Heyy!! Sorry it's been sooo long since i updated, major writers block. Plus i was kicked off the computer. YAY!!! And you'll see kagome, inuyasha, their son taishomaru.
and sango and miroku.!!! Isn't inuyasha's sons name cool? it is inutaisho and sesshoumaru put together!! Allright enough babbling.
Oh wait!! In the next chapper you will find out if the baby is a boy or girl!! YAY!!-again. So hold on!!
I do no own inuyasha or it's characters. But i do own chio and rin's b- OOPS! Almost gave the surprise away!!
CHAPTER 6- Reunion and Denial
Normal POV
"Well you see Chio, he said-" Rin couldn't finish for a soldier came to the door. He was panting and gasping for air, kneeling on one knee.
"My young Lord! Your father has requested you to his study immediately! He says it's an urgent matter!" Then he left, running through the halls. Sesshoumaru decided to kick it up a notch. He slithered his hand back around Rin's waist, and pinched her butt. She jumped and almost yelped, looking at Sesshoumaru, he had a smug grin on his face. She tried getting away from him but his stone cold grip held her there tight.
"Damn that old man! Please forgive me Rin, but I have to leave. Could we continue this talk another time? Preferably soon?.......Alone." Chio added. Rin was a little surprised at the hostility in his voice but brushed it off knowing that she was more menacing.
"Of course Chio. I would like nothing more." She said with a bit of strain in her voice. Chio looked at Sesshoumaru, who was looking down at Rin with a arrogant grin. As Chio made for the exit, he took a final glance at Rin, then left to see his father. The next thing you could hear was a crack that echoed of the walls to the outside.
"OOOOWWW!!!!!! Heavens sake Rin! You broke my hand!!!" Sesshoumaru yelled. But he got himself under control once he saw Rin's expression. She looked like the devil herself, only more pretty and a worse temper. She even has a worse temper than Inuyasha, who no one could beat.
"Oh, stop being a whiner. They'll heal in a few days, but it was your fault. Do you know how agonizing it was not to jump you right there in front of Chio with you touching me like that? It was horrible, and next time you do it, it won't be your hand..." She looked down, then back up to Sesshoumaru's eyes. When he finally figured it out, his eyes grew wide and said so fast his apologies. Rin giggled at her power over him.
"You weren't complaining, you looked like you were enjoying it." He smirked again, bringing Rin in his arms.
"This is getting out of hand, I don't know how much more I can take! I don't like Chio, well, in that way. Why can't he see that?" Rin asked. She left little hints showing she wasn't interested, but Chio never caught on. He was in his own little fantasy world that had him and Rin happily married and with children. She almost gagged at the thought.
"He is in love and I hate him for that. Tell me again WHY we can't just give it to him straight and leave him. I want to get home too, Jaken must be overworked." He turned and saw Rin stiff and aware. Usually her answer to that question was that he was her friend and that she didn't want to betray him. But this time it was different.
"Sesshoumaru, you know he is the only thing that can brake you. It's his love for me that's keeping us protected. He is in an alliance with all your enemies, human and demon. Right now is not the best time to start a war. Also, he'll tell the council about us. Everyone knows that I'm your mate, but we used the sacred jewel and that is against the law. Demons nor humans are allowed to use it. They made it very clear in yet I became a demon and you have your left arm back because of it.
"And I don't think that the council will like it too much if they found out that I was with you to begin with. You know they don't like humans with the exception of Inuyasha, Kagome and Sango and Miroku. Only because they got rid of Naraku.
"We have to wait until after the baby is born. Because right now I am your only weakness, and you know it. I want to fight but that would put our child in danger and I don't want that. I can't be alongside you when you are the white dog in battle as the midnight dog. I don't want any harm to come to our family, because of some stupid human falling in love."
Rin was angry and she wanted everyone to know it. Sesshoumaru was surprised about how much she knew, she was always complaining at the meetings for reports and stuff. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her chin up.
"Since when did you become so knowledgeable?" She laughed and said thank you. Then out of no where, Rin asked,
"Sesshy? I want to ask you something....and it concerns the baby too." She said. Her voice firm and steady. Sesshoumaru knew it was something serious so he sat her down and said,
"Rin my love, you know you can tell or ask me anything. You know that." He embraced her and she sighed. She looked up at him and asked without hesitation,
"Sesshoumaru, if we do have a girl, I want to name her after your mother....Can we?" She didn't even look up at him, she just waited. After a few moments she slowly lifted her head to see his reaction. The next thing she knew he was kissing her senseless, not giving her anytime to breath. She gladly kissed back, enjoying that he was so willing.
When they finally pulled apart, gasping for air, Sesshoumaru smiled and said,
"I would love nothing more Rin." She smiled the biggest smile but then froze in place. She was in her demon mode. The next thing that was heard was AhUn's roar. Sesshoumaru was about to run out of the room when Rin stopped him. He looked back at her with curiosity, only to see her going ahead of him.
When they got to where AhUn was at, you could see 5 beings. Rin's face lit up and she shrieked,
"KAGOME!!! SANGO!!! INUYASHA!! MIROKU!!!!"Rin was running to the group at the speed of light and Sesshoumaru was just left there confused. Rin was seen hugging all of them carefully avoiding Miroku's "cursed" hand.
Finally Sesshoumaru had to ask.
"Rin.....What is going on?" He was a little amused that she was so excited when her stomach was the size of a watermelon. She ran back to Sesshoumaru and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the group.
"I had AhUn go get everyone. I needed Kagome to check on the baby and Sango to help too. I had Miroku and Inuyasha come too so they could keep you company. Plus, they brought Taishomaru!! Isn't he cute? He just turned 3!!!" Rin was talking a mile a minute until finally the others calmed her down.
Taishomaru was Inuyasha and Kagome's first son. He had long white hair with black ends and little black dog ears sticking up from his head. He also had his fathers amber eyes, clearly stating that he was a dog demon. Kagome had turned herself into a half-dog demon so that she could be Inuyasha's equal, just like Rin and Sesshoumaru.
"Hey Sesshoumaru, how are you?" Asked Inuyasha. Ever since Naraku was defeated, Kagome and Rin forced the two to reconcile and act like brothers. They still fought but not to the death.
"I am fine little brother. Just a little worn out from Rin." Inuyasha nodded knowing what he was going through. Miroku nodded as well, because he has ALOT of experience with kids.
Sango rebuilt her village and found some old demon slayers that were away when her village got destroyed. She married Miroku and together they now have 6 children. Kira, their eldest daughter was watching over the village while they were away. They had 3 girls and 3 boys. And with another on the way, making seven.
Kagome was also expecting another child, a baby girl.
"All right, now we'll leave the men to talk and do whatever. We have business to do." Rin said happily. She started walking away with Kagome and Sango following.
"None of you boys can come in the room until we are done got it? Or else you have to face me." Sango said menacingly. They knew they weren't going to disobey her.
Kagome was last to speak because she was handing of little Taishomaru to his father. She kissed his forehead and kissed Inuyasha then walked away saying,
"By the time we're done, you'll find out if it's a boy or girl so be ready. Later guys." And with that the shut the door to Rin's room, leaving the men all alone.
Normal POV
Chio was walking down the hallway, thinking about Rin and how she looked that morning. He started fantasizing immediately. He didn't snap out of it until his father cleared his throat. He came to reality and sat down before his father.
"You have called my father? What is it?" Chio asked. There was nothing he didn't know about between his father.
"Chio, you love that girl Rin don't you? You are in love with her?" His father asked sternly. He didn't even look at Chio.
"Yes father. Very much, she is my sun, my only reason for living." Chio answered truthfully. His father eyed him with suspicion then looked away.
"Well now, thats a shame. I was hoping you would do it gladly without hesitation. Have you heard of the Midnight Dog son?" His father asked. Chio was a little surprised but rememebered the Midnight dog clearly. It was beautiful and much more graceful than its partner the white dog. The white dog was more aggressive and menacing.
While the Midnight dog was more fluent and stratistic instaed of killing everyone. It was obviously more powerful that the white dog.
"Yes,why father?" Chio asked. He was curious to know why they were discussing this.
"Son, I want you to kill the midnight dog. Meaning you would have to kill it in its demon/human form. And I know who it is." He looked at Chio coldly.
"Allright father. Just tell me who it is and I will gladly kill it." Chio thought that this would finally impress Rin if he killed a monsotrous demon like that. His father smirked and said,
"Allright. The person is in this castle. So it will be easy." His father sounded confident.
"Really? Who is it father? I will kill them tonight!" Chio was getting excited and anxious to see who it was. He already knew that Sesshoumaru was the white dog. And the midnight dog was important to him, so he couldn't wait to take something away from him at last.
"Good, then you will kill Rin."
Well, thats the end of this chapter!! Thank you guys who have kept reading after strange things lol.
The baby will be born soon i promise!! well please R+R and check out my other story "A Night Out!!" bye~bye!!