Chapter 9: How Choatix Came To Be

"Well Sugar, she's in bed." stated Rouge walking up to Knuckles who was sitting on the couch.

"That's good," stated Knuckles, "She's a very sweet girl, but she can be tiring."

"How cute."

"I'm not cute." screamed Knuckles, "I mean do I look like the kind of person who actually enjoys dress up and tea parties?"

"Well you sure have had your fill of them today." laughed Rouge sitting down.

"And what were you doing the whole time?"

"Boy do you loose your memory that quick?" asked Rouge, "I cleaned behind you two and cooked lunch and supper."

"Okay, you get credit for that, but don't you think you could have taken over for a few?"

"Well I did what were you doing the whole time Cream was in the kitchen helping me cook?"

"I was being pestered by Cheeze."

"That's funny." stated Rouge, "See don't you like it when you get to help?"

"Not really, I'd still rather be watching the emerald like I always do."

"You and that Emerald, I swear Knuckles, you want to remain isolated and lonely. No wonder you have such a temper."

"I DO NOT!!!"

"See there you go flaring up again, I make a simple statement and you go nuts. You ever thought about anger management classes?"

"Now you listen hear batty woman, I didn't come here to be aggravated by you. Also from now on quit volunteering me for stuff!" screamed the echidna.

"Hey I just though you needed to get out more don't get so grumpy."

"Grumpy?!? Hey, get over yourself, you aren't so happy-go-lucky either!"

"Knuckles, just chill before you loose it, we don't need to wake her up." snapped Rouge.

"Well I'm leaving." Knuckles then walked toward the door, but jumped when Rouge grabbed his arm.

"You aren't going any where till they get back, so just sit down and chill out till they do."

"Oh yeah?!? You think you are gonna make me?"

"Try me Knuckles."

Knuckles flared up as he turned, "Bye!"

"No you don't!"

Rouge then whirled the echidna around and punched him right in between the eyes.

Knuckles' eyes widened in surprise, "Damn."

Rouge lowered her head, "Sorry about that." She put her arms on the echidna's shoulders, "If you want to leave go ahead."

Knuckles looked back up at the bat, "No it's okay…I'll stay."

Espio and Sana were happily walking through the park hand in hand.

"So?" asked Sana, "How did you become part of the Chaotix Detective Agency?"

"Well it started when I was about six….."

*Flash Back*

"Espio! Espio! ESPIO!!!!"

"What Mom?" a little chameleon sat in the middle of his floor, legs cross and finger's pinched, "I'm trying to medi-date."

"It's meditate, and besides your father says its time for your training."

"Why now can't you just let me be?"

"Son! You heard your mother, now head to the training grounds now!"

"Yes dad!"

Espio jumped up from the balcony of his Japanese designed room and onto the ground out side. He ran toward the training ground about a quarter a mile away.

The training ground consisted of several light poles drove into the ground at different heights and a storage shed for weapons like nun chunks, Stars, and Spears.

"Okay Dad I'm here." said Espio looking at the back of his father which was a red chameleon with green eyes, "What will we be to day? Spears, or may be the stars?"

"No Son." said father turning and tossing a wooden stick at his son.

"Oh dad? Why this again?"

"Don't as questions!" screamed his father, "Now FIGHT ME!!!"



Espio's father hit his son in his side with out hesitation.


"No, don't even show you are in pain, real ninjas never show emotions when fighting!"


"Are you loosing your touch Espio?" asked His father, "You are showing me you are weak!"

Espio gritted his teeth as he glared back up at his dad, don't show emotion, but I still have to show him I am not weak.

"AHHH!!!!" Espio jumped up and swung at his father who blocked his attack with his stick.

"Try again."

"Gladly!" cried Espio as he jumped at his father again, this time he his fathers stick so hard it broke in half.

"Enough!" cried his father, "You have learned your lesson for the day."

He then handed his son a piece of paper, "Now go run into town and grab these things for your mother."

"Uh yes sir."

Espio then dashed away to head toward Station Square, The capital of Mobius."

Running walking through the city he came a cross the playground in the park, and standing on top of the slides was a crocodile.

"Thank you gentlemens for coming here!" cried the crock staring down at about 15 male characters, "As you know we… that me Vector and my new adoptive half brother Charmy are gonna become detectives, and we need one more guy to fill the last spot in out crew."

"What's this?" Espio walked over slowly toward the crowd.

The crocodiles' eyes caught him, "Ah good sir, come, you are welcome to try too."

"What dat Vectie?" asked a small bee flying around him.

"I don't know," said Vector looking at Espio, "He looks like some kind of lizard."

"I am what they call a Chameleon." said Espio over the crowd in front that stared at him.

"Well…Anyway…" Vector slid down the slide on his feet, "I have a clipboard here, now every one get in a line and sign up."

Immediately the other animals lined up. Vector handed the clipboard to an orange bird in the front of the line. After a minute of writing the bird then passed it on.

It took like for what it seemed forever to reach Espio who stood in front of a black mongoose with a tuft of white fur on his head.

The chameleon looked down at the board.

"Come on hurry up slow poke!" cried the mongoose shoving Espio's side.

"Give me a sec."

Name: Espio

What kind of Animal are you? Chameleon

Age: 6

Lives: In Mystic Ruins Woods.

Something cool about you: I'm a Ninja

Espio passed the clipboard back.

"A NINGA!!!!" cried the Mongoose, "What a joke!"

"I am a ninja for your info!"

"For my info you are a wanna be!"

"You think So?"

"I know so." said the Mongoose with a smug look.

Espio then disappeared in front of him.

"Hey where did you go?"

Espio then reappeared and put the mongoose in a headlock. "And you were saying?"

"Okay. Okay. I believe you!"

The mongoose then turned his view back to the board and passed it on.

"Alright is it done?" asked Vector walking toward the back of the line and grabbing the clip board, "Now give me and Charmy a few to pick the winner."

The line then broke off and every one scatter to different areas to the playground.

Espio stayed in the same spot he was standing and watched as the crocodile and bee talked.

"I guess I wait up in the tree," Espio then turned toward a big oak tree behind him and ran straight up it.

"Wow Vectie. Did you sees that?" asked Charmy wide eyed.

"Yeah it's that weird lizard thing from earlier." stated the crock turning his head back to the list, "Here he is, Chameleon."

"Cha what?"

"That's what it says, his name is Espio, and his cool thing is…" Vector's eyes widened, "Hey Charmy look at this. He says he's a ninja!"


"I think he's the one."

Vector stood up, "Alright every one, everybody?"

No one heard him, they were too busy swinging on swings and spinning on the merry-go-rounds.

"I don't think they are listening." said Espio who stood behind Vector.

"Hey, just the dude I wanted to talk to." said Vector turning and shaking Espio's hand, "I've Vector and this is my adoptive brother Charmy Bee. I would like to introduce to you to our detective agency."

"You mean I've won?"

"More than win." said Vector, "You are in."

"Why thanks, but what about the others?"

"Never Mind them, they aren't focused enough to be in this agency."

"I don't know what to say, but can I ask something?" asked Espio.

"Sure thing Espio."

"What's the name of this agency?"

"Uhhh…. I haven't really given it a name….yet." replied Vector rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey Vectie, let Espio give it a name." suggested the three year old bee.

"Good idea! Go ahead; name it, but nothing stupid."

"Well," Espio looked around, "For you trying to find a member for your team was chaotic. So How about the Chaotix Detective Agency?"

"Ya know I actually like that." said Vector, "Good Chaotix it is."

*End of Flash back*

"And Sana that's how it all started, but soon after, my parents seized in attack by Dr. Robotic and both of my parents were robot-o-sized. Also the same thing happened to Vectors and Charmy's parents."

"Oh I am sorry," said Sana, "Did you ever get to see them again?"

"No. See the base that Robotnik had our parents in exploded in a freak accident." said Espio hanging his head, "See we might fuss and fight with each other all of the time, but we are very close."

"Well I guess closeness is a good thing," Sana smiled as she pulled the male chameleon closer to her.

Espio tensed up from this move, but then relaxed as he smiled back down at Sana. He knew that the first thing he was going to do when he got back to the building was thank Vector for starting the spark, to his now beloved flame.