Chapter 1

Boys are coming

Alices POV

It was great morning I opened my eyes and saw sun which was shining in the window. I realized that today was Monday and I was late for school. I quickly get out of my bad running to shower. Quickly brushed my hair and had to kitchen for dinner, but it was too late so I just picked my bag and run to door, when I opened the door I saw a girl with light blue hair who was looking with worm smile.

Hey Runo, whats wrong?

Alice I have great news !!

What news? I said rising my eyebrow.

Four new guys are coming to our school!!! YEY, Julie pumped out of nowhere.

Oh hi Julie, I sad with little smile.

Cooooooooooooome on Alice !! we will be late move little faster, said Runo with giggling and drag me to direction of school.

Chan will be there waiting for us, JULIE QUICKLY!!! Yelled Runo.

I smiled at Runo, who still was dragging me to school.

Runo was really excited about that news. I hope Runo will find boy who will be her love, like me and Chang who knows……… Julie already has Billy so just we are left. But who will like girl like me, I am so week and helpless, I wish I was strong like Runo or cute like Julie. While I was in my thoughts we get fast to our school. It was big white building and big entrance. I saw Chang far from us who was weaving to us with sweet smile.

Runos POV

In the entrance was standing Chang smiling and weaving to us, I smiled back at her. I still was dragging Alice and Julie was behind us We quickly ran to her and had little rest to catch our breath.

Hi Chan……….., we said at same time.

Come on we are late. Said Chan with running in hall way.

Sorry I slept over…. Frowned Alice

Hurry up guys..... !!! yelled Chan.

Oh right! Come on! I said with little smirk on my face.

Chan do you know names of boys?

Nope Runo sorry! Smirked chan.

We ran to class as fast as we can, but when I opened the door I couldn't do anything but stare. There were standing four handsome boys with different colors of hair. I couldn't say anything, everyone were staring at them except Alice and Julie. Julie was greeting Billy and smiling to him, but Alice was looking down on her feet with frown and cute blush on her, she was so cute and beautiful, I wondered what was she thinking about and who where this boys besides us.