Disclaimer: Not mine.

And yeah, faving is good. But maybe even just a hi or something? Leave a word, maybe? Thanks. :)


Oh good. A text from Serena.

Nate read the message and furrowed his eyebrows. Nate reread the message and frowned. Nate read the message for the third time and scratched his head.

Nate decided to ask for professional help.

"Yo, man. A little help here?"

Chuck tossed the flask he was holding and walked up to Nate, straddled the chair and unknowingly had several girls all over the world fanning themselves.

"What's up?"

"Look at this mate. The ILY part I get. So with the cul8r. Totally cool with those. But what the hell is this supposed to mean?"

Chuck smirked in amusement (the boy was helpless without him), and snatched the phone away.

Serena was too giddy when in love.

"Those Nathaniel, are hearts. The more three's the better."

"These are hearts? Well, fuck me now. How did those become hearts?"

"Ask the female population."

Nate then proceeded to type up as many 33333 as he could in a wild fangirly fashion (only for Serena), but stopped when one brilliant question popped to mind.

"Just how did you know about the hearts, man?"

Chuck just blushed and muttered something that sounded a lot like Waldorf.