Title: Monkey See

Chapter 10 Title: The Monkey Sees

Series: Beyblade

Rating: K plus... there is kind of a "kidnapping" after all. Don't think it needs to be T but if it does, let me know and I'll change it. Or if I make something to make it T, I'll change it.

Summary: See first chapter.

Disclaimer: Sadly for me, I no own…

Thanks haruka4676, marishka91, and xChewy for reviewing chapter 9! Please review again!

"Ian… Ian, wake up," Kevin coughed, shaking the snake.

"What?" Ian groaned.

"He's here,"

"Who's here?"

"Puma Coryi,"

"Seriously, Kev…"

"Ian, I am serious. Open your eyes," Ian groaned and rolled over, not awakening to the room he and Kevin had fallen asleep in.

"Where the hell are we?" Ian asked.

"This is Puma Coryi's special technique," Kevin shuddered. Ian pulled the monkey king closer to him. "It sort of stops time and only brings those in the vicinity into its attack."

"Anything special I ought to know about?" Ian asked, pulling out his launcher.

"Wyborg won't have any spin if Puma Coryi doesn't want to fight you," Kevin said. "If the bit chip isn't glowing…"

"It never glows except when I'm using a super attack," Ian said.

"Yeah well here the rules are different," Kevin said. "And Galman's part of the game."

"Good to see you haven't forgotten my rules, Kevin,"

"Lee?" Kevin said in disbelief.

"That's one sorry bit beast if it had to posses that idiot," Ian muttered under his breath. "Ow!" he grunted when Kevin elbowed him in the ribs.

"What do you want?" Kevin asked.

"I want what is mine!" It became obvious to Kevin that even though it was Lee speaking, Puma Coryi had thoroughly possessed him. Ian glared at the panther possessing Lee's body, grabbing Kevin and pulling him into a quick kiss to show Puma Coryi what he thought about that.

"You could have had power beyond imagination, Kevin!" Puma Coryi roared. "And I could have given it to you!"

"I don't want the kind of power that you have to offer me!" Kevin said. Kevin could see the panther lurking in Lee's eyes.

"Then you are a fool!" It's eyes focused on Ian and the snake beyblader disappeared from Puma Coryi's world. "He is the prize! You win, I let him live!"

"Go to hell!" Kevin said, pulling the rip cord. "Galman!" Lee pulled the rip cord to Puma Coryi's beyblade. "Are you really that weak that you'd let my old bit beast rule you, Lee?! What happened to Galeon?!" Kevin could tell that the black lion was trying to gain supremacy over the black panther but with Lee still in the world of Puma Coryi's super attack, he couldn't gain it.

Ian found himself ripped away from Kevin. He was praying that when he opened his eyes, Kevin would still be in the bed with him and what had happened had just been a bad dream. Of course, there was no such luck and instead of seeing Kevin, he saw his teammates.

"Where's Kevin?" Tala asked.

"Illusion Confusion!" Kevin shouted.

"Dark claw magic!" Kevin cursed as Galman's illusions were destroyed. The panther beyblade skidded by the illusions, striking each one with its deadly claws.

"You really think you can defeat me with those old attacks? I created them!" Kevin snapped. "Galman, Crazy Monkey-" he was cut off when Puma Coryi hit Galman, knocking it off course and close to Kevin's head. 'Shoot,' Kevin thought. 'How did-?'

"How did I get here so fast?" Puma Coryi mocked the thoughts in his head. "Did you really think I wouldn't come back to take what was stolen from me?! I had my sight on you first, Kevin! You belong to me! Just give in and let me give you what you were always destined to have- power! Let me give you the place where you were destined to be- leader of the White Tigers! With your pathetic monkey bitbeast, you are nothing!"

The call of power tempted Kevin's soul. He wasn't immune to it and for a sickening moment, it almost had him.

'Kevin, he may have set his eyes on you first and perhaps you do have a chance of greater power with him... but I love you and if you are willing to work at becoming more powerful, then so am I,' Galman spoke to him soothingly.

"Galman..." Kevin whispered.

"Do not give up, Kevin!" Galeon roared. "Lee may not understand the evil that possesses Puma Coryi's heart but in time he will! Please, do not give up on him!"

"If Galeon's begging... well, you can't really ignore that," Kevin smirked. "Galeon, Lee, I'm going to put your super attack to shame! Galman, Dark Lightening Attack!"

Tala's eye twitched. He was literally going to kill something if he didn't find out where Kevin was soon and he was really going to shove Ian into a wall if he didn't stop twitching unnecessarily. The last thing he expected was for Kevin to fall on top of him with Lee in tow.

"Well, you got your wish," Ian said.

"Are you okay, Kevin?" Spencer asked.

"I'm fine..." Kevin grimaced. "But Lee's heavy!" Spencer lifted the unconcious Lee off of Kevin.

"What's this?" Kai asked, about to touch Puma Coryi's beyblade but Kevin swiped it.

"No, no, no, no!" Kevin said. "No one but me is ever touching this thing again! It's going straight to the fire..." He couldn't hide the pain in his voice as he said that. Kai frowned and gave his team a cold glance.

"Let me talk to Kevin. Attend to Lee," Kai said. When he heard the sound click of the closing door, (and after kicking it to tell Tala to bug off) "You don't have to destroy it Kevin."

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked.

"Puma Coryi is apart of your soul, like Black Dranzer is still apart of mine," Kai said. "There are ways to keep it and keep its power under the surface-"

"No, I can't," Kevin denied, shaking his head. "Puma Coryi wasn't created artificially like Black Dranzer. It won't stay under wraps... Do you have a fire place?"

"Library..." Kai said. Kevin nodded and walked out, not noticing Ian following him down the hallway.

"I love you..." Kevin whispered to the beyblade before throwing it into the fire. Kevin felt tears running down his face and then he felt a pair of arms wrap around him.

"It'll be okay..." Ian said quietly.

"It... it feels like a part of my soul is being ripped in two," Kevin sniffed.

"Tala?" Kai asked.

"Is that how it felt?" Tala asked. "Losing Dranzer? Losing Driger?"

"It always hurts to lose a friend, Tala," Kai said. "Evil or not."

"Of course you would know that," Bryan sighed.

"If you'd date Rei, you'd understand," Kai said.

"You dated Rei?!"


'"I'll bring you great power, Kevin," Puma Coryi promised. "I'll bring you great power if you promise to love me."'

The tears piled down Kevin's face faster. Puma Coryi had promised him that because when Puma Coryi had first come to him, he had wanted power... Yes, Puma Coryi had already been corrupt but... hadn't he just wanted someone to love him?

"Kevin, you can't change the past," Galman soothed. "He was corrupt long before you became his beyblader."


"There was a time when he loved you and the power didn't corrupt him," Galman said. "And your love will sooth him long into his eternal rest,"

On the airplane...

"So what was I doing in Russia?" Lee groaned.

"Mr. Dickenson kidnapped you and sent you to Russia," Kevin told him the well rehearsed story.

"Why would Mr. Dickenson kidnap me?"

"Can't we just kiss in front of him?" Ian grumbled.

"No," Kevin shot back. "He doesn't remember anything..."

"Because he thought you needed a little excitement in your life," Tala snapped. "Stop asking questions. You're annoying."

"I am not-!"

"You're giving me a head ache," Kevin snapped. "Don't sass my dad!"

"Your what?!"

Me: And that is the end of Monkey See. And if you're wondering: the White Tigers all learned each other's super attacks, so say-eth the DVD thingies.

Kevin: Review and say what you thought!