Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto... Sasuke does... *smirk*
NOTE***: So I told myself I wasn't going to do this! I told myself I wasn't going to post anything new until I had updated all my other stories a good few times... But... This is just so... so... Cute and different and awesome! I just had to work on it to post it! I am very fond of this one!!! Please forgive me! ENJOY!!!
And this will be Sasunaru... It may not seem like it in the first few chapters... but TRUST me! I have a plan! And don't worry! Sasuke is not a pedophile! I PROMISE!
It'll also be Kakashi/Iruka, Shino/Kiba, Neji/Gaara, Itachi/Kankuro (strange I know, but I have a reason) Umm... Who else...? Hmm... Shika/Temari, Asuma/Kurenai (if they're in it), either Sai/Sakura or Sakura/Hinata, Choji/Ino, I might put Lee with Sakura if she's not with Sai or Hinata, Umm... If I think of more I'll let you know or if you have any suggestions let me know!
NOW... You can ENJOY!!!
P.S.: Look my brother up! His name is DrarryTLA !!!! He'll be taking over all the Harry Potter stuff! No more new HP fics on my account, unless they're cross-overs! I'm actually working on a Naruto Harry Potter cross-over! Anyways, no one's looking up my brother and he's getting really sad! And honestly, all my HP stories were his idea! But he didn't have an account... I did... He let me have 'em! Isn't he a great big brother? He won't ask people to read his stuff because he doesn't wanna look desperate! Cute... but we're all friends here right!? I told him "Ask away" he said "No" I said "Fine!" and now here I am! I'm done ranting about my bro now... Sorry... Didn't mean to waste this much of my writing space, but it is for a good cause... So... Forgive me!
Now here we go! (For real this time!)
And PLEASE excuse the incredibly SUCKY and AWEFUL summary! I ran outta room!!!! *tear*
Forever Mine
"He has been marked!" exclaimed the doctor as he birthed yet another child into the world. He held the tiny baby in his hands as the nurses rushed around him in a bustle of movement. One nurse handed him a baby-blue blanket with which he wrapped the small life up. This child was one of the most beautiful childern he had ever had the joy of helping into the world.
The little boy was no more than a few minutes old and yet his eyes were blinking open to reveal the most stunning shade of blue. He had a nice, soft head of fluffly blonde hair and he was not crying. A baby's cry was one of the worst sounds in the world in the doctor's opinion. He looked down upon the baby as if it were a treasure, a rare and beautiful one...
"My baby! Give me my baby!" came the soft yet almost frantic voice of the child's mother. She weakly held her arms out so she could hold her baby at least one time before she had to leave him forever. She didn't want to leave him, he was hers... She had carried him for exactly seven months, one week, and four days... And she had to part with him after only just seeing him... Life had a cruel way of turning happy into sad.
The doctor, (an incredibly young man to be such an astounding doctor) by the name of Ken, smiled and carefully handed the beautiful woman her son.
The woman no longer felt any pain. She knew that wasn't a good thing, but it didn't matter. She had her son, the most precious thing to her. She knew the risk of having a baby but it was the only thing she had wanted: something to call her own, to love and protect.
He was perfect. Despite being a newborn child his soft skin held a healthy glow. His eyes were open and bright, a sparkling sapphire color. His cheeks were rosy and he seemed to be smiling at her. She gently touched his nose and recieved a giggle. He grabbed her finger in one of his hands, a surprising gesture for a newborn child, but she understood that. He was marked... cursed to be different... She didn't care. He was the most perfect and most beautiful child she could have hoped for.
"Naruto..." she whispered, "His name will be Naruto..."
Ken smiled at the scene although his heart ached for the young mother. No older then twenty and already she had lost her young husband, her parents, and she would soon lose her son... along with her life... He had warned her of course, that should she carry through with her pregnancy it would most likely be fatal. But she had already fallen in love with her unborn child and could not bear to choose her own life over his...
"It's a beautiful name," the young doctor said.
"You'll make sure he's safe, won't you?" the young mother asked, smiling at her son. She wriggled her finger around, earning more giggles.
"Of course," the doctor replied. "I know a great place where he can stay. Maybe you know the lady in charge... Tsunade?"
"Yes," the woman said, "I know her. She was a great friend of my parents..." She slightly unwrapped the blanket from around her son's stomach. There she saw the black tattoo around his naval. "They won't hurt him will they?" The mere thought of her precious son being hurt made her ache.
"Tsunade would never allow it," the doctor replied. He gazed upon the swirling black design... He had seen that particular mark before... "Neither will his other half..."
"I'm glad," the woman replied, giving Ken a dazzling smile that certainly shamed the sun. She was able to hold her son for a few more minutes, enjoying his tiny laugh and bright blue eyes... like his father's... The longer she tried to hold him it seemed, the weaker she began to feel. She didn't want to give him up yet, but it was getting increasingly harder to breathe.
Ken realized that the young woman would not make it much longer. He reached towards her to take the child.
"Wait," she requested weakly. With what little strength she had left, she gently lifted her baby up and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Naruto..." she whispered. She allowed the doctor to take her baby then, her arms falling to her side.
The baby, seeming to know that something was wrong, reached for his mother... But when she did not move... he cried for the first time.
Five years later...
Tsunade Sannin sat behind her desk and sadly gazed down at the file of the young blonde boy whom she had come to love as one of her own. It seemed that the young ball of energy would be going to a new home today... She would have been happy for the boy, but he had a bad history with new parents... and she knew nothing about the couple that would be adopting him. She had only spoken with the man on the phone, and she was still unsure how he had come to choose a child without ever having met any of the children in her orphanage.
But... she supposed she should be happy for the blonde. He wanted a family more than anything and she didn't know... Maybe this new couple would have the decency to not return him as if he were a bad Christmas present.
"Nade!" yelled a small yet loud voice, "Nade, hide me!"
Suddenly, a small orange blur shot into her office to hide beneath her desk. She laughed, knowing who it was beneath her desk even if had she not heard his voice. The only child in her orphanage that stayed covered in orange was Naruto... the adorable little blonde she was so fond of. "What is it?" she questioned, bending to look beneath her desk.
Her face was met with tiny hands that pushed her away. "Shh!" the boy exclaimed, although he was far from being quiet, "Kiba and his new daddy will find me!"
"Oh," the blonde woman whispered back, "Okay... You stay there," she finished with a laugh. Out in the hall, she heard footsteps, one set heavier than the other.
"Naruto!" she heard a tiny voice call out, "We're gonna find you!" Then, she heard a deeper and older voice, one that never failed to give her chills, "Let's check in Tsunade's office, Kiba."
Tsunade shook her head to clear away any inappropriate thoughts she could have had. Kiba's new father was an incredibly sexy young man. He looked no older than twenty-five yet the way he carried himself and the knowing look in his eyes made him seem older. He had sinfully dark hair that really stood out against his ivory skin and which made his obsidian eyes almost glow. He was tall and looked as if he were a football player instead of an independent business man. She was unsure what kind of business he did, and she was even more unsure of why he would want a child. He had no wife or girlfriend, and he was so young; it just didn't seem like he needed a kid at the moment. But... he adopted Kiba and had brought the young brunette every other day to play with his best friend (only friend really), Naruto.
The young man, one Sasuke Uchiha, sauntered into her office, following behind his tiny son whom he towered over. "Kiba and I are looking for Naruto, Lady Tsunade," the man said with a breath-taking smile, "Have you seen him? We've looked everywhere... right, Kiba?"
"Yeah!" the little brunette exclaimed with a huge smile. "We's looked everywhere Nade!"
Tsunade smiled. "I haven't seen him," she said, discretely making a thumbs-up sign beneath the desk where only Naruto could see.
"Really?" Sasuke questioned with a knowing smile. Kiba tugged on the man's long black jacket. "Yes, Kiba?"
"If Nade haven't seen him, where's could he be? Oh no!" the small boy exclaimed, "What if he disa-vanished!?" He looked around quickly and tried to pull Sasuke towards the door. "I bet a monster ated him! We have to save him!"
Tsunade and Sasuke both laughed, and their laughter was joined by one more person's, a person who wasn't Kiba. Naruto crawled out from under the desk. "I'm right here!" he yelled with a blinding smile.
"Naruto!" Kiba exclaimed, releasing his father's jacket to pounce on his friend. "Did you get eated?" Kiba asked amazed.
"No silly!" Naruto laughed, "The monster don't eats five years olds! The big kids told us it eats four years olds!" The tiny blonde turned his bright blue eyes torwards Sasuke. "Kiba's new daddy! Count again! Count again!"
"Yeah," Kiba exclaimed, "again, again!" His big brown eyes were just as bright as Naruto's blue ones and Sasuke could not refuse either pair...
"What should I count to?" Sasuke replied.
"A jabillion!" both boys called out happily.
"Okay... One... Two..." the Uchiha began while covereing up his eyes. He peeked through his fingers and watched, amused, as both boys yelled and ran off through the door. "Three... Four... Five..." He continued to count until his exceptional hearing placed the two boys in Naruto's room, which was a story up in the building. "So, My Lady," Sasuke said, grabbing one of her hands in his own and kissing it lightly, "To what do I owe the honor of this meeting?"
Tsunade felt her cheeks heat up. This man was at least twenty years younger than her! He shouldn't make her blush like a school girl! But he talked as if he were raised in a different time, a time when Lords and Ladies ruled over their kingdoms, with chivalrous knights and damsels in distress.
She cleared her throat lightly as if it could clear her head as well. "Yes... Um... Well..." she looked down at her desk and saw the file. Oh. "I believe I've told you how greatful I am that you've adopted Kiba and have still allowed Naruto and him to be together. They're like brothers..."
"Ah yes," the man said a with smile, "But thanks are not in order. Kiba is great; I care very much for him... I only wish I could take Naruto too, I would gladly... But he's getting adopted right?" he questioned.
Tsunade stared at him shocked. "How did you...?"
"Your face," the man said somewhat quickly, "I can read it like a book..." He smiled then, to calm down her racing heart; all his smile did though was speed it up. "Who is adopting him?"
The blonde woman shook her head to clear it. "Well," she said, "I cannot share that information with you. I can however, have you here when the couple arrives to pick him up today... which is why I've asked you to come by."
"Hmm... What will my presence accomplish?"
"Well," Tsunade replied with a blush, "You can help me see if they are good people who will take care of the little knucklehead... You seem like a powerful man to me-"
"So, my Lady," the raven interrupted, "Let me tell you what I think you're thinking. You believe my business to be shady because you know not what I do. You think that I must be a pretty powerful man and believe I can use my mere presence that leaks of lethal authority to scare some sense of decency into the hearts and minds of the couple adopting young Naruto if they need it... Am I correct in my conclusion?"
Sasuke laughed. "Why my dear Lady," he said, "I did not know you were so devious..." He smirked. "When will they arrive? I would gladly scare them if need be. Naruto means very much to my son; he deserves a home as good and lovable as he is."
"Thank you," Tsunade smiled; she looked at her watch. "They'll be here soon I believe. Why don't you continue your game with the boys? I'll find you when they arrive."
Sasuke nodded and walked out of they office. "A jabillion!" he yelled, "Ready or not, here I come!" He heard a chorus of giggles that were probably muffled by tiny hands.
He made his way upstairs and quietly walked into the small room which Naruto and Kiba had shared. It looked the same as it always had. Bunk-beds, toys littered all over the floor, clothes strewn everywhere; the epitome of a child's room. The only difference he could see in the entire room was a big lump underneath the covers on the bottom bunk of the bed. He smirked.
"Hmm," he wondered aloud, placing his chin in his hand, "Where are Naruto and Kiba?" He walked towards the closet and opened it loudly. "They aren't in the closet..." He heard tiny giggles. "Are they under the bed?" The gigles grew louder as he approached the bed. Looking under it, he said, "They aren't under the bed either. Where could they be?" He stood up and snapped his fingers. "I know! They're on the top bunk!" He made a big show of fiddling with the top bunk, earning him hushed laughter. Finally, he sat on the bottom bunk the best he could. "I can't find them anywhere!" he exclaimed, leaning back lightly, just barely putting pressure on the huge lump. The lump moved a little bit and he heard even more laughter. "Well that isn't cool," he said, adding a little more pressure, "I was going to take them to get ice cream for Naruto's brithday... I guess I'll have to eat it all by myself..." He leaned back some more but was stopped by pushing hands.
"No! No!" he heard; the hands pushed him up some more. "We're here! We're here! You're squishy us!"
With a laugh, Sasuke sat up and removed the blanket from the bed. He was met by a sparkling pair of blue eyes and a smiling set of brown. "There you are!" he exclaimed, "I didn't know you were there! Have you been there the whole time?"
"Silly Daddy!" Kiba exclaimed, jumping in the man's lap, "You just not good at hides and seek! Right, Naruto?"
Naruto jumped in Sasuke's lap next to Kiba. "Right!" he exclaimed, nodding his head.
Sasuke laughed softly. "I guess I'm not."
Naruto suddenly turned his eyes to the door. "Nade!" he yelled happily, jumping from Sasuke's lap to hug the blonde woman. "Guess what, Nade?" he questioned, completely missing the couple standing behind the woman.
Tsunade laughed. "Whaty?"
The tiny blonde pointed towards Kiba and Sasuke. "Kiba's new daddy, squish-shed us! And," he motioned for the woman to lean down so he could whisper in her ear, although everyone could hear him. "Kiba's new daddy is smelly at hides and seek!"
A voice spoke from behind the blonde woman. "Don't you mean he stinks?"
Naruto snapped his head up to look at the tall man behind his beloved 'Nade'. "Wow..." he breathed, "Is you a tree?"
The tall man, whom had spikey grey hair and half a mask on his face, laughed heartily. "If I say yes, will you think I'm cool?" He had a deep and warm voice. The only eye of his you could see (his left one being covered up by his mask) curved up to show he was smiling.
Naruto nodded his head eagerly.
"Then yes," the man said. "I'm a tree." He swooped down and scooped the now laughing boy into his arms and sat him on his shoulders. "You're a tree now too!" The man then marched around the room while the boy laughed.
"Kiba's new daddy!" the tiny blonde yelled, "I'm taller than you! Yay!" He laughed and giggled while Tsunade thought her heart would burst. Naruto seemed to like this guy already... This had better be real!
Kiba left his spot in his father's lap as Naruto had done and raised his arms up in front of the tall, grey-haired man. "I wanna be a tree too!" He exclaimed. "My turn! My turn!"
The man laughed and picked the other tiny boy up. He allowed both boys to sit on his shoulders; it didn't really matter, they weighed next to nothing with his strength.
"Kakashi, be careful!" came the voice of the other half of the couple. It wasn't deep like the man's or like Sasuke's, but it was just as beautiful. It was soft and had a soothing sound to it. The onwer of said voice stepped from behind Tsuunade to walk into the room.
This new man was shorter than both the man (Kakashi) and Sasuke. He had brown hair that was pulled up into a high pony-tail on his head. He had dark chocolate-brown eyes and a scar across his nose. He looked really sweet and caring with his heart-shaped face and glowing smile.
Sasuke stood from the bed and walked to the brunette man. "Iruka? What are you and Kakashi doing here?"
Tsunade ripped her gaze from the laughing boys and man to Sasuke and Iruka. "You two know each other?"
"But of course," Sasuke replied, "They just moved in to the house next to mine, and before that Kakashi had been my teacher. He may look young, but his brain is certainly more mature and knowing."
"I'm not so sure about mature," Iruka said with a smile, "But he is a pretty smart man." Sasuke reached to shake his hand, but Iruka gave him a hug instead.
"You two are neighbors..." Tsunade stated dumbly, still shocked. This was just too good to be true. Naruto's new parents were great and nice and they also lived next to Sasuke Uchiha, Kiba's father? This was too perfect... What was she missing (if anything)?
"Yes," Iruka replied, "We're neighbors. Have you told Naruto we'll be taking him home?" He turned his brown eyes to his husband and to his new son. He had been waiting for this day ever since Kakashi had promised him they could have a child, and Naruto was certainly even more adorable and perfect than they had been led to believe. He couldn't wait to start their new life as a family.
"You're the couple that has come to adopt Naruto?" Sasuke questioned, releived. Iruka nodded his head, and Sasuke turned to the owner of the orphanage. "I do not believe you could find any better parents for Naruto if you searched one-hundred years," he told the blonde woman.
Tsunade smiled brightly, her golden eyes looking incredibly light and happy. "Let's tell him then shall we?" She turned towards Kakashi, who was walking around the room with his arms outstretched, making airplane noises. The two boys were acting like pilots and they were laughing uncontrollably. It made her incredibly happy; out of all of the children in her orphanage, Kiba and Naruto deserved to be happy more than any of them. It was not their fault they were different. "Boys!" she called, haulting the 'airplane', "Can my two pilots come down for a moment?"
Naruto and Kiba laughed and nodded their heads. Kakashi lifted them off his shoudlers and stood them up in front of the woman. "Your pilots have landed," he said, walking to stand next to his adorable little dolphin.
"I didn't know you were so good with kids," Iruka whispered into his ear, smiling.
"Well my dear Ruka," the man replied, "I cannot say that I like normal kids much. However," he continued, looking to the small blonde and tiny brunette, "These kids are special..."
"You can admit that they're adorable too," the brown-eyed man said back, kissing his husband on the cheek. Iruka stepped away after his kiss. He knew Kakashi very well and even though they were in an orphanage filled with children he would still lose control to his more perverted side... It never failed. Kakashi always tried to turn even the tiniest loving gesture from Iruka into a steamy love scene from one of his books. That would need to slow down now that they were going to have a child; he wasn't sure if that had sunken into Kakashi's brain yet.
Iruka stood next to Tsunade who was crouched down in front of Naruto and Kiba.
"Naruto," she began, "This is Iruka Umino," Iruka waved and smiled, "He wants to adopt you."
Kakashi called out from where he was still standing, without his Iruka, "He wants to be your new mommy!" Iruka blushed.
Naruto's eyes widened, but Kiba is the one who spoke. "Really!?" he yelled excitedly. He turned to his best friend. "Naruto! You can lives next to me and my new daddy!"
Naruto's eyes widened even more (if possible) and he smiled a smile so big that his eyes were squinted shut! He still didn't speak; he simply jumped into Iruka's surprised arms. "Mommy!" he yelled, forcing Tsunade to bite back her tears.
Kakashi smiled, as did Sasuke. "Looks like we have new neighbors, Kiba," the raven man said.
"Yay!" the tiny brunette yelled.
20 minutes later...
"I'll miss ya, brat," Tsunade said, ruffling Naruto's golden hair. She was doing a great job in hiding her tears; in fact, she wasn't crying at all. Naruto deserved this. Iruka and Kakashi seemed like fine people... Naruto would finally have a home that would keep him... and his mark.
Naruto looked a little sad for the first time since he found out he was going to be adopted. He looked up at his new mommy and daddy. "I can still see Nade, right? She makes the most deliciousness ramen in the entire world!"
Kakashi laughed. "Of course you can!" he exclaimed, "She can visit you too if she likes! She can make sure I haven't gobbled you up!" Kakashi playfully roared and scooped his new son into his arms.
"Ahh!" the blonde boy yelled, laughing the entire time, "I'm gonna get eated!"
Kakashi blew onto the boy's belly, causing an almost fartish sound... which only made the blonde laugh louder.
"Eat Kiba too!" the blonde cried, "Eat Kiba too!"
Kiba screamed from his place next to Sasuke and tried to hide behind him, but he was swooped off his feet by the grey-haired man and soon both boys were laughing uncontrollably.
Iruka sighed and looked at Sasuke. "Looks like we'll have three children running around from now on."
"Hey," Sasuke replied, raising his hands up as if surrendering, "I'm only responsible for the cute ones."
"I heard that!" Kakashi yelled, standing next to Iruka with both boys hanging upside down off his shoulders. (Don't worry, he had a firm grip on their legs so they wouldn't fall.)
"Honestly, Kakashi," Iruka said, placing a hand against his forehead and shaking his head, "Why do I put up with you?"
Kakashi smirked and lent forward to steal a kiss from his delectable dolphin. "Because you love me," he answered, smiling the smile he knew could always make Iruka melt.
His kiss was answered by a tiny chorus of 'Ews' and laughter. "Ew?" he questioned, "Ewww?" He spun around, causing the boys to almost fly in the air as they spun too. They yelled, laughing some more.
Iruka laughed too and turned to Tsunade. "He's more mature than this I promise," he said with an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry about it," the blonde woman replied, watching as Kakashi continued to make the children laugh, now by spinning one way once and another way a second time (not doing full circles, making the boys swing from side to side), "The boys need this... And they seem to already love the man! He's perfect!"
"Why can't you be more like her, Sasuke?" Kakashi called to them over laughing children.
"Wow," Tsunade said, awed, "He has amazing hearing! And it looks like he's really strong..."
"Well," Iruka replied, "It must be the adrenaline of getting a child." He smiled and called Kakashi to stop and put the children down. When the boys were back on their feet, Iruka bent down in front of them. "I believe someone has a birthday coming up..." he smiled, looking at his new son.
"Me! Me!" the blonde boy yelled, waving his hand wildly in the air.
Iruka laughed. "Yes, you," he smiled, "And I believe someone," he looked at Sasuke, "mentioned ice cream earlier... Right?"
Naruto and Kiba shared a look before they both broke out into a chorus of, "Yay! Ice cream! Ice cream!"
Kakashi smiled. "Is Sasuke buying?" The raven man nodded. "Ice cream!" the masked man yelled, adding his excitement to the boys'. "Let's go! Let's go!" He swooped the boys off their feet and ran towards the parking lot.
Iruka rolled his eyes before heading after the three. "Bye Lady Tsunade!" he called over his shoulder.
Tsunade waved and looked at Sasuke. "I think you and Mr. Umino will have your hands full," she laughed.
"Probably," Sasuke replied, watching his family as they walked away, "Kakashi has always been a little crazy; now he has an excuse to be crazier. We'll come back and visit soon." With that, he walked away to join the others at the cars. "Okay," he asked, "Who wants ice cream?"
SasunaruTLA: So... How was it? Was it good? Am I a complete failure? I thought it was ADORABLE!!! Review! REVIEW OR YOU WILL GET NOTHING ELSE... FOR ANYTHING!!! AND I'M NOT KIDDING!!!! I'm not trying to be mean... It's just that reviews inspire me! Without inspiration... how can I update!?