Ding! Ding!
As the male pokemon tamer and lass go out the Pokemon Center with red scarves wrapped tightly around their necks, the two walk to the entrance of the dark and mysterious Mt. Moon. The Tamer tightens his fist and grins with delight.
"Yes! We're ready for Mt. Moon! Cerulean City, here we come!" The tamer starts to walk into the darkness. The Lass hesitated. The tamer turned around.
"What's wrong? Scared?" the tamer taunted.
The lass's cheeks turned red with anger. "NO! It's just that…I remember something happening here a while back. Didn't it appear on the news one time?"
The tamer looked at the ground, thinking. "Well there was an incident here a couple of years back, but it's a long story…" The Lass clung onto the Tamer's leather jacketed arm.
"Tell me on the way through the cave. It'll entertain me."
~Sigh~ "Alright then!" the tamer agreed. The two pokemon trainers walked through the intersection of light and darkness right into Mt. Moon.
The cave was dark, but you could see clear enough to know where you were going. The tamer and lass were still cringed together.
"Geez sis, you can let up a little…it's not that scary in here…" the tamer complained.
The lass loosed her grip a little. "Sorry, I just don't want us to be lost in here."
"Good point."
"I want to hear the incident story!" the lass jumped up in excitement.
The Tamer stopped in front of the first and only sign in Mt. Moon. "Read the sign."
The Lass let go of her brother and walked up to the sign for a better look. "It reads…Warning! Zubats will suck blood!" The lass shivered a bit.
The tamer and lass started to walk together more into Mt. Moon.
"Long time ago, before even I was born, in 1956 there was this group of teens, 2 girls and 3 boys. They decided to go through Mt. Moon since it was a quicker way to get to Cerulean City. They read the warning sign you read sis. They laughed it off and went on. Little did they know that they woke up 9 zubats by their outburst, but they didn't attack them, not yet, but they followed them quietly. They went through two floors and they started to get a little lost and worried…"
The Tamer paused to go down a latter. The Lass followed him and then they started walking near the walls. The path started to get a little darker.
"They accidentally took the wrong path and couldn't find the right path. They got to a little cove of just wall. The 9 zubats that followed them SWOOPED down and flutter around them using screech to make them defenseless. They screamed, and in circles and covered their ears. Two of the boys that were in the group fell down and got shielded off from the rest of the group by other zubats that was in the room. The huge group of zubats circled them both until one of the zubats shank his fangs into one of the boy's neck and started to suck some of his blood. The other circling group did the same to the other boy. Not long after that they all flew away into the cave. The 2 girls were hiding behind rocks while the one boy ran over to the victims and see if they were alright….they were scuffled up a little, but they were alright. When he told the girls that they were alright, the girls started to walk toward them. When the girls got to a meter away from them, the two boys that were attacked jumped on the boy and started to scuff him up. The two girls stopped and stared at what would traumatize them for the rest of their life…"
The tamer stopped again to go up a latter, which the lass did the same. The tamer started to look around and walked left, then right. The lass walked to the tamer.
"Hey do you know where we're going?"
"Of Course I do! We go this way!" The two started to walk in the center of the cave.
"So what happened next?" her voice trailed off in fear.
The tamer stopped and raised his arms over his sister and showed his teeth.
"The two boys hissed and fangs grew in their mouth! They grew sharp nails and their eyes went to a pitch black small state, like when a bright light hits your eyes your eyes get smaller. BUT! The boy was terrified and yelled at the girls to run at his last breath. One of the fanged boys held down the boy and the other bit into the boy's neck and blood started to run out. He screamed but the scream of terror soon turned into a hissing sound! His teeth also turned sharp and his eyes went black and small. The two boys let go of their victim and all the boys ran toward the two girls. The girls screamed and ran toward a light at the end of the path. They finally saw the exit but the boys were very close to them. One of the boys grabbed one of the girl's hair and actually ripped some of it out. The two girls jumped out of the exit of Mt. Moon into the bright sunlight. They got up and looked back at the entrance. There was nothing there but darkness. The two girls walked up to the entrance and only heard zubats. The three boys were never found up to this day. And that, my sister is the story of the Mt. Moon incident…"
The lass stopped in her tracks with her face a little pale. The tamer turned around. "What's wrong?"
She pointed to the wall. It was curved in a cove like shape. "Where in the same place as the teenagers in the incident!"
The tamer looked around. "Well I guess we are. That means we're close to the exit. Come on!"
The two walked down into a hall-like area. The lass hear a scuffle behind her. She turned but nothing was there. She could clearly see the ceiling also. The lass walked on but she heard it again. She turned, and again nothing there.
The scuffle happened a last time but a shadow went passed her. She yelped. Her brother stopped.
"If a zubat did attack us it would get through our scarves. That's way the Pokemon Center passes out these scarves before going though Mt. Moon."
The lass walked passed the tamer in caution. "I don't care! They can rip it off for all you know…"
"Oh that's just-
"AAAAHHHH!" the tamer screamed and fell to the ground with a zubat easily ripping his scarf into pieces.
"Brother! Hold on! Go RATTATA!!!" She threw a red poke ball.
A simple rattata busted out of the poke ball and cried its name.
"Go rattata! Use your hyper fang on zubat!" she pointed.
The rattata's tooth started to glow and charged toward the zubat.
The zubat flew up and spat out toxins on rattata, which badly poisoned rattata and couldn't fight.
"Oh no! Rattata return!"
"Oh man! I'm out of pokemon!" The zubat swooped down to her brother again completely ripping off his scarf to expose his neck. The tamer got up and pointed to a light at the end of the cave.
"Sister! The light! That's the exit! Go!" As he soon said that, the zubat bit his neck and took some of his blood. The tamer eyes got smaller and his stiffened. The zubat got off him and flew back into the cave. The tamer fell to his knees. He gridded his teeth and held his head.
The lass walked slowly toward the tamer. "Craig?..."
The tamer raised his head and grinned a fanged smile. "Why yes sister…." He said in an insane tone," I'm just fine…you know…I think I dropped something back in the cave…why don't we go together to make sure we don't lose each other…."
He held out his hand toward the lass. The lass knew that the tamer wasn't him. He looked like the boys in the incident he described…
The lass backed up, and started to run toward. The tamer ran right behind her with the crazy grin on his face still.
The lass ran faster toward the light. It shined with radiance when she got closer to it.
"Almost there…." A hand extended from behind her and grabbed her scarf.
"Ah! Let Go!!!" As she tugged her scarf.
"Where do you think YOU'RE going?! I'm your brother… You're supposed to always help me with anything…..And I want your BLOOD!"
The lass tugged herself forward. The tamer soon grabbed her scarf with his other hand. The lass was struggling because he clearly out matches her in physical strength. She quickly tugged harder until the fabric couldn't hold anymore.
The lass was lunged out of the cave due to her force and landed in the bright green grass.
Her whole body was on the ground. She got up and looked at the entrance into Mt. Moon. It was very dark in the entrance. She walked up to the entrance a little.
Hundreds of zubats flew out of the cave into the light blue sky…
The lass stood away from the entrance, frowning. "The Mt. Moon incident….has come back…"
….::::End of Prologue:::…