Judy was resting in bed. It was three in the morning, and she couldn't sleep. For the past few weeks every night Violet would cry for Judy to feed her. She had her mom on a schedule. Judy could do nothing but wait to be woken up by the infant. She turned on her side to face her husband. He was peacefully sleeping and his face was buried in his pillow. Judy ran her hands on the stubble on the side of his head. He hadn't been able to keep up his closely shaved mohawk while Violet needed to be taken care of. Right when Judy was stroking Johnny's tattooed arms she heard the cry of her baby. She sprang up and lifted her daughter from her crib at the foot of her bed. In the moonlight she could see her light brown hair and adorable button nose. She kissed Violet and started rocking her back and forth.

Ten minutes later Johnny Napalm, the most disrespectful, angry, violent, misunderstood, and controversial guitarist woke up. He saw his wife Judy the most beautiful, intense, and talented female guitarist since Joan Jett rocking his daughter. Violet was still crying, poor little thing.

"She's been crying for the past ten minutes." Judy said in a tired voice without even turning around.

"Did you feed her?"

"Yes, and I changed her too. She just doesn't want to go to sleep."

Johnny looked around the bedroom. A month ago it was peaceful and clean. Now it was filled with toys, blankets and other baby things. Johnny was about to fall back to sleep when Violet started crying very loudly. It broke Johnny's heart to hear his daughter cry.

"Judy, let me hold her." Judy handed Violet over, "Poor little thing. Let daddy make it all better."

As Johnny walked his daughter around the bedroom Judy watched in amazement. One year ago, Johnny Napalm was a raving alcoholic. When he was younger he was known for spending more time in jail then on stage. He cared for nobody, he hated everything. His guitar was his only friend. For ten years his only home was the streets of London England. Now he was walking around his New York apartment holding his baby daughter, trying not to step on her toys on the floor. He was sober, clean of cigarettes, an American Citizen, and a devoted husband. Though he still pulled silly pranks on roadies and landlords, swore whenever he felt like it and played punk rock on his guitar, he was a changed man.

Without saying a word, Johnny put his daughter in Judy's arms. Left the room and in a few minutes he entered with his guitar. He plugged in to his portable amp and played softly. Judy was expecting a hair whitening guitar solo, but he started playing a lullaby for Violet. Violet watched her dad with her new eyes. She stated squirming in Judy's arms, just like she did when Judy was pregnant. In a few minutes Violet fell asleep.

Judy smiled at her husband, "Thanks Johnny."

Johnny looked at her and gave her a kiss. Johnny smiled at the his wife and the only sound in that room was the static coming from the amp.