
If only, if only. The words echoed in Toms mind over and over like the wind's continues blowing outside his window. If only he never went to that party, if only he never met her. If only he hadn't been so stupid. Maybe than he wouldn't have experienced so much loss and the others wouldn't have had to sacrifice so much for him. Rain fell outside the window. Tom pretended the drops were his tears that should have been falling right now. The thought daunted him but as much as he wanted it to, nothing could ever be the same.

Chapter 1

Tom leaned against the wall, not bothering to sway to the music surrounding him. This is boring, Tom thought to himself. He and Bill had been to one after party after another lately, and it was becoming old very fast. It was always the same, people gloating about all their greatness, exchanging diet tips and getting drunk on expensive wine. Of course tom didn't mind the latter, but he had gotten a massive hangover at the last party and did not want to relive it anytime soon. This party wasn't that great either, most of the guests were on the older side, and there weren't even many hot girls to keep him occupied. The last party he had been to, had sexy waitresses in playboy bunny costumes, this one had fat old men servers in prim suits. Why he actually accepted the invite to this party in the first place was a mystery to him.

Tom considered leaving early but quickly abandoned the thought when he saw Bill. Tom could not leave while Bill was in his state. Bill was in the bar laughing like an idiot, clearly drunk as hell. Alongside him were four empty beer jugs. It was clear where it all went. Bill motioned his hand and the bar tender handed him another full glass of beer. Tom thought he was going to be sick as he watched Bill chug the beer, and then make a large burp.

"Hey Tomm-y!" Bill wailed and pointed to the seat next to him for Tom to sit. Tom scowled at being called Tommy and reluctantly sat down.

"Wow you're wasted", tom stated bluntly.

Bill stuck out his tongue like a little kid. "And you're sober, sober! come on Tom drink something, have a little fun come on!"

"I don't want anything; they don't even have my favorite type of beer"

"So what, have something anyway-come on"

"Nah, I feel like staying sober tonight for a change"

"You are being really boring Tom, boring!"

"Come on you know, I am never boring, it's one of my star qualities"

The conversation went on, and Tom eventually gave up and ordered a red tropical drink on the top of the menu. It tasted like a mix of fruit punch and liquor, too sweet for toms taste but he found himself having another soon after.

Bill left for the bathroom swaying a bit as he moved. Tom didn't feel like staying alone at the bar, so he brought his drink and moved towards the party area. At least this party has good tune's Tom thought to himself. Sammy deluxe was playing at full blast. He almost felt like breaking out some moves,-almost. He didn't want to embarrass himself. Dancing unfortunately was a talent Tom did not posses. In the corner however was someone who did.

Tom could only see the girl's backside, but he could tell that she was a natural. Her moves were elegant but edgy cool at the same time. And she did it all while clutching a water bottle with a red drink inside. Tom could not stop staring. She was curvy yet skinny at the same time, and every time she moved the perfect pale skin from her waist would reveal itself. Tom savored the moment. The Sammy Deluxe song ended, and the girl took a long drink from her water bottle. She noticed Tom watching her, and faced him while delicately twisting the cap back on her water bottle.

Tom was struck by her beauty. Her skin was flawless and seemed to glow, and her eyes were a beautiful shade of amber. 'I want her', Tom thought, hormones getting the better of him. A smile crept on the girl's plump lips.

"Tom Kaulitz right, I'm Amber" she said, holding out her hand. Tom took it, in awe that this beautiful girl was actually speaking to him. "Yeah that's me" Tom replied, not letting go of Amber's slender hand.

"I love your music, I listen to Reden every day before I go to bed at night; can't wait till you guys write a new song. I desperately need a new favorite"

"Really, I think you may get your wish, in fact right now I'm inspired to write a song just about your gorgeous eyes".

They sat together at the bar flirting, Tom drinking a Martini, while Amber sipped at the red drink in her water bottle. Tom asked if he could have some, but Amber replied with "maybe I will let you try some later" and a wink of her eye. Tom soon abandoned his drink and started nibbling on Amber's ear and lightly rubbing her arms as she sat on his lap. In return Amber lightly stroked Tom's cornrows, undoing his ponytail. "It looks better this way" She said, lightly. Tom started to pull her close hoping for a kiss, and Amber leaned away startled.

"Sorry!" Amber exclaimed and immediately took a long drink from her water bottle.

"Thirsty?" Tom raised his eyebrow

"Yes very, for some reason I've been very thirsty latel-damn" She stared into her water bottle as if just realizing there was only a few drops left.

"Want some of mine?", Tom said and pushed his martini lightly to Amber.

Amber shook her head, her dirty blond hair blocking her angel's face from view. "No thanks, I'm fine really" she didn't sound all that convincing to Tom.

"You sure?" Tom asked again. He winked. "I don't have cooties I swear" A scanty smile arose on Ambers face. "I know-I'm just not really in the mood for alcohol right now"

"What are you in the mood for then?" Tom inquired. "There's some fruit punch and soda over there I can get you."

Amber shook her head."I'm only in the mood for one thing right now and that's-"At that moment Amber pressed her lips against his. Tom flicked his tongue in her mouth, and soon they were full on making out.

Tom hardly had to try with this girl. He usually only went for the hard-to-get girls but this was nice too he decided, being with this beautiful girl who made all the moves for a change. He felt it would be so easy to reel her in, to lour her into his hotel room. He was right. Unknown to Tom however was that Amber was really doing the reeling.