The Never Ending Sonic Story of HUMOR!

Chapter 1

HELLO PEOPLES!!!! YAY MY FIRST FIC! I am so exited. I know I'm insane… but that's not what matters to you out there anyway. So here is the first chapter! J

DISCLAMER: I, Sar the hedgehog, do not own ANYTHING on any part of this story like the sonic people and ideas like the road. lol


sonic was hiding behind a dumpster. Listening… for the scary, creepy, annoying voice of… the AMY! Sonic took a look out to see if his persistent… friend was anywhere near. No sign of here he thought. All of the sudden.

"I've found you at last!" Came a shriek behind him.

"AAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Yelled the terrified Sonic.

Amy lunged at him with a killer hug attack, but Sonic was to fast! He jumped and ran as far as he could.

"I'll get you one of these days!" Amy yells.

At that moment, she spotted a ebony hedgehog walking down the street, still with the same scowl as always. She ran over the black, tarred, road toward him. Shadow stopped looking at Amy with a very annoyed look scribbled all over his face.

"Shadow how are you,… well that's not important, anyway could I ask a favor of you? Amy said in a hopeful voice. Who could resist?

(3 second pause)

"No" He simply said, and started to walk away to his unknown (and possibly not existing) destination.

"Wait, but you might enjoy to do this that I want you to do. You see, I can't catch Sonic, so I was hoping maybe you could catch him for me. Even if you have to force him hint, hint."

Shadow looked thoughtful. He always liked a good fight, and this was a good excuse. But he new how to roll the dice.

" Alright, but what do I get out of the deal?" He asked.

"Hmmm, lets see… uhhh… what do you want?"

The black and red hedgehog thought for a moment. Then he had an idea!

"How about 50 power rings?"

"Done!" squealed a joyful pink one.


And that's it so far! Sorry for it being short but there will hopefully be a LOT of chapters and updates like every day for those of you that like me story. Ya know what's funny? I did this story on paper months ago and am still working on it! Now there you go, proof that I wont back out on whoever reads this. R&R PLEASE!!!