, grabbed onto the silver mech's shoulders and started shaking him.

"THE OMEGA UNITS! YOU HAVE TO STOP THE OMEGA CLONES!" screeched the flier. "I'm so sorry Megatron! I put the bombs in them just in case, but then I didn't think I'd actually be killed by those Autobots when I got down to Earth! You need to disable the bombs! They're going to-"

Megatron smacked the hysterical flier upside the head.

There was a heavy silence. Starscream looked around, bewildered and thoroughly confused.

Abruptly, he fainted.

The Seeker rubbed his optics. "Where am I…?" he mumbled aloud, staring at the lilac ceiling.

"On Team Chaar's ship, in my berth," Megatron's voice floated over to him, and he turned around to see the Decepticon leader walking towards him.

"…How did I get here?" Starscream asked. "Last thing I remember was those Autobots…then I was falling…and then I was in that pod, looking up at all of you."

"You died, my Prince," said the tyrant softly, stroking the flier's face. "I was captured by the Autobots. You've been dead for more than twenty years." The flier looked up at him in horror. "Team Chaar recovered your body, and broke me out of my prison."

"Twenty years?" repeated Starscream.

"Twenty years." Megatron scooped him up in his arms, pressing the Seeker close and nuzzling his face into the blue-grey neck. "I missed you," he rumbled gently.

The flier didn't react for a moment, blinking in surprise, but then he laughed quietly, and returned the embrace, kissing the side of Megatron's helm. "I'm sure I would have missed you too, except for…well, being dead," he chuckled. "I know I missed you when you were dead."

Megatron pulled back just enough to kiss Starscream properly, stroking the base of the flier's wings as he did so. The former Prince smiled into the kiss, returning it happily as the tyrant lowered them to the berth gently.

He drew back, looking down at Starscream breathlessly. "I…I've had a lot of time to think," he said slowly. "And…I'm sorry I didn't bond with you. I'm sorry I didn't bond with you when the Great War was over. I'm even more sorry that I didn't bond with you when you were a youngling."

Starscream smiled up at him, placing a finger to Megatron's mouth to silence him. "I'm sorry too," rasped the flier. "I should have been patient. I should never have tried to kill you."

The Warlord buried his face against Starscream's neck again, winding his arms around the small Fuchsia waist while the flier settled his arms around Megatron's shoulders, stroking his helm affectionately.

"How are we going to bond now?"

Starscream rolled his optics, smacking Megatron on the helm lightly. "Now he wants to bond," chuckled the flier, "when his intended doesn't have a spark anymore."

"I mean it," Megatron said seriously, sitting up in the berth where he and the flier had been dozing.

The flier shrugged a little sadly. "Maybe…it's Primus' way of punishing us for messing everything up," Starscream said thoughtfully.

This time it was the Warlord's turn to smack Starscream on the head. "That's unusually religious of you," he commented. "Anyway, he gave me back mine after you killed me. If you ask him nicely, maybe he'll give you back yours."

"Very funny," replied the flier, turning over in mock indignation. Megatron pulled him back towards him, settling himself against the flier's back.



"You remember how you used to ask me if I liked you?"

"Of course."

"Ask me again," Megatron said, smiling deviously.

The flier arched an optic ridge, but obliged. "Do you like me?"

The Warlord leaned in closer, pressing his mouth up against the Seeker's audio unit. He whispered, struggling to contain his laughter - "No."

"WHAT?!" shrieked the flier, trying to shove Megatron off him - but the tyrant wouldn't budge, and instead pinned Starscream down.

"I don't like you," Megatron laughed, then leaned in to kiss the irritated flier. "I love you. And even if we never find a way to bond, I'll still love you, and that's enough for me."

Starscream's optics went wide, but he soon pretended to pout unhappily at the trick Megatron had played on him, optics glittering. "Slagger…I love you too. I have since I was a youngling…it was…never really a bond I wanted, I guess…I just wanted to know that you loved me."

"And I do, little one, I do. What say we go and steal the All-Spark back, my Prince? Together this time," Megatron grinned.

The Seeker shook his head disbelievingly with a playful smile. "He gets out of prison, brings his dead lover back to life, and all he wants to do is take over Cybertron again," sighed Starscream dramatically.

"Who said anything about Cybertron?" Megatron said smugly. "I want the All-Spark to bring you back to life more…permanently. Just think what…" - he nipped the flier's neck delicately, then kissed the dark cables in the same spot - "…pleasant things we could do then."

"Sounds like fun," Starscream smiled sensually.

"Excellent!" Megatron beamed, then yelled over his shoulder "Strika! We're going back to Cybertron!!!"

He picked up Starscream bridal-style and charged towards the command-centre, the two laughing maniacally together all the way.


A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who stuck with this story and left me kind reviews! I hope this ending satisfies you - I felt that this was where it wanted to stop, with the two at peace with each other, and I'll let you imagine what happens next ;)

I also wanted to note that my characterizations of Cyclonus and Oil Slick were heavily inspired by an excellent fic that's still in progress (I think) called "Toxicity", by spotlight-noa and vani-nessa. Fanfiction dot net won't let me write the link to it here, but if you search for the "team_chaar" livejournal community you'll find it on there. But anyway, if you're looking for something to read - read that!