I was never an attractive female. Even when I was born, not even my own mother or siblings wanted the merest thing to do with me.

My uncle, Sorboro, he was the only to give me a conviction to live. A kind elder he was yet stern and real with his ways. He treated me like a women and taught me to be a women, a being of equality and strength and intelligence, not a submissive and weak little female who was trained to be herded together, collected into a room just so the males to could pick at us. Of course, nobody picked at me for my looks. Forerunners, they dare not look at me for that matter.

Ha, hell with them I say. "A man who does not act like a decent man, is no man. But a mere animal, therefore a women of common sense, should not have a respect for them. A real man… Looks past the outer shell, and focuses on what really matters. The women herself and is there for her, not for the euphoria of breeding." Sorboro said such. Beautifully.

And now I give you a description of my self image.

A blunt little thing I am my neck is not a graceful, snaking curve so long and tempting. Instead it's a fat stalk, with barely no curve at all. My shoulders are thin and my legs, short. A dark blue gray my skin is, and my Varso diamond blue eyes are so large they rival a Keet Fly. Almost disproportionate to my head. And my mandibles are short little sausages with stubby little teeth. My pluses? I am thin, and my hip size is desirable, too bad the rest of me isn't.

Luzai moved fleetingly through the crowds swarming the Turvin City market. Her thin fingers gripping the tattered hooded cloak covering her form while a stained silk bag hung from her wrist. Try as she might, avoiding the civilians and soldiers wasn't a simple task. And many to who glimpsed her face were often left bewildered at her brilliant blue eyes or distasted at her face. She would head into the far side of the market, to a good friend who was her trusted seller. And as soon as she arrived, she was rewarded by the site of a golden vest and the warm ring of deep gruff voice calling her over.

"Aaah hahah! Luzai! I know that's you! Come, come, I haven't seen you in three cycles!" The Stand Host Arut 'Hohem said loud enough to catch the attention of a man and his wife passing the seller's humble hut. As he gleefully ushered her over she hissed at him.

"Do not draw more attention than what's needed old man!" She looked stern, but the smile in her voice said otherwise and the girl removed her cloak. Arut only pulled his mandibles back in a grin as he watched Luzai inspect the ocean's catch hanging from the rack around side.

"You caught word that the Fourth Fleet is coming home yes?" He leaned against the hut's door and shoved his hands into his pits with arms crossed.

He could hear the sigh in her voice. "Yes Arut, I have," and before he could say another word she cut in. "And I will not go to greet them at the gates." Arut huffed and stood forward as she pointed to the Karut Fish on the far corner. "There are many single males, Luzai…" He argued, untying the fish' tail from the rack and tossing it to the chopping flat with a wet thwap!

"And I don't care, Arut." She crossed her arms and cocked her head at him.

"Luzai… Not all men are selfish beings, a lot of the males are young, and naturally they prefer those long-legged whores." He began, pulling a blade out from under the flat and he started to sheer the scales away, revealing it's succulent pink flesh. "Only six time have you gone to see the men when they arrive at the gate. I will admit the gathering men and women are a bit much. As the girls are worse, vying to get the attention of the men."

"Exactly," She said in the process of accepting a sample of the fish' meat.

"And that is all the more reason to try." He said as he watched her tear a small loin away and taste it. She smacked her mandibles and nodded her approval. "four pounds of that. It is all I can afford."

Arut bobbed his head with a mischievous grin. "Very well, 9 pounds it is." That earned him a scoff. "Arut." Said Luzai with a flat tone.

He laughed. "Oh come now girl, you live by yourself. I won't hear of it, as long as you promise me this, you to go to the gate and go site seeing. And I'll toss in a bag of Mushaan. Fair?"

"About as fair as my face." She said snidely. The merchant rolled his blonde eyes. "Which is very fair indeed." He smiled once he noticed the hue the bridge of her muzzle took on.

"Now wait here." He instructed then turned his back and disappeared inside the hut. The wooden blinds clattering together muted Luzai's sigh. She couldn't help but smile to herself, and the girl let a little laugh slip. Arut had always been so kind, when she met him he was only a passerby who found her sitting weakly at the exit of the market in the wee morning hours and took her to his shop as he was on his way to open it. He offered her a glass of water and rehabilitation in his hut. She stayed over a number of days. The smell of fish made her feel at home every time she came here. She looked up from the ground as he came back out, holding a large sack of the fish and a clear bag of the bright green fruit.

The girl humbly accepted her gifts. "Thank you Arut…" She said shyly. That made him chuckle warmly . "Needn't you thank me Luzai. But promise me please you'll go the gate tonight. I bought you that gown for a reason-- Eh!"

He lifted his head, his face flushing at the feeling of the girl's mandibles press and suck on his cheek. She smiled to herself and turned to leave the embarrassed seller. He watched her leave then shook his head, laughing, and went welcome another customer pair.


Later that evening the smell of Karut soup wafted from Luzai's windows into the night winds. She leaned against her kitchen counter, a glass if chilled mineral water in her hand. The girl was in her night clothes, a dull purple cloth robe and nothing more. Across from her hung a pale green gown. It was sleeveless and the U-shaped front was supported by an Orns Crystal encrusted collar. The dress was considerably expensive, it came from a famous Turvin designer, although Luzai could not place her hand on who the design was from. The hem was flowing and layered, and the outer layer was also crusted with gems and beads all the way down to the train. Bringing the cup up to her mandibles thoughtfully, she sighed. She was one to hold her promises to her savior. "Houh…. Arut, why do you do things like this to me?"

She knew Arut cared for her well being. The girl couldn't complain, he'd done much for her in the past. And all this hell he put her through was to make her happy. It gave her confidence she couldn't muster on her own. She often wondered why she put herself through it.

Setting down the glass, having raised it to her gullet and swallowed the remains, she pulled the dress from it's resting spot and made for her room. Unlacing her robe in the process.


Her finger scratched under the dress' collar in a nervous manner, the jewel engraved rings on her arm clanging hollowly. She could tell there was going to be a mass of idiot women, seeing as many passing taller females regarded her in disgust, but she held her head high and ignored them. Giving them back the expression of You're not worth my time to snap back. The gate was located at the far end of Turvin. Behind the tunnel-like hall entry, was a massive structure that towered over the city. It's base curved and blue-purple cylinder lights flowed up and down the tower, signifying the coming and going of Warriors and visitors, atop the base floated a detached portion. It resembled a plant seed, oval with a pointed tail, and viewers were swarmed with the shadows of soldiers and guards and the cities occupants.

The hall was beginning to fill with men and women ready to greet the home coming soldiers, careful not to bump anyone Luzai squeezed between two women, who gave offended comments at her passing. She ignored their complaints and continued on to an open elevator door. Just as the back of the male civilian turned she spoke up. "Euh! Pardon! Hold the door please!" The man warmly complied, and held the holo-button. She nodded her thanks and stood beside him. A young male behind her eyed her, before smiling lop-sided-ly. "And what do you hope to accomplish, female? Don't you think you're a bit short of gaining attention from the Warriors?"

She ignored him and continued to stare at the door but he persisted. "What? Are you too ugly to even speak girl?" The older man next to her spoke in an aggravated tone. "And you wonder why you are still not granted the right to breed, Nazo." The youngster quieted, his lower mandible twitching. "Do not mind him madam. I'm afraid the younger males of these days do not provide much respect for women. You are quite fair, only short and nothing more. All females are." That made Luzai blush faintly. "Thank you sir…" The older male smiled and nodded.

As they arrived to the top, the ride remained quiet. But once the elevator door opened. The few were slammed with talk. Soldiers who exited the airlock were greeted by former friends, while eager Minors and Majors made for the small collection of finely dressed women, teasing grins tugging at their faces with the intention of stirring them up.

Luzai moved past the girls who many had their heads turned in coyly at the approaching men. They didn't seem to regard them much, and Luzai saw why, as a large Zealot, most likely an Aristocrat, hissed at the three males in joining the four women who huddled about his waist. Respectfully, the younger men lowered their heads and backed away, turning their attention elsewhere. Luzai watched with an unimpressed look as the girls nearly melted at his touch, he teasingly scratched the underside of a women in blue's mandibles if she were some kind of pet. "Gods what weaklings… And he's an idiot." She said to herself bitterly, she then turned her attention elsewhere, at the gate and stood near the exit to watch the men walk by. For it was the only spot unattended by the growing crowd.

Some men, mainly Zealots of other ships, tiredly bowed their heads at the crowd, and went about their way. Some of the younger males haughtily stopped and blocked traffic just to tease a few young girls clustering along the walk. They were moved on by impatient others who only wanted to rest.

Suddenly the crowd grew exceedingly loud and Luzai struggled to see what was the commotion, but it didn't take much to see who was causing it. It was a Ship Master. Vastla 'Neonoree of the Spiritual Solemn. He was towering, standing over 2. 7 meters and quite robust. The Ship Master's neck was thick with an elegant arch and wide, his shoulders hulking and his chest curved and swelled with perfection of hard training. He was by far the most desirable Sangheili there. Even secluded Luzai could not help but gander him over. But she caught herself and looked down, raising a brow at her own behavior. Many thanked him for his duty and wished him well, allowing the tired warrior to pass. A women next to Luzai constantly hollered his name, it grew more and more irritating by the moment and she wished to blow her head off her neck.

The Ship Master regarded the women who only yelled louder, bringing the attention of others nearby. A male behind her growled as he tried to gain space and abruptly shoved the smaller female out into the isle, immediately regretting his action as Luzai rolled to the floor onto the path. She shook her head and glared up at him, that made the man back away into the crowd. Heavy thudding caught her attention and she looked about, having realized she was out in the middle of the path. Anybody would be escorted out or killed for such actions, and sure enough the Guards were on her in seconds.

"Be away with you." Came a tired voice, causing Luzai to glance past the hand of the Guard about to grab her face. His hand retracted once the Guard responded to Vastla's gesture to move. He and the other two stepped back slowly as Vastla advanced near the girl.


"Pardon, are you alright?" He said in a tender note, bending to extend a hand to her. The stalk-y women reluctantly took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. "My apologies Ship Master, it will not happen again, for I will not attend these grounds anymore." She backed away, bowing her head shamefully. The Zealot only smiled at her before removing his helmet. "What is your name, girl?"

With her head still down, she answered in a confused tone. "Luzai 'Gourlam…." Long ago did Luzai notice the crowd had gone silent and all eyes were on the two with rising intensity. The tip of a golden helmet came into her line of vision and her head jerked back. She exchanged glances between the helmet he held out and his ridiculously charming face. "Excellency?"

He held his smile. "Can I trust you to return this to me outside the tower in 36 units? By the doors?"

Luzai stood in silence, utterly stunned. The tension in the air was so thick someone could has suffocated on it. A full 10 seconds past before he looked somewhat disappointed and began to slowly pull the helmet away. Acting as if she didn't notice she humbly reached out and gingerly wrapped her fingers around the wings of the helmet. "Yes, you can Excellency." Vastla's smile was renewed and he released the helmet to her, watching as she bowed with a faint smile and proceeded to leave the gateway. The crowd parted as if she were carrying some kind of plague, all eyes were on her. Even the loud-mouthed female from before watched Luzai leave with the love… No, obsession of her life's helmet. Her eyes pouted and turned envious even though her stoned expression remained.

Alone, Luzai entered the elevator and once the doors closed the vehicle began it's descent she exhaled loudly, body, dress and all sagging. She had never been so overwhelmed, so flustered, embarrassed, elated, just augh!

Her face felt hot and she noticed she was shaking as her head dropped to her sternum. Staring at the helmet that barely fit in her arms she began to wonder. Was he doing this to tease her? Or did he actually find her interesting? He seemed honest enough about it, at least his tone did. He chased the guards off of her. Which was a shock, not only that but they actually listened. She took deep breaths to calm herself, once she felt steady she lifted the helmet to inspect it. She couldn't help but sniff it, to her self-embarrassment. He smelled nice, very clean he was. Or so she told herself mildly, the warmth swarming her cheeks again.

The doors blipped and hissed open, having brought her the first floor. She stepped out gingerly with the expression she was going to be attacked, the loud honk of the elevator door signaling she'd been in it's radar too long was enough to shoot her out of the case. Grimacing back at it she made for the entry way. The hall was entirely empty, the only sign of life asides from Luzai and the decorative plants along the way was a hustling Sangheili civilian who didn't even notice her in his rush for the elevator.

And she didn't bother to look back at him either. The doors hummed open upon her presence, and the girl got the blast of fresh air she so desperately needed. She sat down upon the steps and went over her options. Her animated and exaggerative face showing signs she was think in a comical manner. She could just leave the helmet here, with a note saying she was sorry. She then wondered if that would crush him.

You-huh-ho honestly did not just think that did you Luzai? The idea of you leaving the helmet here, to go HOME, did not just make you feel bad. Correct? He would understand, women.

Another side of her spoke up.

But Luzai, this could be a chance you've been waiting for!!! He's been the only man asides from Sorboro, Arut, Gry, Rokoi, Mar, and Kemka to give you attention like a decent being! Stay, wait it out and see what you get for your patients!

It was either the first, or the latter. Against her usual cowering instinct, she went with the latter and rooted her rear to the steps.

With 6 units left, all they happened within that time was a female Kig-Yar and her trailing chicks passing the structure by. Kig-Yar hatchlings were actually quite cute compared their adult counterparts. Fuzzy little down-covered things with large eyes and pathetic crests sprouting from the top of their heads. One paused to inspect her but it's mother noticed and clucked to it, the infant squealed and complied, quickly to catch up with it's parent and hatch mates.

Now with her head drooping between her arms, staring mind-numbingly at the helmet she failed to notice the doors slide open and a pair of gold and black armored boots step out. But that rumbling voice got her to wake up instantly.

"I see you've stayed. Thank you for your patience."

Luzai stiffened at his presence, and thought she was going to swallow her tongue when he sat down next to her. There was an awkward silence before he spoke again. "Ehm…. May I, have my helmet back?"

"OH!!! Yes, yes! Apologies Excellency!" She sat up with eyes wide and nearly shoved the helmet into his mid-section.

Nice going you oaf! She hissed at herself.

But to her surprise the Zealot laughed it off. The pale pads of his fingers grazed her nuckles as he took the helmet back and she thought to die at that moment. Whether he did it on purpose or not was out, all she knew was that it chilled her spine in the most delicious way. But the smile on his face sealed her suspicious that he'd done it intentionally. She decided to speak up, and in a grave tone she did.

"Excellency, I dare not challenge your authority or intelligence… But please, if you are stabbing me with cruel mocking and only wish to exploit me for my horrendous looks, then please take your time elsewhere. I have suffered enough as a member of a poorly bred family. I only wish to die in peace, offspring or not."

The Zealot seemed utterly impressed by her, if not a little surprised. "I see you have suffered much. I can tell from the hint in your eyes you've spent much of your life under a hood and criticism. And I ask this of you, please do not let my status fool you, or deter you in any way…"

He paused and watched her mandibles twitch at his words. "I've yet to give you my name, I am Vastla 'Neonoree." She looked up at him and a genuine small smile spread on her mandibles.

"I know your name, who does not? I have heard much about you, at least, what political insiders provide the public with." That got a groan of disgust. "Lies to feed the public, about our valiant efforts against the Humans. Truth be told, our roles are far from valiant. Our men die just as easily the Humans do, they are extremely formidable for their size. And some are by far the most brilliant Field Tacticians…. On the ground, or in Space…"

Luzai nodded, she was no fool to believe all the media gave civilians. In fact as a Sangheili female she was quite out of place, interested in things women usually weren't. But this Zealot didn't mind so much.

He sighed, leaning back and looking out at the city.

"Excellency, do you not need rest? Is it not late for you?"

He chuckled. "Indeed. If you would allow, may I escort you back to your home?"

Luzai stood, patting any dirt from her dress and not paying heed to the Zealot watching her, she finally addressed him. "Excellency, it is late. And it is not safe for anyone to be out at this hour. I think it would be best if I walked alone. Where I live is not so friendly, and the site of a wealthy Zealot could cause trouble."

He stood with a sigh but a humored smile remained. "I think I can handle myself Luzai. And please, I am off duty. Call me Vastla."

Embarrassed, Luzai nodded. "Ye Exce-- Vastla." She made her way down the steps with Vastla following close behind. As he came up on her left he held out his arm for her, and the girl's cheeks turn a rosy purple. Moments later she complied and gingerly slid her arm under his, gripping his wrist. He seemed to enjoy that she accepted the offer and his once tired step became more animated. Mentally, Luzai reeled with glee, she'd never been so excited. She was surprised at herself that she hadn't turned down any of his offers, or cowered away.

Perhaps she'd hold out till they arrived at her home, then she could run circles after he'd gone.


Luzai had directed him through the safest route she knew, much to her dismay that was right past Arut's shop. She prayed he wasn't there, not for the fact he'd become nosey, but if he'd seen her there would surely be a mountain of questions and teasing the next day. They rounded the corner entering the market and of course against her wishes Arut's shop lights where still on, and he was out conversing with a male occupant. The walk was reasonably crowded so perhaps he wouldn't notice her passing. Although Vastla, he might. The Ship Master's gold armor glinted proudly in the light of the street, and his height was astounding for a Sangheili. Although Luzai had heard of taller men, including a sixteen foot tall Fleet Master, apparently he did exist as he was the Master of the infamous Potent Legacy.

Her throat tightened upon closing in on Arut's shop. His voice came in range, but of course, Arut was loud enough to topple the din of the crowded street. Vastla sensed her discomfort and lowered his head. "Does something bother you?"

She snapped up, "Ah, uh-uh no… It is just, bad memories haunt me here, things I prefer stay buried."

The Ship Master nodded, but he became alert. "Vastla, tell me, are you an Aristocrat?"

He shook his head. "No, although I am trained in swordsmanship I have not taken Aristocratism to a full."

He looked down at her, a humored smile on his mandibles.

"Ah, apologies."

He chuckled. "Don't be, you're not the first to ask that, nor will you be the last… But I have no interest in females looking at me for… Different weaponry."

She felt a small laugh bubble up in the back of her throat. With a healthy grin on her face she inspected the metal and cushioned rubber walkway. "You've quite the humor, Vastla."


Vastla inspected her as she stared at the path. The female was short, that was no bother. But it would be Eons before he came across something so endearing. The girl was rather secluded - he had no doubt he could bring her out of her shell - and her face was quite adorable. Her extravagant large blue eyes were hypnotic. Her cheeks held a slight plumpness to them having never lost in her infant fat. Her wide and subtly marked brow line gave her face unmistakable character. The clothes she wore flaunted her rather long body, and his eyes then drifted to her wide hips. He mentally slapped himself and flicked his attention back to her face.

"So where is exactly do you live?"

She changed her gaze to his face, looking unsure, but what about he didn't know. "The outer boarder of Turvin, in Talla."

"Ah, I have only been there once. You're brave to live in the presence of such dangerous residence."

"I have no choice, I have no money to move. But lucky for me a good neighbor keeps watch over my home for me. He is a gruff man, but a good man."

She paused to glance over at Arut, she smiled. Not at all a pleased smile, as he watched her with a raised brow and a grin.

Mahahah, oh, hell. She thought sarcastically. Wanting to jump from a cliff at the moment.

As she suspected the merchant let her on their way, she couldn't wait to deal with his nonsense in the morning. Vastla's worried voice brought her out of her mental griping.

"Are you ill?"

Again the girl concealed a snort of surprise. "No, lost in thought again. I have had a long day…"

He hummed. "Do you work?"

She nodded. "Yes, a man titled Mar has given me a job as a Welding Assistant." Vastla snorted, his head jerking up. "That, is hard work, even for a man," He then laughed. "You are one hardy girl." His tone seemed teasing, but as in fun teasing. Luzai blushed.

"Oh it's no joy, but he was the only in the area who gave me something to do that only required half a day's put out." She rolled her shoulder, irritated at the ball in her muscle. "Then I come home after a visit to the market. I spend all my days work within hours. The dress I'm wearing is a gift from a dear friend."

The Zealot nodded, eyeing a staring female who smiled at him from her place in the hut, but he ignored her. "Mm, because I began to wonder after you saying such, at how you could afford a 'Croson dress." He sniffed the air as they passed by a restaurant filled with civilians.

Luzai nearly spit on herself. Ohuh!!! Arut what in Gods names were you thinking to get me something from 'Croson?! She quickly pulled herself together as Vastla raised a dark-ridged brow at her. "Well, that helped with the mystery of the dress, seeing as my friend did not tell where it was from. Expensive taste that one."

He laughed again and looked off to his left as they turned right, exiting the bustling market street. They came onto a dirt road, the pavement ending rather quickly. "This is the street I live on." She commented, her hold tightening his arm in a nervous manner. "There's a pack of Kig-Yar on this road. This is their hunting hour I'm afraid."

But Vastla only snorted. "Nothing I cannot take care of."

She lifted her head as they approached a small domed structure that was a metallic dark blue in coloration below a leaning tree, where dim lights hung to illuminate the small home. "There, that's where I live."