Total Drama Finale Episode 2. "The Butterfly Afflict"

Losers....(Mess Hall)

Chris Maclean came into the room after looking at his screens for about an hour. just watching the lions walking and say 'are we there yet', and the dragons wheir just sitting in a circle at a campfire not talking, and Chef was walking up the mountain so the host decided to have alittle fun."Alright losers, sense nothing is going on on the monitors, we gotta find a way to get ratings so you guys go in the confessional and say who you would like to be friends with on TDF this season."

The campers grunted and all headed off to the confessional camera one by one.

Confession Cam:

Sadie- "Like oh my gosh im soooo trying to be friends with Justin and try and hook him up with Katie cause they soooo like each other."

Harold- "I'm trying to make friends with Cody and Noah we have a lot in common and Cody dosent like the girl i like so its good and i guess i could help him alittle if he helps me we are on the same team right?" He sighs lowering his head then raises it again. "Im also gonna try and make friends with *censored* sense i really like her more then i ever liked Leshawna." (nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh!!!!!!! not telling you!!!!!!!!)

Izzy- "Izzy gonna try and make friends with Noah and Eva sense they are in alliance with Izzy, so, Izzy guess that Izzy's gotta get good with them plus Izzy gotta play matchmaker with them sense they like each other."

Katie- "Like oh my gosh im soooo trying to be friends with Justin and try and hook him up with Sadie cause they soooo like each other."

Noah- "Hmmm i guess i can try and be friends with Cody we have a lot in common, and i guess ill make friends with Izzy sense she is in my alliance even if she is alittle coo koo, and Eva to sense she is also in my alliance........THEIR IS NO OTHER REASON STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK!" Noah screamed then took five seconds to think then realized it was a camera instead of a person. "Crap."

DJ- "I did last long in season one so i made a lot of good friends so i guess i could try and make friends with people who got voted of early like Ezekiel, Cody, Noah, Tyler, and Katie."

Ezekiel- "I'm gonna try and make friends with everyone in camp, eh. He takes a breathe. "I don't think i have any friends other then Sadie so im gonna try harder to make friends, so just watch me, eh." (ha ha watch him eh i get it)

Mess Hall.....(aka losers)

Chris then realized as the campers wheir returning, that the Lions wheir actually doing something right now so he said. "That was beautiful now the Lions are being idiots and get ready to laugh unless your a Lion. He started to chuckle as everyone else looked around at each other not getting the joke.

Roaring Lions.......

"Oh come on are we there yet!" Heather snapped at Duncan who didn't even turn around to reply.

"In a minute does that answer your question." Duncan said in full zen making Heather an angry girl.

"Duncan why does this path seem so familiar." Courtney asked her boyfriend and he replied happily.

"We use to go this way to make out before you got voted off." Duncan said with a smirk as Courtney blushed and a few others laughed.

Confession Cam:

Courtney- "Why cant Duncan just keep some thing secret he think he is so funny being able to say he makes out with me and it gets annoying sometimes."

Heather- "That idiot obviously has no idea where is going but its our best hope so what the hell."

Duncan- "Heather and Courtney are so up tight but oh well I love Courtney for that characteristic."

Losers.....(aka Mess Hall)

All the campers that are out and Chris are sitting and are surprised to see all of the Roaring Lions come in as the Thrashing Dragons cheer and the Lions give death glares to their teammates.

"Do you guys know what you just did, eh." Ezekiel asked with alittle glare as the Lions who wheir surprised.

"We won didn't we?" Duncan asked wondering if he was right and won the challenge.

"You guys really surprised me," Chris started saying. "I didn't think any of you would be that stupid to walk to the loser zone." Chris started laughing again as the lions gave Duncan angry glares as Duncan knew what was gonna happen next. "Hey wait a minute," Chris started saying. "Where is Tyler." Everyone looked around and saw Tyler was no where in sight then they wheir all sighed in relief. (except the Dragons and Chris)

"That means we all have a shot and can still win this." Courtney said hugging Duncan sense he might be safe.

Confession Cam:

Duncan- "This is to close, Tyler if you show up you are so dead." Duncan pounded his fist louder then it ever has been.

Courtney- "I hope Tyler dosent show up cause i don't want Duncan going this early even if he is an ogre."

Tyler- He is covered in dirt and has scratches all over him and dirt smeared all over his sports jacket and face. "I HATE this show."

Thrashing Dragons....

All the dragons remaining where sitting around the campfire. Cody was playing star wars battlefront renegade squadron on his psp, Justin was looking at himself through a mirror, Beth was starring at Justin, Owen was picking his belly button, Geoff and Bridgette wheir making out, and Eva was working out.

"So how do you guys think the Lions are doing?" Justin asked with no one to reply as they wheir to focused into what they wheir doing to listen. "Anyone?"

"After two hours we are back where we started." Geoff said as Justin got a weird look.

"Ummmm Geoff, we don't have the same amount of people we did when we started so how are we back to there?" Justin asked confused of what the party animal had said.

"No i mean im back at the spot i was two hours ago making out with Bridgette." Geoff said as he went back to making out with Bridgette as Justin finally blew a gasket.

"OK you know what you are the dumbest kid i know and no girl will ever love you if all you do is make out with Bridgette if it dosent work you wont find someone else for the rest of your life and if you guys have a kid you are going to lose it sense you will be to busy making out!" Everyone gasped and stopped what they wheir doing to look at the hunk and Geoff who wasn't angry or sad.

"Well at least i care about others over my face." Geoff said walking off then turning back. "Anyone wants to leave mister man tits follow me." As Geoff, Bridgette, and Eva left. "Hey Owen aren't you coming?" Geoff asked to one of the people he thought would have gone with him who was looking down.

"Sorry Geoff i think its safer here so ill stay here." Owen said sad that he left one of his best friends behind. Geoff now looked sad and shrugged and left off with the people who decided to follow him.

Confession Cam:

Justin- "Some kids are just to dumb like Geoff so he has to go."

Geoff- "Out of all the people who i thought would side with me i cant believe Owen didn't, why would he side with hot stuff over the other party animal." He sighs and looks alittle hurt. "Now I will never know where the treasure is."

Owen- "I cant believe i didn't go with Geoff i wanted to go with him so bad but if i left Justin now what would happen to me. He sighs and looks alittle hurt. "Now he will never know where the treasure is."


Tyler has been walking around all by himself for half an hour wondering where to go and what to do as he heard a rackling in the bushes so he grabbed a tree branch and hit it in the head. "Oh oops sorry." He said as he saw a guy rub his head from the mark Tyler had given him.

"Watch wheir you swing that thing dude." Geoff said at him as they discovered Chef was behind them as Tyler dug for the ground as he saw Chef grabbed Geoff and took off with him then Bridgette and Eva ran over.

"Oh no! he got Geoff." Bridgette sighed as she lost the man she loved to the cooking guy as Tyler patted her on the back. "Thanks Tyler but sense we arent on a team me and Eva will go another way." They all nodded as Eva went to head off with Bridgette as Tyler ran his own way not looking back.

Confession Cam:

Bridgette- "I'm gonna miss Geoff he is so brave. She sighs again. "At least i got Eva she is strong so we might be able to survive till the end."

Eva- "I wonder why Tyler is alone, he either lost his team or left on his own kind of like what we did and if its the first one then we are only one person away from victory."

Tyler- "Oh trust me i don't know what Chris and Chef are up to i wish i could of gone with Bridgette and Eva but they are on another team but ill find my own way to survive just watch me."

Mess Hall.......(aka you should get it by now)

Chef returned with Geoff as the party boy looked around and wondered how all these guys got here. "Dudes Chef has been busy hasn't he."

"No, Duncan was an idiot and lead us here and all we have left is Tyler." Heather snapped at Geoff who chuckled as Duncan got some glares from his team.

"I ran into Tyler before I got captured dude hit me in the head with a branch it hurt." Geoff laughed again as he went to go sit with his team. "Sup?"

Thrashing Dragons.....(aka Justin's area)

Justin looked around at the remains of his team and sighed.

Confession Cam: (aka the Confessional Can)

Justin- "Lets look at all the good things i have left in the teammates that remain with me, their is Beth who is smart i guess and we also got Owen who won first season that's gotta count for something and Cody who is actually sane otherwise i would kill myself so i might be able to survive maybe if Owen was gone."

Thrashing Dragons.......(aka Eva and Bridgette)

Eva and Bridgette wheir running for ten minutes straight as they stopped at the lake to finally take a break. "So do you think Justin and his team will survive?" Bridgette asked the fitness buff as she shrugged.

"He only cares about his looks he has Beth who wont stop looking at him Owen who is the biggest target and Cody who is the only one of them who can actually do something......they are screwed." Eva smiled as she answered Bridgette's question as even Bridgette laughed then sighed.

"I wish Geoff was here he cou-" she then stopped talking as she remembered who her boyfriend was as she saw Eva laughing she couldn't resist to laugh to. "Lets get going." She said as she started to run with Eva again."

Tyler.....(aka The talentless jock)

He has been running ever sense he ran into Geoff and Bridgette and Eva and hasn't stopped running as he picked up the pace he found himself at the ocean with a giant behind him......... he turned around and screamed at the fear he saw.

Confession Cam: (aka Where campers confess)

Cody- "My idea was that if we split into groups of two we have better chances of survival and after 1 hour we will regroup at the camp we wheir at for the past two hours so we can see if we had lost anyone or not i went with Justin as Beth went with Owen. Justin wanted me to go with him sense Beth would be hugging him the whole time and Owen would be a big target and i was scronny and smart so he picked me........and we are in an alliance."

Tyler.......(aka still screaming)

Tyler stopped screaming as he saw it was Owen with Beth on his back thinking it was Chef coming to take him as he sighed in relief. "Wow i didn't see that coming." Tyler managed to say with a laugh.

"Sorry we thought you wheir Bridgette or Eva so we went after you, hey can you stay with us we are scared." Owen said with fear in his voice then went right down Tyler's spine.

"OK but please stop scaring me." Tyler said with that chill still in his spine.

"Where sorry so we need to make a camp so we can have a refugee camp just in case." Beth said acting like a leader and she was doing a good job at it and the other two nodded in agreement and started building.

Mess Hall.......(aka why do i say aka every time)

The few Thrashing Dragons wheir sitting at their table (aka the Screaming Gophers table 1. Noah is the leader (he was a Screaming Gopher) 2. Their are more Screaming Gophers on the team you count them up) and the Roaring Lions wheir sitting at their table (aka the Killer Bass table you can do the math of why they sit there) which they wheir all their except minus one talentless jock as they all made conversation if the Jock would screw it up or not.

"Chris you said the teams went separate ways who is all with who?" Noah asked curious of who was wheir and with who.

"Well Cody and Justin are with each other walking around, Eva and Bridgette are together and are running around, and Owen, Beth, and for some reason Tyler are makeing something. Everyone went shock when they heard Beth and Owen wheir working with Tyler who was on the opposite team as them.

"What the hell is Tyler doing if those guys get caught he will go down with them." Heather snapped in her usual angry mood as the rest of team sadly had to nod at that which was a dumb strategy. "I don't know who to vote off Tyler or Duncan." Heather snapped as the question went to all of the Lions wondered the same thing except Duncan and Courtney and Lindsay.

"I for one like Tyler's strategy." Noah said smiling getting a few laughs from his teammates as Heather decided to snap.

"Well no duh you aren't on his team if you wheir on his team you wouldn't be laughing." Heather smirked

"Well if you don't excuse me im going back to my story." Noah went back to reading Total Drama Comeback on fan fiction and smirked. "Oh who wrote this they captured me just perfectly." He said only on chapter 1.

Confession Cam: (aka Noah better get back to the real story)

Noah- "I wonder if anyone else thinks Heather has anger issues."

Heather- "Noah has always been annoying i cant wait for his team to kick him out."

Thrashing Dragons....(aka Eva and Bridgette)

Bridgette and Eva wheir running until they made their way back to wheir they wheir originally sat as they saw that nobody was there. "Do you think everyone got captured." Eva shrugged.

"I wouldn't doubt it they had Owen and Justin its weird how they never got captured sooner." They shrugged then started to run again.

Thrashing Dragons.....(aka The Alliance Brothers *snap snap*)

Cody and Justin have been walking for 25 minutes as they stopped to take a break. "I bet those two idiots have gotten captured by now." Justin said laughing as Cody shrugged.

"I don't know they could probably have survived for awhile i mean Owen survived 8 weeks of this crap and don't forget Total Drama Action." Cody said as Justin shrugged and they started walking again.

Thrashing Dragons.......(aka and one Lion)

Owen had been getting fire wood with Tyler and Beth guarded the fort and Owen and Tyler had been making small chat. "So Owen if you lose who do you think you are gonna vote off." Owen shrugged.

"Shouldn't you be worrying about that you are probably the only Lion left." Tyler wondered and sighed as they made it back to their small camp and Beth came over worried.

"Guys i heard something in the bushes over their Tyler go find out." Beth asked as Tyler found another branch out of no where and went to the bush and hit it in the head and ran finding out it was none other then Eva.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Tyler screamed as he jumped in the lake to be followed by Eva but Bridgette walked over to Beth.

"Why is Tyler here he isn't on our team?" Bridgette asked as Beth shrugged.

"We found him and felt bad for him so we asked him to help us so he came with us." Beth told Bridgette as Eva came out of the lake with a Tyler who had bruises everywhere.

Confession Cam: (aka 7 left.....)

Tyler- "I don't only hate the show, i also so hate some of the campers aka (HE SAID AKA!!!!!!!!!) Eva."

Bridgette- "I'm not really sure we should have Tyler with us he could lure Chef to us and we could get captured.

Justin- "Can we do a challenge that dosent make my legs feel like they are coming out."

Thrashing Dragons......(aka Party of 5 dinner is ready)

Owen looked at his watch and said. "Beth its been almost an hour we gotta go meet up with Justin and Cody." Beth sighed and they all started walking to the base camp of the Thrashing Dragons.

"So Cody and Justin are still in?" Bridgette asked sounding surprised thinking they wheir gone sense they found only Beth and Owen.

"We don't know we split into groups of two they might not be around." Owen said as most of them wheir surprised at how serious he sounded.

Thrashing Dragons......(aka 21 campers walked into the woods only 2 are on their stumps)

Cody and Justin sat waiting for the others to come as they looked up they saw Beth, Owen, Eva, Bridgette, and Tyler all walking towards them.

"Oh no no no no no!" Justin screamed as he ran up to push Tyler away. "Only Thrashing Dragons aloud."

"Come on Justin let him stay with us please." Beth begged and turned to look at Justin.

"OK fine but if we lose its curtains for you." Justin said as Beth nodded and went back to sit as the 7 sat in a circle wondering what is gonna happen next....

Mess Hall.......(aka the end)

Chris got up and looked at a camera. "We have only 7 campers left, 1 Lion, 6 Dragons who will win?"

"The Dragons, duh." Noah said to Chris.

"Who knows." Chris said.

"I do we have 6 they have 1!" Noah yelled at Chris.

"If the Lions manage to win will it be on Beth's head." Chris said to the camera.

"And is it a mistake to have Tyler with them. Chris said once again to the camera.

"And will Chef ever find any more campers." Chris said yet again to the camera.

"Find out after the commercial break." Chris said as he pressed a button and the screen went to a commercial.

Sorry about the long wait some of us at ninjanard productions haven't felt like typing chapters so we will start again and yes they will be this long maybe even longer find out next time who will win who will go and who will be the last camper standing enjoy. Oh and also tell this site to stop eating my chapters and their will be more updates this is Steve signing out. PS we don't really like this every scene we get a random message so we r getting rid of that next chapter. Once again Steve is posting without Troy's permission.




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