Chapter 23-Bliss

The day in the meadow provided me with what I knew I had been previously missing: hope. Charlie kept a watchful eye on me for the next few days, but I knew he would allow me to attend town events.

A full 10 months had passed since Edward first left home, and with the arrival of a new spring, so came our town's founders day celebration. Alice was part of the social committee who had been planning the events, of course. And, of course, she had enlisted me to help fill a table for the bake sale.

My morning began early, before sunrise, as I filled the kitchen with various pies, cookies, and two cakes. Before I knew it, I had baked away the entire morning and mismanaged my time entirely, as per usual. My father announced Alice's arrival and absentmindedly I told him to just see her to the kitchen as I was almost finished cleaning up my mess.

What he had failed to mention was that Alice had not arrived alone. So when, not Alice, but Edward and then Jasper entered the kitchen, I completely dropped the glass dish I had been drying with a kitchen rag. Glass shards sprayed the room around my feet.

"I-oh-I," I bumbled awkwardly. I started to move, to pick up a piece of glass, but I heard a loud crunch when I stepped forward. I wasn't wearing my boots, just slippers and glass would easily cut through them.

There were more crunches and Edward stopped my movement, grabbing my wrist between his fingers as I was starting to reach for the pieces.

"Do not," he said simply, but I could see a bit of an indention at the corner of his mouth. He was trying not to laugh at me. Had I already shown him my clumsiness that much in our brief time together, or was he beginning to remember me from before?

I didn't ask, but I was hot with embarrassment either way. There were more crunches as Jasper hurried over to my side. He bent to begin picking up the glass.

"Oh, Bella!" Alice exclaimed, and she grabbed a broom from the corner.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you is all."

"Did your father not tell you we had arrived?" Edward asked.

No, I thought sourly. He had said Alice which is completely different. I didn't mind so much for Alice to see me covered in flour and a dirty apron. I needed to make a good impression on Edward. I wanted him to love me, not view me as a kitchen maid.

"He did," I assured them, "but I was still taken aback, I suppose." It was a lame excuse but all I could come up with.

Jasper unfolded a handkerchief and placed large pieces of glass atop it. Alice began sweeping. I realized then that Edward was still holding onto me. I needed to move, to get out of Alice's way so she could sweep, or to do it for her. That would be more appropriate.

"Here Alice. I can do that," I said and I reached out to grab the broom. I overshot my reach and lost my balance. Edward's hand wrapped around my waist, steadying me. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be last if I could manage to not run him away, that he'd had to catch me.

"Tsk, tsk Bella. Let Alice finish. Here," he added and then his arm moved from my waist to wrap around me.

Before I knew what was going on, he'd managed to bend and reach under my legs with his other arm, lifting me up as if I were nothing more than a feather. I squealed in surprise, and he laughed at me.

He crunched his way to the opposite side of the kitchen before plopping me down safely in a glass-free corner. His arms let go of me, slowly though-more slowly than he had too.

I reached up to tuck a lock of hair, escaped from its pin, behind my ear and slouched my shoulders in embarrassment as I realized I was smearing more flour across myself.

Jasper cleared his throat, and I jumped. Edward grinned and looked toward his friend. Alice had managed to clean up my mess and was putting the broom and dustpan away. If either of them thought it peculiar that Edward had just carried me, rather inappropriately, across the room, neither of them voiced it.

"I brought the boys to help carry all your baked goods," she said matter of factly. "We've a wagon full of food outside that needs delivered."

"That makes sense," I said.

"Did you bake all of this?" Edward asked with a sense of amazement. I suddenly felt very proud as I nodded.

"Bella is an excellent baker," Jasper complimented.

"Well, it smells delicious. I shall have to try some of this for myself," Edward said.

"Not unless you are a paying customer," Alice said with a smile. "Now, load all this up for us, boys, and take it to the booth nearest Wilson's Store. By the time you return, I should have Bella cleaned up and ready to go," she ordered satisfactorily.

I spied a box sitting on the counter and immediately knew I was in for it; today I would be another of Alice's projects.

Almost an hour passed before Alice was satisfied with my appearance. Once we had left the boys, she had me wash my hair and dry it quickly with a towel. She brushed it out, none too gently, and pinned it back neatly.

In her special box, Alice had brought me a light cotton dress, nothing overly fancy for a change, but quite pretty in its simplicity. I picked out my best hat and she pinned it in place just before Edward and Jasper reappeared to escort us to the town square. I also tucked a light blue shawl around my shoulders for added comfort.

The wagon they'd come in was now empty. Alice sat at the front with Jasper. Edward and I sat on the back, our legs and feet dangling and the tension between us sizzling. I wondered if he could feel that as I could. Even against an early spring wind, my body was on fire sitting next to him.

Once we arrived, I had expected him to give me his hand and help me down. Instead he gripped my waist and set me gently down on the soft dirt. I couldn't imagine what had changed about Edward. He would normally have been more reserved, concerned about propriety.

Perhaps after everything he had been through, Edward was less concerned with appearances and being so cautious now. I wondered how far I could push him; how far would he go?

I didn't wait for an invitation before looping my arm though his and much to my pleasure, he simply smiled and we started to walk toward the town square.

"I have to work the bake sale booth," I told him. I regretted now signing up, but at the time I was happy to volunteer as it would relieve me from having to make awkward small talk and fake a smile. Edward had still been missing when I had signed up.

"Until when?" he asked.

"Half past four," I answered.

"I can come back for you then? If you want me too, that is."

"Of course I do," I replied immediately and with a bit too much enthusiasm.

Edward walked me to the booth.

"Greetings Ms. Swan, Mr. Masen," said Mrs. Newton who was also working the booth as we approached.

As I let go of Edward's arm, he reached for me, smoothly and caught my hand in his, twirling me back toward him. Senselessly I giggled aloud as He tugged me toward him.

"I'll be back here for you, soon. Bella."

Edward learned forward and brushed his lips against my cheek, softly. It was highly inappropriate but I didn't care. I wanted to press myself against him, but he released me then and with one last dazzling smile, he turned and started off toward the festivities.

Still elated, I grabbed an apron and tied it against my waist carefully. I stepped up beside Mrs. Newton ready to greet my first customers. My smile quickly faded, however; there standing in front of me was Jacob Black, and he did not look pleased to see me.

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story! I tried to proofread this chapter a bit more before publishing, so hopefully that shows. As always, reviews are appreciated. Enjoy!