AN- Hey guys. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and that you enjoy this one as well.

Julie Gaffney walked across the quad, smiling brightly and waving to a few people she knew from her classes. Her boyfriend, Charlie Conway, groaned from where he was walking next to her.

"How can you be so cheerful in the morning?"

She shrugged. "I guess I'm just in a good mood."

"You are one of the few people I know who actually likes going to school." he teased.

"I only like it because you're here."

That caused a grin to spread on Charlie's face as they walked over to where their teammates were waiting for the bell to ring.

"Morning." Charlie called. A few of them grumbled in response. He glanced around. Connie was asleep, leaning up against Adam, who looked ready to keel over himself. Linda was looking as perky as Julie while a misty-eyed Guy sat next to her on the steps. Tammy also seemed wide awake, as did Dean. They were huddled in their own little group, laughing occasionally. He felt movement and looked to see Julie walking over to them.

"Hey, guys."

Tammy looked over and smiled. "Hey Julie. What's up?"

Julie shrugged. "What's so funny."

"Tammy's invented a game where we make fun of the prepsters who walk by." Dean explained. "It's quite entertaining."

"And a little mean, don'tcha think?" Julie asked with a frown.

Dean shrugged. "Not like they're saying anything nice about us."

The bell rang then and the Ducks slowly began to gather their bags and head inside. Adam shook Connie lightly and she yawned and stretched before taking her bag from him. Charlie glanced over at Julie, who was about to head back to him when Dean threw an arm around her shoulders and lead her inside.

"Okay, Cat. If you think that game sucks, think of a new one."

"It's called hockey. It's the reason we're here."

"Psh, we need something to do when we're not on the ice. A way to pass the time during these boring morning."

Julie crossed her arms over her chest. "You're such a child, demanding games."

He grinned. "Yep. I'm as immature as they come."

"That I can believe." she teased.

He laughed. "So, where you headed?"

"Homeroom." she craned her head behind her, searching for the familiar curly hair. "But, it seems I've lost Charlie. I should pull over."

She was surprised when Dean gently took her arm and guided her to the side of the hall. As she glanced up at him, he grinned in response and she felt herself smiling back.

"I should head to my class. I'll catch ya later, Cat."

She waved at his retreating form, then continued to scope the hall for Charlie. As she looked, two girls from her math class the previous year walked up to her.

"Hey Julie."

Julie smiled at them, not remembering their names at all. "Hey."

"So, good to see you traded up from Conway. The new guy is supremely yummy." one of them said.

Julie tore her eyes away from the hall. "What? Traded up?"

"Yeah. Sure, Charlie is cute, like adorably cute. But, that new guy is gorgeous."

"That's Dean. My friend. Charlie is still my boyfriend." Julie finally spotted Charlie in the crowd. Before she headed over to him, she turned to the girls. "And Charlie is much more than cute. He's totally sexy."

She left them speechless behind her as she threw her arms around Charlie's neck. "Hey."

He smiled. "Hey."

Julie leaned in for a kiss and felt him peck her lips. Then, he was gently untangling himself from her. She blinked. "Charlie?"

"I have to head to homeroom. Don't want to be late."

She caught his arm. "You okay?"

He smirked. "I'm fine. How about you, are you okay?"

"I was until right now. What's with you?"

"Nothing. Later."

She watched him walk away with a frown.

Connie and Tammy entered the classroom, talking.

"I'm just saying, Tammy, you should really think about moving on. Fulton's a great guy and everything, but-"

"You think I'm wasting my time." Tammy finished.

"Well, yeah. Find someone who drools all over you. Like...Dean."

"Dean and I are just friends. Really cool friends. There might have been a moment, when he first got here, that I thought he was would be the remedy to my Fulton obsession."

"And now you've decided to continue on that path."

Tammy laughed. "Something like that. Maybe one day he'll notice me."

Connie was about to argue when she saw Fulton walk into their classroom. He glanced around the room, spotted the duo, and walked over.

"Hey guys." he said, sinking into the seat in front of Tammy.

"Hey Fult." Tammy greeted with a winning smile. Connie hid an eye-roll. "What's up?"

"Nothing really. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, I gotta go get her a gift."

"You waited until the day before? Fulton Reed." Connie said sternly, shaking her head.

He grinned at her. Tammy tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled. "What do you plan on getting her?"

Fulton shrugged. "I hate shopping for my mom. It's time like these I wished I had a sister to help me."

"You know, I hate to brag, but I am an excellent shopper. I could help you out, if you wanted."

"That would be awesome, Tammy. Thanks."

She smiled brightly. "No prob."

"I hate my life."

Guy grinned, wrapping an arm around Linda. "Why?"

"Let's see. I'm a junior. My parents have decided I buckle down this year so my grades look perfect for colleges. I have ACTs. I have a class for the ACTs. I have to start getting college ideas now. Plus, I'm starting Pre-Calculus. And, I'm one of the few Juniors in an AP class."

He blinked. "Wow. That does sound bad."

"Enjoy sophomore year. It sucks afterwards."

He chuckled and kissed her temple. "I'm always available for a de-stressing. Anytime."

She grinned at him. "Is that a make-out offer?"

"What else would it be."

She smiled, then noticed her classroom. She pulled him over and kissed him softly. "I'm off to more of my doom."

"Have fun."

Adam closed his locker, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. He was tired. He felt someone in front of him, then, soft lips pressed against his. He opened his eyes and smiled as his arms snaked around her waist.

"Hello to you too."

Connie giggled, pressing her forehead against his. "And how are you this morning, Banksie?"

"I'm good. I haven't seen you all day, though."

"I've had a busy morning. I've gone to class, kept most of the Ducks from falling asleep and tried to convince Tammy to get over her crush on Fulton."

"Were you successful?" he asked.

She laced their fingers together as they walked down the hall. "Nope."

"Hello, love birds."

Connie grinned as Charlie joined them, casually bumping into Connie on purpose. She grinned and dropped Adam's hand, pushing Charlie. He, in turn, wrapped an arm around her waist and picked her up.

"Spazway! Put me down." she said, in between her laughter.

Charlie did, flicking her ear for good measure and nodding to Adam. He then sped up on the way to the lunchroom. Connie turned to Adam with a small pout.

"Why didn't you do anything?"

He grinned. "You had it under control, Cons." She was still pouting. "I'll help you figure out a way to get him back." This caused her to smile as she pecked his cheek.

Charlie entered the lunchroom and took the familiar steps towards the Ducks' table. He heard Julie's laughter and looked up, the grin falling off his face as she saw who was making her laugh.

"Hey." he greeted, sitting down next to her.

She turned her head towards him with a tentative smile. "Hey."

He leaned forward and kissed her, hearing the groans of his fellow teammates.

"We're eating, Charlie!" wailed Goldberg.

"Goldie, nothing will stop you from eating. Not even a Charlie/Julie make-out session." observed Averman.

"So, who's up for goofing off after school?" Dean asked.

"Goofing off? You know, Portman, some of us have college and homework and grades to worry about. Sure! We'd all love to goof off! To make a joke out of a day! To not worry about the important things. But you can't. Because this is life!"

The table was silent after Linda's rant. Portman looked too scared to open his mouth again. Linda sighed and rubbed her temple. "I need food."

Once she was a safe distance away, Charlie spoke. "So, Linda's going nuts. How's everyone else?"

There were a few chuckles.

"She's stressed. Her schedule is major this year. I don't know how she's gonna fit everything in. Or me." Guy said.

"It's always about you, isn't it, Germaine?" Connie asked, sitting down next to him, Adam right next to her.

While the two began teasing good naturally, Dean turned to Julie. "So, what are your plans after school?"

Before Julie could answer, Charlie spoke. "Movie marathon at my place. Just the two of us."

His tone was neutral, however the arm he wrapped around her shoulders was anything but. She rolled her eyes and turned back to Dean with an apologetic smile. "Exactly what Charlie said. How about you?"

"Eh. I might ask Tammy to do something."

"She's other wise engaged." Connie said, turning away from Guy. "She's helping Fulton pick out a gift for his mom."

"So that's what they're calling it nowadays." Averman grinned.

No one laughed.

It was after school and Tammy and Fulton were on their way to the mall.

"So, what exactly does your mother love?"

Fulton thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"Okay. Does she have a hobby?"

Another shrug. Tammy pursed her lips.

"Does she have a favorite color? Animal? Beverage?"

Again, a shrug.

"Did she birth you or are you just some type of experiment sent to Earth?"

"Look, I'm sorry, I just don't know. My mom and I aren't all that close."

"You could have explained this beforehand. I feel trapped." Tammy muttered.

He grinned. "Well, I knew you wouldn't come with me if I had no clue what I was doing."

Tammy hid a smile of her own. "Rack the brain for an idea."

"Well...I'm pretty sure she loves the color red, considering everything appliance in our kitchen is red."

"There you go. An idea! Let's just....find something red."

They looked at each other, before bursting into laughter.

"This is going to be fun." Tammy said.

Julie sat on the couch in the Conway living room as Charlie looked through their movie collection.

"So, do you feel like a feel-good romantic comedy or an action-packed, many explosives kind of movie?"

"Whatever you feel like."

After choosing a movie, he settled on the couch next to her.

"What was that earlier? At lunch?"

"What was what?"

"When Dean asked what we were doing. You got all territorial. What was that all about."

"I wasn't territorial. I was merely explaining our plans for the evening."

She sighed and stood up. "I'm gonna go."

"What? Why?" he asked, standing up as well.

She placed one hand on the wall to balance herself as she slipped her feet inside her shoes. "Because, you're being annoying and I don't feel like dealing with it."


"No. You're doing that annoying boyfriend thing where you overreact every time I try to hang out with my guy friends."

She walked over and pecked him on the lips. "I'll see you later, Charlie."

He winced as the door slammed behind her and groaned loudly. He fell upon the couch, burying his face in the material.

"Trouble in paradise?"

He glanced up as his step-father entered the room. "Hey, Scott."

"What's wrong, Champ? I thought today was the movie marathon." Scott asked. He sat down in the armchair to the right of the couch.

"Julie's mad at me." Charlie, sitting up.

"Care to explain?"

"I don't mind her having guy friends, I really don't. She can hang out with Adam and Fulton or any of the Ducks whenever she wants. Except Portman."

"And why is that?"

"She can't see it. They were friends. They emailed all the time, and I didn't care. Until he came here and.....he wants her. I can tell, he wants to be with her."

"And you don't want them hanging out together, because you're afraid she'll want to be with him."

Charlie nodded.

"Kiddo, Julie is crazy about you. I highly doubt her friendship with Dean would change that."

"She can't see how he feels about her. How can you, or anyone else, be so sure she doesn't have the same feelings? Just not realizing it."

Julie entered the dorm rooms and took the stairs two at the time, determined to get to her room so she could fume in peace. She got inside and flopped down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, wishing she were back with Charlie. There was a knock on her door and she got up to answer it. Dean grinned, leaning against the doorway.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Good to see you too. Are you busy and or bored?"

"I'm not in the mood to do anything right now, Dean."

She turned away from him and walked over to her bed, flopping down once more. He entered the room, closing the door behind her and sat down on Connie's bed.

"What's up?"

"Charlie's being pain."

"What else is new?" he muttered.

She picked her head up to glare at him. "Hey, I'm the only one allowed to make comments about my boyfriend. Back off."

He held up his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry. Come on, don't mope around all day over Conway. Let's go do something. Let's go to the mall."

She sat up. "Do you need a girl's opinion on a new dress?"

He grinned. "There's the smart-ass Julie I know. Let Charlie stew in it for a while."

"I don't know."

He stood up and offered his hand out. "Julie Gaffney, get your ass off that bed and come with me."

Julie rolled her eyes, unable to not grin. "You're such a charmer."

"Is that a yes?"

She swatted his hand away and stood up. "Let's go."

"That was fun."

Tammy grinned at Fulton as they walked the familar streets to her home. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I just hope my mom will love her gift."

"Please, what mother doesn't want a red toaster to complete their red-themed kitchen appliances?"


They both chuckled as they arrived outside her home.

"Thanks Tammy. You helped me big time today."

She smiled at him. "No sweat."

He gave her a small hug and grinned at her, before heading towards his own home. Her smile was wide as she went inside.

Charlie lay sprawled out on his bed, throwing an old baseball up in the air and catching it.

"Champ." There was a knock on the door. "Dinner's ready."

"I'm not hungry."

Scott poked his head in. "Come on, Charlie. You guys had a fight, it's not the end of the world."

"It wasn't even a fight! She was mad at me, and then she left."

"Well, then call and apologize."

He sat up, throwing his arms akimbo. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Time for a life lession that will surely help you in years to come. She's always right, and you're always sorry." Scott advised.

"But what if-"

"Doesn't matter."

"Even though-"



"It. Doesn't. Matter."

Charlie sighed. "Fine. I'll call and apologize."

"Good plan. Then, come eat."

Charlie reached for the phone as Scott left and dialed the number to Julie's room. He waited as it rang.

"Hi, it's Julie."

"Jules, hey. I-"

"I'm not here right now, so please leave a message. Oh, if you're calling for Connie, also leave a message. She's too busy being with Adam to answer."

He waited for the beep.

"Hey, Jules, it's me. I'm just calling to say sorry for earlier. Call me when you get this. Love ya."

He hung up and ran a hand through his hair. He'd done his part. He'd apologized. He stood up and left the room, the thought nagging at him the entire walk to the kitchen.

Where was she?

AN- Sorry it took so long to get this out, guys. I'll try to update again soon!