Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did then team 8 would have more screen time... and there would be ice-cream...EVERYWHERE!!!! But it doesn't so team 8 has almost no screen time and there's no ice-cream only ramen.

Bath time

A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he sat down in the warm spring water. He was so happy that he finally had time to relax. Just some time for himself. Not that he liked being alone. Not at all, he was almost never alone. Akamaru was always by his side. But not today. Akamaru had fallen ill yesterday. Nothing serious just a little fever. He would probably be better in a couple days. First Kiba had thought about staying with him until he got better. But Hana said it would be best to let him rest. So he did. It was weird without Akamaru around but on the other hand. Akamaru deserved a day off. So he decided to come to the hot springs. He closed his eyes and focused on the nice smell that was drifting through the air. After a while he was ripped out of his thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Oi Kiba, it's been a while."

He looked around and noticed a blond shinobi enter the hot springs. His stomach turned, if there was some one he definitely didn't want to see today it was Naruto. He had never liked Naruto but the reason why he always kept to himself. Naruto splashed in the water and sat down next to him.

"Hey Naruto, I didn't know that you came here."

"Well, normally I go to the bathhouse near my house. But I got thrown out because pervy sage couldn't control himself again." He said sighing.

Kiba nodded. And Naruto, who obviously thought that Kiba was interested, continued.

"There's only one girl I'd like to see in a hot spring and that's Sakura-Chan." He said grinning from ear to ear.

Kiba rolled his eyes. He was really frustrated by the way Naruto was so possessed with Sakura.

"Don't you think she's nicer to me since I got back?" Naruto said hopefully not noticing how frustrated Kiba was.

He decided he wasn't going to shut up this time and finally tell Naruto his opinion about his relation with Sakura.

"Listen up Naruto! I don't know why you're so possessed with Sakura. I mean she was never nice to you and to be honest I don't think that she's really nice to anybody except Sasuke. And the only reason why she was nice to him was because she thought he was cool and handsome! She never noticed you until you got back and saw how grown up and strong you've become! Don't you think that's a little suspicious why suddenly she's being so nice to you?! Why the hell are you still in love with her after all these years?! I bet you can't give me 3 good reasons!!"

Kiba couldn't control himself he was relieved that finally after all this time he finally got to say his opinion. He didn't care about Sakura or Naruto but he was sick of seeing him being such a retard. Naruto looked at him surprised but the words Kiba said really got to him. And he realized that it was kind of true. But to him that didn't matter because he knew Sakura was the right women for him.

"Well the reason why I like Sakura is because...because..." He hadn't really thought about it, actually he didn't know why he liked Sakura so much. "W-Well she's...she's pretty and...and...strong and..."

"Oh come on Naruto. Even you can be this retarded. You had a crush on her and that crush just became a habit. Do you really want to be beaten into a pulp everyday by your own wife??"

Naruto thought about it for a while. Maybe Kiba was right. But he wasn't ready to give in yet.

"Well being in love doesn't need any reasons!! And how would you know you've never been in love!!"

Kiba's could feel his cheeks slowly becoming red and he turned his head away to hide it. Naruto grinned.

"So you are in love with some one!" He teased. "Come on tell me who it is!"

Kiba felt like he was being pushed in a corner.

"That's none of your business Naruto!" He snapped.

"It's a human right? A girl right?"

Kiba felt himself loosing his patients.

"Of course it is you BAKA!!!"

Naruto sighed in relief.

"So, do I know her?!" He continued after a short pause.

"Maybe..." Kiba said grinning.

"Come on Kiba. I can know that right. I just want to know if I know her. I'll stop asking about it if you tell me." Naruto said who couldn't control his curiosity.

"Yeah, you know her." He said smiling.

"Really?! Who is it?!?!" Naruto couldn't overcome his curiosity.

"And what about when you said you would stop nagging about it if I told you."

"Oh come on you know who I'm in love with."

"Of course you idiot the whole village knows that your in love with Sakura! Even Shino's bugs know you're in love with Sakura!"

"Why won't you just tell me?!"

"Because it's none of your business!"

"Please Kiba, I'll do anything." Naruto begged.

Kiba was about to say that he should stop whining but than he realized that 'anything' was very tempting. And he did have a couple of jobs that needed to be taken care off.



"Alright Naruto here's the deal. I tell you who I like and then you will have to do a couple of things for me."

"Alright! What are the things I need to do?"

"Well as you know Akamaru is sick and I have a solo mission which I'm supposed to go on. So first of all you will take all my solo missions for the next 2 weeks. Second you can't tell ANYBODY about it. You have to swear on... euhm... Ramen! And third you have to walk the dogs of my mother that she left at home. Until she comes back from her mission this monday."

"So I can't tell anybody. That's obvious. I have to do your solo missions AND I have to let your mom's dogs out."

"That's the deal take it or leave it." Kiba grinned he looked forward on having a couple of weeks off. He could see Naruto doubting what he was going to do but in the end his curiosity got the best of him and he accepted.

"Okay Kiba. I'll do it."

"Yeah, but first..." Kiba said expecting.

Naruto sighed and crossed his fingers. "I swear I won't tell anybody or I'll never eat Ramen again. Can you tell me now?"

Kiba blushed a bit. But of course Naruto is too dense to notice. When he thought about his conditions it had seemed fine but now that he had to say it. He actually regretted it.

"Well it's #|&7." Kiba mumbled unbearable.

"What I didn't hear that last part??" Naruto said a little impatient.

"It's #|&7." Kiba mumbled again blushing from ear to ear.


"It's HINATA!!" Kiba screamed. Afterwards glad they were the only ones in the area.

There was a short silence.

"H-Hinata?" Naruto asked a little confused. His brains still preceding the information.

Kiba nodded. A little glad that it was finally of his chest.

"Yeah, contrary to Sakura she's always nice, kind, caring. She's really shy and quiet. She doesn't judge and she gets along with everybody even you. She can be soft and sweet but also determined and strong." Kiba thought for a moment. He could name her good qualities but it would never be enough to describe what it was about her that made him love her so much. "She's also smart and pretty."

Naruto listened to what Kiba said. Maybe he was right. Hinata had always been nice to him. She was nice to everybody. She always smiled at him. And even when everybody was so cruel to him she never was. When he got older he started to make new friends and people started to acknowledge him but in a way he had never needed to proof himself to her. She had been friendly and kind before anybody else had been. Before Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi and everybody else. He wondered why he had never noticed what a sweet and caring person she was maybe it was because she was so quiet and shy.

"Maybe your right Kiba... Maybe Sakura-chan really isn't the right one for me. He muttered." Naruto responded.

"Hey Naruto," Kiba said lifting his eyebrows. "Well I told you so don't forget the deal we made." He didn't even try to hide the wide grin on his face.

"Yeah yeah I remember don't worry I don't go back on my world." Naruto answered said sighing.

"Okay Naruto I have to go now. I should check on Akamaru. You should probably go to the Hokage for my missions and don't forget you have to be at my house tomorrow at six."

"Okay I'll meet you after I ate some ramen."

"I mean six in the morning you idiot. The dogs have to be walked at 6, 12 and 8 in the evening."

"What??!!" Kiba could hear Naruto scream after he got inside.

I have some chapters of this story that are ready to upload but haven't been uploaded yet so... they will come soo.