I finally, months later got back to writing this. Sorry it took so long. when I write new chapters they will be up way quicker.

Chapter 2

Tom turned the key in the knob on his hotel room door, removing the key and placing it in his oversized pant pocket. His hotel room awaited them.

"After you babe" he called, motioning for Amber to go in before him.

"What a gentleman "she crooned, peering into Tom's brown eyes.

Tom smirked, partially tripping on his jeans while going inside. Amber giggled, and Tom joined in trying to mask his embarrassment. He almost never tripped on his jeans; he had to maintain his cool.

"Nice place", Amber said eyeing the fancy décor that covered his massive hotel room. Her eyes seemed to linger on the Huge HD TV, and comfy leather couch in the middle of the sweet. "Is Bill staying here with you, this is very spacious."

Tom shook his head "I like my space, its so crampt on the tour bus, so when we stay in hotels we like to have our own rooms, plus if Bill and I room together we tend to fight a lot. Bill's not the easiest guy to get along with."

A confused gaze flickered over Amber's eyes. "I thought you guys got along well"

"We usually do, but you know we are siblings, siblings fight, we sort of have a love hate type of relationship, at times he is my best friend and at other times I just can't stand him."

Amber responded with an understanding gaze. "I have a relationship like that, the love hate thing; it's not with a sibling though."

Tom waited for Amber to say more but she said nothing else on the topic, and instead changed the subject and asked if Tom would watch her favorite soap opera with her. Tom agreed, not because he liked soap operas, but knowing it would provide romantic opportunities which he badly wanted with this girl. Tom's Mutti Simone used to watch soap operas all the time when he was a kid. They were overly dramatic excessively emotional shows, which featured love scenes as the main plot device. Tom thought of them as boring drivel, but shows like that were perfect for potential love scenes of their own.

They sat nestled on the king sized bed chatting mostly, while the TV played in the background. It was a show called "blood stained roses" that Amber told him she was very fond of. Tom wasn't paying attention to the soap though. His full attention was devoted to Amber. They seemed to never run out of things to talk about. They spoke about tons of random topics, and a lot about music. It turned out Amber had almost the same musical taste as Tom. Like Tom Amber was really into rap and hip hop but she was also into alternative rock music, like Bill was.

Tom's attention was also on more physical aspects of Amber. He couldn't believe how perfect she was. Her face was flawless, and she had sexy curves despite how slender she was. Girls that had those curves and weren't fat were hard to find these days. And best of all she had an ample chest that looked to be at least a D or maybe a double D. Tom hoped he could figure that out first hand. He was content with just talking for now but he hoped things would progress to some action soon.

Tom noticed a change in Amber's demeanor from when they were at the party. Tom was intoxicated with her looks at the time, but looking back at it she had seemed a tad bit awkward, and unsure of herself with all those worried looks of hers. But why should she have? In Tom's eyes, she was perfect in every way, beautiful, fun to be around, and of course had great taste in men if he could say so himself. She must have been nervous around all those people, Tom decided, putting his thoughts to rest.

Confidence practically radiated from Amber now. She spoke rapidly about movies she seen recently, while playing with Tom's silky black cornrows. He felt them tightening, and twisting by her grip. She sure loved to touch them. She listed dozens of movies, mostly romance, that seen and really liked.

"I'm trying to find some new good movies to watch but none seem that interesting", Amber said with a sigh.

"Hmm", Said Tom, pondering what movies would be good to suggest to. "Oh, what about Twilight?" Amber gave Tom a blank look.

"You know, that vampire chick flick, with Kristen Stewart, and Robert, The harry potter Guy", Tom elaborated. He had seen the movie recently with Bill, and while he did not really enjoy it, there was a huge hype among girls.

An expression of pure fury appeared on Amber's face. "I read the book; it was frick'en awful, bloody terrible writing, the vampire's sparkled- come on! I wanted to kill Edward and Bella by the end of the book!" She sat on the bed, staring at the floral printed bed spread, mumbling things that sounded like curse words under her breath, rage covering her face in cruel beauty. She shook as she clenched her fists. If Tom didn't know any better he would say she was snarling.

Her reaction caught Tom off guard. He had never seen someone talk so hatefully about a book. It confused and scared Tom at the same time. It was amazing how fast her mood had changed. One minute she was smiling, the next minute a ball of fury erupted on her face, engulfing her gentle features and replacing them with cruel frightening ones. It was just a fiction book, for crying out loud…

As quickly has Amber's rage had come, it faded. Her face became gentle and harmless looking once more. Tom stared questioningly as Amber laughed at herself (Tom did not join), and proceeded to completely change the subject as if her little act of anger never happened. Tom was careful not to bring up movies again as not to tempt out Ambers strange anger again.

The awkwardness soon faded, and they conversed normally again. Tom chose to forget about Ambers "overreaction", as he dismissed it as, and began to flirt playfully. As to which Amber happily obliged. "You're so beautiful Amber" Tom said feeling the ends of Amber's silks strands of brown hair.

"Aw, you really think so" she replied with a smirk. She batted her long eyelashes.

"Yes, you're the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever seen, and believe me I've seen a lot of women" Tom winked and edged closer. Amber giggled. "Really even more beautiful and sexy than her? " Amber pointed to the picture of Angelina Jolie that lay on the hotel nightstand. Tom had masturbated to it only the day before. That seemed so long ago now. She stared in questioning amusement, waiting to hear his response. "Yes, even more beautiful than Angelina Jolie"

"I don't believe you", Amber said still smiling.

"Believe me, she's got nothing on you" Tom said honestly. Tom proceeded to reach for the picture and tare it into pieces, making exaggerated motions, and what he thought of as macho facial expressions while doing so. Amber laughed.

"How much bits of paper are you going to tare this into, you proved your point a long time ago", Amber said. The bed was littered with the tiny pieces of paper. "As much as I want to, this is more fun than popping bubble wrap", Tom replied with a smirk. Amber rolled her eyes, but quickly after her lips curled into an amused smile.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Amber stated, and slid off the massive bed. She strolled out the bedroom door, her footsteps barely making a sound.

Tom looked at his hands; the remnant of the picture was now smaller than his palm. He quickly tore the picture in half and threw the shreds of paper off his bed in opposite directions. The picture was gone, and so was his fascination with Angelina Jolie he decided. With this goddess looking beauty in front of him, he didn't think he would look back to her anytime soon. Tom wasn't lying to Amber when she said Angelina had nothing on her.

Tom noticed a bit of pain numbing his thumb. A tiny cut had appeared on his finger. It must be from the paper, Tom thought. It wasn't worth getting a band aid for a cut this small. He would just let the air harden it. He didn't feel like searching his luggage for one anyway.

Amber appeared at the bedroom doorway. She stood holding the edges of the door frame, a startled expression plastered on her face. She was clutching the door frame so hard, it looked like it might break from her grasp. "Uh, are you okay" Tom asked, giving her a concerned look. "Yeah", she said and her normal smiley expression returned.

Amber let go of the door frame, and practically leaped onto tom's bed. She crouched down and crawled slowly across the mattress to where Tom was.

"You look yummy Tom", she cooed, still crouching. She was now clutching the sheets with both hands.

"You're pretty sexy-hexy yourself", Tom mused. A look of amusement crossed Ambers face.

"I can't take it anymore Tom, I want you"

"I want you too", Tom said staring into Amber's eyes. "Let's do it", Tom said, slowly unzipping his jean zipper. He would finally get what he desired, he thought hungrily. Amber's expression gave him all he wanted to know. Tom almost had his pants past his crotch, when Amber said "Sorry, that's not what I had in mind." "Huh?" said Tom.

Amber suddenly had her arms around his chest. Seconds later he felt a stabbing pain on his neck. It was so fast that Tom couldn't even tell that it was Ambers protruding fangs that were sinking into him.

The pain disappeared quickly and was replaced with deliriousness. Thoughts were fading from Tom's mind. He could still see, but his thoughts were so hazy, he could not even conceive what was happening around.

The last thing he remembered were deep red eyed staring at him before he left consciousness.

Please review, I would like to know whether I should continue writing this story or not.