Stolen Memories
Disclaimer; I do not own, nor will I ever own, Harry Potter or anything HP related, that all belongs to J.K Rowling. The plot is mine though.
Summary - When Ginny was only eight years old something terrible and tramatic happened to her. Her parents, thinking she wouldn't be able to handle the awful memories, had the Medi-Wizards erase her memories of what happened. Now, eight years later Ginny is being tormented by horrifying dreams and flashbacks when she's awake. Her nightmares and reality are starting to fall into each other, what will happen when she can't figure out real from just a fragmented memory of her erased past? Possibly containing self-mutilation.
"She mustn't remember anything."
"Dear I don't believe that is up to us."
"We are her parents! She cannot know! She won't be able to handle it."
"She may be able to."
"She's only eight years old!"
"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?"
The red-headed arguing couple turned to see a medi-wizard approaching. Molly and Arthur Weasley looked down that the sleeping redhead in the hospital bed at St. Mungo's. Ginny Weasley looked strangely peaceful for someone who had just undergone a traumatic experience. With a sigh the couple stepped away from their only daughter's sleeping form.
"Your daughter is doing amazingly well. She should wake up tomorrow at some point. After a few tests are run on her then she will be able to go home." The medi-wizard said smiling.
"She mustn't remember." Molly said sternly.
"I'm sorry?" The medi-wizard looked confused.
"I want this... this... event erased from her mind." Molly clarified.
"I don't think you understand the seriousness of what you are asking." The wizard looked between Molly and Arthur.
"Of course I understand!" Molly snapped causing the young wizard to back up a pace. "What is your name?"
"I'm Dr. Mundell."
"And do you know what my daughter, my little girl, has just been through?" Molly Weasley had tears falling into her curly copper hair.
"I do." Dr. Mundell said gravely.
"And do you have children?"
"I have a son."
Molly Weasley looked at him sceptically for a moment; he looked far too young to already have a child. "And what would you do if this happened? Wouldn't you want to protect him every way you could?"
"I would, but what you are asking me to do would not be protecting your daughter. What's done is done. She needs to remember to heal."
"I don't want her to remember. It would ruin her life."
"It is no one's place to mess around with a person's mind!" Dr. Mundell was beginning to get frustrated. Of course he understood the Weasley's reasoning but what they were asking was immoral.
"Is there a medical reason why you are trying to talk me out of this?"
"Well... no." Dr. Mundell said truthfully.
"So it wouldn't hurt her?" Molly raised an eyebrow.
"It could though! Mentally, emotionally. It could destroy her!"
"But physically?"
"It won't do anything to her physically." The medi-wizard hung his head knowing that there would be no way around it. He would have to erase the young girl's memory.
Ginny was sitting on a dirty floor with her knees pulled up and her back against an equally dirty wall. There were fresh tears on her pale cheeks and more flowing from her amber eyes. Eyes that were usually filled with happiness now held only sadness and fear. Ginny could feel him coming closer and she began to shake with fear. What did he want with her? Of course she knew this, she just couldn't figure out why. He was coming closer. Ginny tugged on the scraps of clothing that still clung to her body, he had nearly ripped all her clothes to shreds in his attempts to get to her body.
Ginny chanced looking up to see that he was now only a few paces away. Ginny began trembling harder. Her muscles began to ache and her head started hitting the wall behind her. As much as she wanted to look away Ginny's eyes were glued to the shadowed face of her predator. She knew that he knew her, that she had talked to him, maybe even spent time with him, but she couldn't see his face and couldn't place his voice.
"What do you want?" Ginny whispered.
"Only you." The man said.
"I love you."
Ginny had heard her mother, father, and her brothers say those same three words to her countless times. Every time she heard it her heart swelled happily but now... the way he said it... it felt wrong. No, this wasn't right at all. He started coming closer; Ginny could now smell his foul breath. He was merely inches away when he spoke again.
"I know you love me." Ginny shook her head. There was no way she could love someone who had just done... that... to her. "You do!" He said in a commanding tone. "I want you Gin."
Ginny let out a sob at these words. What did he mean want? Did he want to do the same thing again? Did he want to touch her again? Kiss her? Or... did he want... more? Ginny couldn't bear to think about that.
"And I know you want me." He added.
Ginny tried to push herself closer to the wall, but it was no use. All she wanted was for this man to go away, to leave her alone. Where was her mum? Her dad? Her brothers? Why weren't they there? Why hadn't they come to save her from this awful man who just wanted to hurt her again?
The man in front of her began to unbutton his shirt; slowly he tossed it to the ground. Ginny looked away but she could hear him begin to shuffle around her. The sound of material hitting the floor terrified Ginny; she knew what other article of clothing he had just removed. Ginny felt a hand grasp her chin and roughly pull her face up. She kept her eyes shut tight; she didn't want to see him again.
"Look at me!" The man commanded.
Ginny shook her head but the man tightened his grip on her chin. Ginny's eyes began to water behind her closed lids, she was sure there was going to be a bruise where his fingers were clutching her skin. Ginny heard the man growl and he pushed her away roughly, her head hit the wall again but all Ginny cared about was that he no longer had a death grip on her face. Ginny heard footsteps and let out a relieved sigh. He was gone. He was finally gone. Ginny opened her eyes and looked around the room, he wasn't anywhere to be found, but Ginny didn't hear a door open or close so she knew he still had to be here.
Slowly Ginny stood and blinked away her tears, there was a door just across the room, and if she was really quiet she could get to it and slip out, scream for help, and be saved. Ginny took a few steps and then stopped, waiting, with bated breath; she couldn't hear anything so she continued. When she was only a few paces away from the door, from her freedom, Ginny quickened her pace. Suddenly she felt someone pull harshly on her red hair. Ginny let out an ear piercing scream as she was dragged back further into the room.
Sixteen year old Ginny Weasley sat upright in her bed. She had broken out in a cold sweat and was panting as if she had just run a mile. Blinking away the remaining images of the nightmare Ginny looked out the window of her dorm and saw that it was still the middle of the night. Ginny slumped back into her pillows and waited for her breathing to return to its normal rate. As she closed her eyes flashbacks of the all too vivid nightmare invaded her vision. Images of herself only years younger backed against a wall in the corner of an old dirty room hurt and terrified. And there was a man. Ginny couldn't remember what he looked like or his name all she knew was that he had been the one that hurt her, the reason for her fear.
"What was that about?" Ginny whispered into the darkness.
Too afraid to even think of going back to sleep, too terrified of another nightmare, Ginny lay awake all night trembling.
A/N; There it is, the first part of my newest story. I hope you all like it. The chapters after this one will be written a little differently, you'll see what I mean. I hope you like that chapter too. Remember, it's your reviews that determine when I get the next chapter out. So review!