Sorry everyone about this but I'm going to have to cut this story short, because I have absolutely no time left to write this fic. At least I'm finishing it.

OK so all of the Nations were taken over and now they've been under the rule of Amy for about 6 years now, Naruto didn't want to become the new Kage for Konoha so he gave the seat to Takashi. Sarutobi died at the hands/paws of Kyu. And once the entire village saw that the Kyuubii was free they surrendered very quickly. Moving on Gaara and Shu took over the Sand village but a lot of the people who hated Gaara still tried to kill him and that caused a lot of deaths. In the end Gaara became the new Kazekage and with the help of Amy they were able to create a football field size garden so the village could sustain its self. She also made a few of those for farm animals so the village wouldn't need to import too many meats. On to Mist, because Sora's group had a way inside the country Mist was easily taken over as they didn't know what hit them. To really make the entire place one unified nation Amy personally went out and killed off all of the Top people (can't remember the names of all of the people who run the Ninja nations). Now with them out of the way everything was going to be smooth sailing.

Some small details, Sasuke was put in a mental hospital, after being defeated by Sephiroth for he found out what the uchiha was planning for his little sister. After a long beat down Takashi felt sorry for him and sugested that he just go to jail for a long time but that didn't happen. 1) Usually this would get you sent to jail. But he made himself sound insane as he gave the reason why he can't go to jail because he's too pretty. This gave enough reason why he was put in a mental hospital. 2) His attorney persuaded the jury to allow the Uchiha space to breed and have visitors. Horrible yes, but at least he's were he needs to be.

Next Sakura was killed by Sasuke because he couldn't take her any longer, and all of his fan girls had been killed in the war. The rest of the Rookie Nine, their sensei's, Guy's team, and Iruka were and are all ok. Azuma is alive has his kid, Iruka and Kakashi became a couple (suck it yaoi haters) all of the villages still do missions to help out small villages through out the unified nation. Now onto in depth stuff.

6 Years Late in Konoha

It's a very nice day in May, the weather had recently started to get hotter symbolizing summer was coming. Right now you could find Takashi in her office doing paper work, or more accurately letting her clones do the work as she sleeps in a window.

Nock Nock, "Kage-sama you have two small visitors" came the voice of the secretary. Not getting a response she opened up the door to see clones and a sleeping leader.

"Hmm, why don't you all go and say good afternoon," couched the secretary to the little children. Unknown to the three Takashi had woken up from the knocking and was preparing to catch the two.

"Ok sis on three we pounce, one-two-THREE," Yelled one. But Takashi had popped up and grabbed both by their tails.

"Why can't we ever sneak up on you mommy?" one asked.

"That's an easy one, I'm just too good. Now Kai where's Naruto, he's supposed to watch you two today," She asked.

"Daddy said to go and wake mommy up and bring her to park," Kai answered.

"Really, ok. Ray do you know where Kyu is?"


"I guess it's off to the park then. Toshiba you can have the rest of the day off,"

"Thank you, see you tomorrow then," With that everyone except the clones left.


Naruto and Kyu had been setting up a picnic for Takashi and a lot of their friends and people were just starting to show up. Just then Takashi jump out of a tree and landed in front of the two.

"DADDY" Kai and Ray yelled. Takashi let them down so they could hug their perspective dads.

"Nice of you to send your kids to get me,"

"Well I new that you would come if I sent them," Naruto answered.

Just then Kai tugged at Naruto's pant leg.

"Yes, Kai. What is it?"

"Daddy how can me and Ray be brothers and have two different dads?"

Takashi, Kyu, and Naruto became nervous.

"Uh, well need to tell you all when your older," Naruto answered.

"Ok, are you all going to give us more brothers or sisters?"

"No," Takashi answered quickly. "Now enough questions, all of your friends are here go on and play," she finished.

"Ok," they said in unison as they ran off to play with their friends. Takashi took this time to admire her kids. Kai was the spiting image of Naruto except for his tails and ears. During the battle Naruto's tails were brought out and they became a permanent thing just like Kyu. Naruto's ears and tails, he has 9, are the same color as his hair. But Kai's ears and tail were golden but the tips were a flamed pattern of green and black. Kai's eyes were golden to match that of Takashi's.

Ray was the spiting image of Kyu as well with the same tips of black and green with the rest being blood red to match that of Kyu. His eyes were also golden and because of all of this the two were very popular with the girls and they were starting to develop a fan club of their own. But unlike others (coughsasukecough) the two try to encourage the girls to get strong and not to rely on them.

"You know Takashi, we sure did make some good lookin' kids wh-" but before he could finish his question Takashi had knocked him into next week. Naruto did nothing to save Kyu knowing full well what he was getting himself into. He would like more kids just like Kyu but he can sympathies with Takashi as she's the one who has to walk around for nine months with a heavy kid plus the fact that she could end up with more than just one.

"Takashi-kun, try to enjoy your outing," Naruto tried to calm her down.

"All right Naru-chan lets enjoy our selves," and that's what Naruto, Takashi, and once he came to Kyu did. All of their friends had shown up along with some family member. Hinata, Riku and their kid showed up along with some other couples. Axel and Roxas, Gaara and Shu, Kakashi and Iruka, and many others came to the party. Sephiroth and Sesshomaru were there to keep Naruto and Kyu from persuading Takashi from having anymore kids. That's because Takashi took a lot of her frustration out on her brother and that was horrible and they couldn't do anything but run away from an all powerful hormonal little sister. This was extremely painful for Riku as Hinata got pregnant around the same time as Takashi so he got double the pain. Amy would have come but she was out making sure everything was flowing smoothly.

Even though the whole country is united doesn't mean everything is perfect. Everyone still needed to be vigilant but other than the occasional problem things tended to be fine and hopefully things would stay that way.