A/N: Hello there everybody! Rachel here, with my first fanfic of Twilight, and first fanfic….ever!
So, anyways, this fanfic is sort of a retelling of Twilight, told from Edwards's point of view. It's about his lust over not only Bella, but another new girl, named Katherine, who attributes a different personality than Bella, and falls in love with her, which starts a problem. Who does he choose Bella or Katherine?
Ok, so this will be kind of a retelling of Twilight, with instead of one female….there is two! And what happens when Jacob gets in the mix?
Ok, so enough with the questions that can't be answered now, let's get a start with the fic.
Oh and remember this is told from Edward's point of view!
Love At Second Sight
Prologue: Than It Hit Me
Ugh! It's been a week since I first saw her, smelt her, and hungered for her. Bella Swan hit me like a boulder.
For the most part, I've been able to hide my Vampire instincts and live a respectable life as a "normal" teenage boy. Than she walked into Mr. Banner's biology class, and let off that scent. A scent that made me want her in so many ways; like a drug, some kind of sick addiction. But I couldn't help it.
It's been a week since I last saw her. I left with my family for a hunt in the woods; maybe that would, possibly, sustain my desire for her, that I do something as simple as sit next to her in class.
Oh no….I step out from my Volvo and it hits me. Bella's scent; its still strong as before. I peer to my side, and I see her, she has just emerged from her beat-up Chevrolet pick up. Our eyes meet, but only for a moment, before she moves her attention to the group of students that have so graciously sucked her into their group; and before I know it, they are whisking her off to her first class.
Her scent starts to fade, and I can relax. That wasn't so hard. Not like before. I could stand being in the same area as her, without the urge to jump her and suck all that sweet blood from her body.
Now….it was different, her scent didn't make me hunger for her. No…it was almost like…desire.
I slam my door shut, mentally preparing myself for what this day could possibly hold.
Oh no…I heard Alice's thoughts whisper, before I look to her, walking so graciously next to me, while holding her lover, Jasper's, hand. Her thoughts sounded nervous, but her facial expression displayed a different story, she looked happy and cheerful.
"Is everything alright Alice?" I question her.
"Yep…I'm just fine!" She responds ever-so-cheerfully, as she quickened her pace, with Jasper following closely behind, allowing for her thoughts to become drowned with in the flood of high school students.
She was acting weird, and not the normal Alice weird; she only acts like this, when she has…a vision; a vision she doesn't want to tell.
But what could it….Ooof!
And like that, a hundred and ten pounds shove into me, before dropping like light-weight to the ground. I was lost in my thoughts so much, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.
My eyes peer to the ground, where I see a young girl stammering to her feet. I frantically try to help her up, as she brushes her self off.
"I'm so sorry; I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you ok?" I question the young lady.
"Yep, I am fine. Just like you, wasn't quite watching where I was going." She laughed.
"Well, I'm sorry again."
"Oh it was no problem…really! Well, I have to sort of get to class," The girl awkwardly smiled, as she moved past me, and I got a full whiff of her scent…
My eyes widened in terror, as I turned around, watching her walk away. "Um…bye…"
Oh no…
So…should I continue? I know there isn't much to go by, but it will get better! Please review :D!