Chapter 23
It was all arranged; Jack and Sam would fly out to Minnesota, rent a car and drive to the cabin. They would meet Daniel and Teal'c there as soon as they returned from Dakara and could drive up.
Jack and Sam were driving toward the town for a few more supplies when they passed a small country church with a man on the roof hammering away. Jack turned into the church yard got out and called to the man.
"Hey F.X. whatya doing?"
"Thought I get a tan."
Sam saw two legs, one flesh and one metal, hit the top rung of the ladder and slowly the man dressed in shorts and a ratty t-shirt made his way to the ground.
"What are you doing here O'Neill? It's a church for pity sake! My whole roof could cave in and just when I've got most of the holes patched." The man said laughingly as he reached for Jack outstretched hand.
"And who's this lovely lady?"
"Samantha Carter, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Air Force. Carter, this is Father Francis Xavier Foley. Frank, I was wondering if you could do us a favor?"
"Ah gee Jack, are you planning on robbing the cradle? And you, young lady, you know, you could probably do better. Have you looked around at all?"
"I appreciate the word of confidence." Jack said.
"May I have a word then with the young lady?"
The priest and Sam strolled through the garden between the chapel and small cottage rectory.
"I've know Jack for many years. We met in Nam, he was still a boy. And myself as well, a relatively young chaplain, out to save their souls. Jack pulled me aboard a chopper, well most of me." He tapped his prosthetic leg.
"We came back different men. Some lost pieces of our bodies, some pieces of their souls or minds. Our core beliefs were reformed, our faith in tatters and a very low view of those who use the common soldier as pawns in their elaborate chess game – expendable…used to suit their objectives then toss aside. I got out but he's had… what … these many years of war. Forgive me, I'm a little cynical, I fear.
Do you know what you are getting yourself into? Some of these men are too tightly wound; some welded shut so they pop a rivet from time to time.
And Jack…he's a good man, you know. And God knows Jack's had his spare of pain."
"I'm aware…I'm ready for the 'better for worse' I've been working with him for the past eight years…I know him. And I...I'm ready for the 'in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part'. I do love him."
"Well then I'll pray for you, too."
"Thanks… but who prays for you?"
"They do – the men…oh and the women too. Not all prayers are said on our knees. These men who put themselves between us and harms way, the fellows that use their minds and bodies to protect the rest of us… these sacrifices are not unheard."
Sam smiled at the old priest.
The next Saturday the old priest granted their request. It was a beautiful day, warm yet breezy. The small chapel was cool with the scent of bees wax and incense hanging in the air. There were just the five of them: the couple exchanging rings and making vows which they had already begun to fulfill in their hearts, the two friends and team mates and the clergy man.
Before leaving the small church Sam turned and placed the bouquet of creamy white and blood red tea roses at the base of a statue. The statue was of young woman who stood upon the Earth and the crescent Moon, crowned with the stars of the heavens and the heel of her foot crushing the serpent's head.
The End