Hi this is Risa-chan and I am proud to give my first lemon!!!! I'm so excited to finally have it posted and I need to finish my next one and the other Sex School chapter. *sweat* Me and Rei will have it up soon, but keep reviewing!! Anyways. this is pretty good, but I don't know if the smut scene is very good.*nervous laugh* I hope you enjoy it!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass, it belongs to the awesome people at CLAMP! And I'm not making any money off of this.

Title: Love Thy Enemy

At the Ashford Academy, the student council was having a party for Suzaku Kururugi.

"Congrats Suzaku! You get to protect the new viceroy, Princess Nunally," said Shirley. "I know! Maybe now he'll get some action and become a man," said Milly, giving Suzaku a nudge.

"Uh-wha? NO, I could never do something like that," said a blushing Suzaku.

"Awww... I get it, you want someone with more of a figure. I say you should go with Shirley," says Milly, "she's got a figure and has filled out nicely." Milly grabbed Shirley and squeezed one of her boobs with a smile gracing her lips.

"See?" said Milly laughing. "Now now Madame President, you shouldn't be doing that," said Lelouch who was laying back in a chair with the palm of his hand to his chin, a book placed along his lap. "Big brother, what is she talking about?" asked a confused Rolo who was just standing beside the throne like chair. "You don't want to know," he quickly answered back.

"So Lelouch, anything you wish to say?" Suzaku asked curiously looking over to him. "Yes, congratulations and good luck," said Lelouch standing up, holding up a whine glass that was filled sparkling cider.

A clock chimed, shouting that it was mid-night. Milly downed her drink and looked over to everyone. "Well, I have to head home. Suzaku and Lelouch you guys clean up." Suzaku gawked, stuttering lightly, "but I was the guest of honor!"

Lelouch reacted the same, "and why must I stay?!" The two protested for five minutes straight but it didn't work on Milly whose mind was already made up. Everyone left and they just looked back at each other. Finally Suzaku broke the silence.

"Tell me Lelouch, who do you continue to come here? Your Zero, you don't need school," Suzaku spoke picking up a few discarded cups along the table. Lelouch held open a garbage bag, with a usual face of no emotion spread along it. There is someone special here who I don't want to leave," he answered in an almost commanding voice.

Suzaku looked at him for a minute and asked, "Shirley?" Lelouch shook his head, "No Suzaku."

Suzaku grabbed a broom and Lelouch picked up the trash. They worked that way for about fifteen minutes. As they began to clear the table, the both reached for some pieces of paper. Their hands met, Lelouch's hand covering Suzaku's. Suzaku's hand twitched and neither wanted to move.

"Lelouch move your hand," Suzaku said. "And what if I don't want to?" answered the boy with a smirk spread along his lips. "Huh?" Suzaku said confused. "Have you not figured it out? You're the person I don't want to leave."

Suzaku blushed and looked away. Lelouch grabbed his arms, pulling him half way across the table. His amethyst eyes looking into the bright emerald eyes of the young soldier. "Tell me Suzaku, do you really want to hurt me?" asked Lelouch, his warm breath in Suzaku's ear. "Yes and no," was Suzaku's response. Lelouch then leaned in a lightly kissed the Japanese boy. Suzaku slightly gasped when he did, for he thought Lelouch wasn't like this. As the young prince pulled away, Suzaku reached for Leouch's Ashford Academy uniform jacket. He felt a need in him that had never been there before.

"Lelouch... please don't pull away. Why did you kiss me?" asked the soldier. Lelouch for the first time tried to avoid the boys eyes, "because I... I love you," said Lelouch.

Those words made Suzaku happy yet shocked at the same time. "I didn't think you were like that Lelouch. I mean your always surrounded by girls."

"I know, but they don't make me feel the way I'm feeling right now."

"And how are you feeling right now?" asked Suzaku, leaning over the table a little further to fill in the gap that seemed to spread over the world.

Suddenly he felt his mouth covered by the soft lips of his childhood friend. Lelouch pulled away just as quick as the kiss had begun. "Suzaku, get on the table." Suzaku blinked, still a bit dazed by the little kiss. "Why?"

"So we can do this like we're wanting to."

Suzaku nodded and hopped onto the table as did Lelouch. One again Lelouch kissed Suzaku, threading his fingers through Suzaku's brown locks. Another hand on his back, gently running up and down. Suzaku felt Lelouch's tongue moving against his lips and he let him have what he wanted. Lelouch tasted Suzaku's mouth little by little, enjoying it's honey like taste.

A moan issued from the young soldier, as he felt the kiss grow deeper. They slowly pulled apart, gasping and panting for air.

"Lelouch... please... take me. Make me yours. Love me until my body is numb," panted an aroused Suzaku.

"I've been wanting to for quite sometime," growled Lelouch, his voice laced with lust.

They shared another deep, passionate kiss before Lelouch moved down to Suzaku's neck. He began to suck on the pulse, causing the brunette to give a deep throaty moans. The prince then began to nip at his neck, slowly unbuttoning the soldiers uniform jacket. A burst of cool air hit Suzaku's chest, causing his nipples to harden.

Lelouch saw this and moved down to the boys chest. He gently sucked one of the rosebuds, causing the soldier to moan. Lelouch ran his hand down Suzaku's torso, stopping at the hem of his pants. He began to tease the boy tracing his fingers along them. This caused the soldier to squirm impatiently.

A small chuckle came from the prince before plunging his hand into the soldier's pants. Suzaku gasped as he felt Leouch's hand pull and stroke at his member. He gently began to stroke Lelouch's soft dark hair. The prince stopped once he knew that Suzaku was close to cumming.

Taking advantage of this pause Suzaky pushed Lelouch onto his back. He began taking off Lelouch's jacket and shirt and once he did, he trailed kissed down the front. The soldier stopped at his pant,undoing them and forcing them and his boxers off. The size of Lelouch's arousal caused Suzaku moan. He then took the rather large member in his mouth, using his tongue to trace the tip. This in turn caused to growl as his hips bucked slightly. The young Japanese boy started nipping him and sucking on him, making the prince cry out.

Lelouch pushed Suzaku off and straddled him. He forced the soldiers pants and boxers off. Seeing Suzaku's arousal making Lelouch growl deep in his chest. He then took the boy in his mouth, giving Suzaku the same treatment. The soldier gave deep moans, moving his hips to meet his friend's.

"Ahhh! Lelouch hurry. Taking me now!" screamed Suzaku.

Lelouch stopped sucking and began to trace a trail of saliva all over Suzaku's chest with his tongue. He looked into the emerald eyes of the soldier, seeing a passionate flame. "Lelouch leaned down and kissed Suzaku gently. "Are you sure you want to?" asked the amethyst eyed prince.

"Yes... more than anything in the world," Suzaku answered softly.

He watched as Lelouch licked one of his fingers and before he could ask why, he felt it pushed into his entrance. He grunted at the slight discomfort, but he enjoyed it. Soon a second finger joined the first, causing Suzaku to give a small whimper. Lelouch gently spread the two fingers so he would not hurt him. He added a third finger and began spreading his fingers.

Lelouch leaned up and kissed Suzaku, trying to help the soldier ignore the pain. He gelt the boy beginning to push and took that as the signal to go. The prince removed his fingers and took the boys hand and spit into it, placing it on his shaft. Suzaku moved his hand up and down, coating Lelouch and giving him pleasure at the same time.

The amethyst eyed boy kissed Suzaku, deeply moaning as the boy worked on his objective. "Su...nng... Suzaku you need to stop so we can finish," moaned Lelouch .

Suzaku moved his hands away and pushed up his hips. Lelouch caught him and gently entered the soldier's tight entrance. Suzaku gasped and wrapped his legs around Lelouch.

The prince waited for Suzaku to adjust, gently brushing his hair and whispering sweet words in his ear. Slowly he began to pull out before pushing back in, causing the brunette to moan. Lelouch increased the pace, each time ramming in a little harder. Suzaku cried out loudly, his orgasm fast approaching.

The amethyst eyed boy hit his sweet spot and he heard the soldier give a sharp cry. He hit that spot over and over. Finally causing the boy to release onto the table and both of their lower abdomen. Lelouch gave one final thrust and came intot he small channel. "Ahh... Luly...mnh...," was all Suzaku could manage.

Lelouch fell next to Suzaku, taking the boy into his arms. They both were looking into each other's eyes and leaned in to kiss each other.

"I love you Suzaku Kururugi."

"I love you too Lelouch vi Britannia."

They had almost dazed off when they heard the squeal of a girl. But that was no ordinary girl, it was Milly. The boys looked at each other and began to quickly dress themselves.

Meanwhile in the hall outside the door sat a group of people watching Milly's laptop. "I thought this might happen! This is better than yaoi manga!" shouted Milly excitedly.

"Ewww. It's so wrong, but your right about this. They did like each other," said Rivals matter-of-factly.

Shirley said nothing due to the fact that she had fainted in the middle of it. Kallen was highly pissed off. "I swear I will kick your ass Suzaku," she shouted, shaking her fist.

Rolo blinked and looked away. He couldn't believe his big brother was like that.

"Hmmm... this pizza needs hot sauce but there is none. Maybe I should go find some," said C.C in her usual uncaring tone.

She left to go find some and unfortunately missed most of Milly's fight for her life.

The door opened and there in front of Milly stood Lelouch and Suzaku, both visibly pissed.

"Tell me Madame Prez, what are you doing?" asked Lelouch cooly.

"Me and the guys were watching a movie," lied Milly with an innocent smile along her lips. "Then why aren't you as your house?" asked Suzaku.

"Um... well... you se it's got rat's!" said Milly.

As soon as she answered her cell phone rang. It was Lloyd and it somehow went on speaker phone. "Milly dear tell me, how did that new web cam work out?" he asked. "Um... now is not a good time," she said shakily. "Can I call you later?"

"Nope. I now the speaker is on and there's probably no one there. If you want me to put the video-"

"Lloyd no! There are people here!"

"Lloyd, what's this about a web cam?" asked Suzaku very annoyed.

"Ah Suzaku, well she had me hide it in-"

Milly hung up the phone, cutting him off. She grabbed her laptop and took off down the hall.

Lelouch and Suzaku found the camera hidden in a flower pot. As for the video, well, Milly posted it on a yaoi site, and it became the top one. Both boys have not had normal lives since then, but they had to pretend to be enemies, at least try to.


I'm so glad this on here! Please review and keep on the look out, I have a new story coming soon!! And thank you xXReiShikiXx for editing this for me!!