Owen: This story was based off real events. Some names wheir changed in order to protect the innocent

Author's Note: This season takes place after TDA, but to be clear some things are different from the real TDA:

-Gwen and Trent are still together in this story.

-Justin's true self hasn't been revealed yet(It will be in this story)

-LeShawna and Harold are broken up.

Disclaimer: We don't own anything from the "Total Drama Series"

Total Drama Finale Episode 1. "Good Old Wawanakwa...Or Not." Part 1

Chris McClean, famed TV Host of the Total Drama series, sat alone atop a pile of newspapers, cold and hungry. His clothes were ragged, and he looked like a hobo. He held out a cup asking for change, but people walking by just ignored him.

"Spare change, sir?" he asked to a tall man in a suit. The man pulled a 50 dollar bill from his pocket and waved it in front of Chris. Chris's eyes lit up, like a dog who had just found a juicy steak. The man put the 50 in his face, then snatched it away and walked off laughing. Chris sighed.

"Ever since I got fired things just haven't been the same..." he said, sadly. Chris got up and walked away down the dark alley.

Chris awoke from his bed with a shock.

"Some dream..." he said, rubbing his head. He looked at his calendar.

"Today is the day!" he said, excitedly. He got his clothes on, and ran out the door.

Theme Song Sequence-

(The Final Countdown by Europe)

(Shows all 22 campers standing on the dock and flames shoot out behind them)

(Shows Leshawna's bizzare dance moves)

(Shows Ezekiel and Noah neck-at-neck)

(Shows Heather and Justin standing together)

(Shows Trent playing a song for Gwen)

(Shows Cody playing guitar and falling off of the dock)

(Shows Izzy jumps off of a tree)

(Shows Harold swings nunchuks)

(Shows Geoff and Bridgette making out)

(Shows Eva lifting weights)

(Shows Duncan and Courtney running through the forest)

(Shows DJ running from an angry swarm of bees)

(Shows Tyler falling on his face)

(Shows Lindsay putting on makeup)

(Shows Beth grinning at the camera)

(Shows Owen running and looking happy)

(Shows Katie and Sadie laughing)

(Shows all of the campers on the dock again)

(Fireworks spell out TOTAL DRAMA FINALE)

"We are coming to you LIVE from camp Wawanakwa!" declared Chris, standing on the dock. He was dressed in his famous outfit, and behind him was Camp Wawanakwa, the run down summer camp where 22 teenagers had risked their lives. Then, 15 of those teenagers had gone to a whole new location to settle a tie...and that had resulted in another tie.

"As you know, TDA was even better than TDI. But this season will top both of them, because this time there will be ONE winner, and all 22 contestants are coming back! This..will...be...AWESOME!" he shouted, looking very pleased. He then heard a loud honking in the distance, and turned to see the first camper arriving.

"Oh yeah," Chris said, turning back to the camera,"The prize this season is a billion dollars and a mystery prize!"

The boat dropped off Duncan, looking pissed. He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked up to Chris.

"This isn't cool, man. Bringing us back here for another season? You've gotta be crazy if you think I'm gonna do this." said Duncan. Chris pulled out a contract.

"I love the fine print..." he said to himself.

Confession Cam:

Duncan- "I HATE the fine print!"

Chris- "Hehehe...fine print. The greatest two words of my life."

"Noah! Welcome back, you haven't been in the competition since season one!" said Chris as the next camper arrived. It was Noah, with his signature book in his hand.

"This place is still as crappy as I remember, if not worse." said Noah nonchalantly. "And Duncan is still as ogre-looking as I recall."

"You want a mouth full of fist, smartass?" said Duncan, ready to hit him.

"No! Don't punch him, Duncan. We could get a lawsuit!" said Chris, worried. Noah's eyes went wide.

"Punch me Duncan! PUNCH ME HARD!" Noah said, asking to be hit. Duncan scoffed and watched the next boat arrive.

"Eva, great to see you." said a very non-chalant Chris as the fitness buff growled, arms crossed.

"I hate this stupid place." she said, kicking the dock. The dock rattled unsafely, then collapsed completely into the water with Eva,Chris,Noah, and Duncan. The boat pulled up and Geoff jumped off expecting the land on the dock but he plunged into the water instead.

"Woo-hoo!" he cried, cheering. Everyone glared at Eva.

"Sorry.."she mumbled.

Confession Cam:

Eva- "Great. In my first 30 seconds back, I've destroyed the Dock of Shame. What else will go wrong?"

"Geoff! What's up dude?" said Chris. The party guy gave Chris a high-five, and seemed to not be upset by the fact they were floating in water. Chris looked at the camera.

"We will be right back after this break." he said, then turning to shout at a couple of interns.

1st Commercial-

"Hey Steve, dude I think I can get lucky here tonight." says a tall guy to his friend, inside of a large night club.

"Good luck, 's all I'm saying," says Steve, taking a sip of his drink. Troy walks over to a couple of hot girls.

"What a nerd..." says Steve when he's out of earshot.

"Hey ladies..." says Troy, flexing. The ladies are about to walk off when they smell him.

"Wow...why don't you come with us for a little while?" one of the girls says, and Steve's jaw drops.

Some random announcer guy says "AXE: EVEN NERDS CAN GET GIRLS"

"Hey, I heard that!" shouted Troy.


2nd Commercial-

1 Mountain...

8 Teams...

16 Teenagers...

"And drama! Don't forget the drama!" says Coco, the host.

Check out Total Endurance: Mount Everest

Weeknights at 6

Only on Drama Nation

It cuts back to Chris and the campers standing on a brand new dock.

"We are back," says Chris.

"How did they do that so quickly?" Noah wondered at how the dock came back after only two commercials.

"I see a ship, captain!" Geoff said in a good mood because he was happy to be back........and he saw a boat coming.

A very unhappy goth girl came out of the boat more angry then unhappy.

"I hate you Chris McClean, I really do." Gwen said top the handsome host.

"Oh, you make me feel so good inside." said Chris mockingly as the next boat arrived to the island.

Gwen greeted all her friends, then turned to see who walked out of the boat and saw a geeky brunnete standing there.

"Cody! Welcome back to camp wawanakwa, try not to get mauled this time." Chris said, laughing.

Code just looked angry and sad.

"Thanks......I guess," Cody said as he walked over to Gwen.

"Gwen, I'm really sorry about the past season with flirting with you and harrassing you, and I just want a chance to be friends and nothing more...well in my book that is." he said as the goth girl looked suprised at what the brunnete had said. Even the punk, the know it all, and the party animal wheir suprised, but Eva didnt really care.

"Sure Cody, we can be friends, Did you finally get a girlfriend? " Gwen asked as the brunnete easily answered her question.

"Of course I dont have a girlfriend. Their is another girl on this island I'm interested in.....well she isnt here yet!" the brunnete screamed at the end when he saw death glares from the other campers.

"It better not be Courtney or I will honestly mess your face up BIG TIME!" The punk yelled at the innocent nerd then the nerd gave a smile back.

"Do you honestly think I'm that stupid?" asked Cody.

"Well..." said Noah, who Duncan punched him before he could finish that sentence.

"It's not Courtney; trust me." Cody replied.

"What's wrong with Courtney?" said Duncan, getting mad.

"Nothing! I just don't wanna date her!" yelled Cody, hiding behind Eva. Geoff stepped up.

"Please dude, don't tell me that you like Bridgette. I'd hate to have to be harsh on you and all, but she's my girl, you know?" Geoff said.

"Im not going after Bridgette either, and I'm not saying anymore about it." Cody said, then Chris pushed him out of the way.

"Ok, enough with Cody's love life, now if you dont mind a boat is coming," the host said as a teenager with a toque came out of the boat.

"Welcome back to camp, Ezekiel." The host said welcomeing the toque wearing teen to camp. He was wearing a gold "Zed" bling around his neck, and sunglasses.

"Thanks Chris and I promise I'm gonna make it far this time and not go home first, eh." the home schooled kid said as he turned to everyone else.

"Hey guys sorry aboo't first season with the sexist comments. I have changed and I promise no more of those comments, eh."

"Ok, everyone deserves a second chance, dude." The party animal said to Ezekiel, makeing the home school kid seem more welcomed.

Confession Cam:

Ezekiel- "Im gonna try and win this season/He chuckles/ or at least the first bonfire, eh?"

Geoff- "Ok, I want to make more friends this season so im gonna be nice to Cody, Noah, and Ezekiel cause they never got far and made friends...... I'm gonna be mainly nice to Ezekiel cause I heard on Youtube that one day the home schooled kids will take over the world."

Gwen- "Man! I wanna know who Cody is crushing on... it's either Sadie, Katie, Izzy, Leshawana, Beth, Heather, or Lindsay. I hope it isn't Heather, Cody deserves a girl way better then her."

Noah- "I think I have a strong chance this season. This time brains is gonna win it instead of farts."

Duncan- "I think this season is gonna be fun, I'm gonna win that bill if its the last thing I do."

Eva- "Im gonna win this time because I have a plan and I'm positive it will work."

Cody- "The girl I like is really nice and sweet... I hope I can get her......saying she is nice and sweet knocks down someone, if you know what I mean.. haha."

The next camper that stepped onto the dock was the lovely Lindsay, looking as hot as ever.

"Lindsay, great." said Chris, as she said hi to all of her old friends.

"Hello Chad!" she said, waving and smiling.

"It's Chris, Lindsay."

"Ooh...hello Chris Lindsay!" the blonde said and hugged him. Noah and Cody looked at each other, trying not to laugh.

"Ok...anyways, how do you feel about this season?" asked Chris.

"The season? Well, it's summer but I'm more of a winter person myself." Lindsay said.

"That's not..oh, nevermind." said Chris, crossing his arms.

"Where's Tyler?" Lindsay asked, looking around.

"Oh sure, remember his name but forget mine..." Chris said, grumbling.

The next camper looked totally psyched to be there. He had a keyboard in his arms, and glasses that reflected his green eyes.

"Harold, wassup dude?" Chris said as he high fived the nerd.

"Not much, actually. I'm totally ready to get farther this season!" he said, then he went and exchanged a high-five with Gwen and Geoff.

Duncan looked Harold in the eyes, and they both nodded. They had settled on a truce last season, and now somewhat had respect for each other.

"Alright, here's our next camper: LeShawna!" shouted Chris, as the loud girl stepped off of the boat.

"Yo, what's up my peeps?" she asked, hugging Gwen.

"I heard about you and Harold going your seperate ways...I'm sorry." Gwen said. LeShawna shrugged.

"It was for the best." she said.

"I've got a thing for another camper now" Harold said. Cody gasped, worried that Harold might like the same girl he likes.

"Really? So does Cody, but he won't tell us who."said Gwen.

"I'm not telling either." said Harold, grinning. Noah rolled his eyes.

"Relationships here are so stupid." Noah said. Eva walked up to him.

"Tell me about it." she said, and they looked at each other.

Heather was the next one to arrive, and no one was happy about it. Especially Heather.

"Chris, this isn't fair!" she whined, flipping her recently-grown-back raven hair.

"Actually, it totally is!" Chris laughed, holding up a contract. Gwen grabbed it and tore it in half, just like in the first season.

"Lots of copies!" shouted Chris, as Gwen frowned.

"Dejavu..." she mumbled, holding her head. Heather scoffed and walked away from the crowd of campers towards the end of the dock, where she stood alone. The others simply shrugged.

The boat came and off of it stepped a large guy, DJ. He high-fived everyone(Except Heather) and smiled.

"I have a feeling this is gonna be a great season guys!" he said. Geoff nodded.

"Totally!" the party animal exclaimed.

Confession Cam:

DJ- "I'm really hoping to win this season. I think that with a little luck and determination, anything is possible!"

Lindsay-/Looking around, confused/ "What am I doing in here?"

Harold- "I'm totally ready to win it this season. Boo-yah!"

LeShawna- "Even though I hate this place and that host dude, it's really great seeing all of my old friends again. Somehow I do get the feeling that this season is gonna be tougher than anything we've ever faced before."

Heather- "Ugh, I hate being back here! These shows are always rigged, and there is no chance of me winning!"

DJ held bunny in his arms, and he was welcomed back as well.

"The bunny does not count as a camper," said Chris, grinning. DJ shrugged.

"It's just great to be back and starting fresh!" DJ said, and Cody nodded in approval.

Chris looked at the oncoming boat where a short girl jumped out.

"Beth, welcome back to the show." said Chris, as the short farm girl hugged him.

"It's great to be back, especially since I got my braces removed and I don't have to talk in a lisp!" she said, smiling.

"Ooh girl, you look fly!" said LeShawna, looking at her reflection in Beth's shining teeth. Beth giggled a 'thanks'.

"Alright, here's our next great camper prodigy; Tyler!" exclaimed Chris, as Tyler ran down the dock. He slipped and immediately crashed into Heather,Harold, and Gwen, knocking them into the water. The four of them floated uprght in the water.

"Tyler! You dweeb!" shouted Heather, who kicked Tyler in the..well...a place.

"Agh! Ooh...the pain..." Tyler murmured as he sunk down to the bottom of the lake. Chris was laughing, while some of the other campers gave him questioning glances. The next two campers ran down the dock squealing.

"Katie and Sadie, what a pleasure to have you back." said Chris, with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"It's so freakin great to be back!" said Sadie.

"Like, totally!" said Katie. The two best friends hugged eachother and squealed again.

Tyler,Heather,Gwen, and Harold climbed back up out of the water. Gwen covered her ears when she heard the squealing.

"I should've stayed in the water..." she said quietly. Heather and Tyler nodded with her.

The boat pulled up and music was heard being played. Trent was playing his guitar, and he jumped off and landed on the dock still playing his guitar, in a really cool fashion.

"That was awesome!" said Harold.

"Showoff..." said Duncan.

"Trent! Welcome back, dude. Nice playing, by the way." said Chris as he gave Trent a high-five.

"Thanks dude," said Trent, putting his guitar across his back. Gwen locked eyes with him, and they immediately ran towards each other and kissed.

"I missed you," said Trent, running his hands through Gwen's hair.

"I missed you too," said Gwen.

"Ok guys, this is called 'Total DRAMA' not 'Total ROMANCE'" Chris sighed, crossing his arms.

Confession Cam:

Trent- "I was most excited of all to see Gwen. I mean, who wouldn't miss her?"

Katie- "It's so great to be here! Woo-hoo!"

Sadie- "This season, nothing is gonna stop us! Me and Katie are gonna be the ultimate unstoppable team!"

Beth- "OMG, I want to win this so much now! No more making fun of my lisp, because I'm a brand new Beth!"

Tyler-/He pumps his fist into the air/ "I may have seemed like a total klutz in the past, but now my true athletic abilities have come to light and it's gonna be awesome to see how shocked everyone will be!"

After seeing Gwen and Trent's love scene, Lindsay looked at Tyler hoping they could do something similar.

"Oooh Tyler!" she giggled, as Tyler pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Geoff and Duncan gave him a thumbs up. Katie and Sadie "awwwed" while Noah and Eva made puking sounds and turned away.

The next boat dropped off an angry C.I.T., who grabbed Chris by the throat.

"Unless you want a HUGE lawsuit, there better be no twists this season." she said.

"Ok, ok, Courtney! Sheesh!" said Chris.

"Courtney!" exclaimed Duncan, pulling her into a kiss. Courtney pushed Chris into the water.

"Hey! My hair!" he said, looking angry. The next boat arrived and the camper on board's words surprised everyone. It wasn't what he said, but the fact that he had actually said something.

"Chris, that water is NOT good for your hair, dude" said Justin, walking off of the boat. The girls turned to admire him, as Justin smiled. Chris climbed back up onto the dock.

"Justin? Dude, you are speaking now?" said Chris, looking surprised. Justin nodded.

"Yeah" he said, and he walked down the dock in very cool fashion. Noah scoffed.

"Well,well,well, if it isn't the anti-me." said Noah, frowning. Justin ripped his shirt off and grinned.

"Yes,well, put that thing away no one wants to see that." Noah sighed, yawning. Eva pushed him out of the way.

"I wanna see it.." she murmured, and Noah seemed to get a little angry at Justin for a moment. Katie and Sadie were watching evetything, and giggled.

"Jealous, much?" said Sadie.

"What? No, why would I be jealous of Justin?" Noah asked, getting impatient.

"Well, I don't know. Eva seems to be all over him." Katie giggled, as Noah looked away blushing.

"I don't care," he said, shrugging.

The next boat came and on board was a large,blonde guy waving.

"WOO-HOO!" he shouted, then jumped onto the dock.

"Owen, NO!" cried Chris, as the entire dock broke again. Owen grabbed onto a plank of wood to stay afloat.

"Oops...sorry." he said. Then, a wild cry was heard an an orange blur jumped into the water next to Owen, splashing water over Chris's face.

"IZZY IS HERE! NOW IT'S A PARTY!" she screamed, jumping on top of Owen's head and looking around.

"Well, we still have one more vamper to wait for." said Chris, as he looked to see Bridgette surfing towards them.

"Hey guys," said the surfer chick, floating in the water next to them. A few murmured 'hey' and some did nothing at all. Geoff jumped at her.

"Bridge! You look AWESOME!" he shouted, as the couple began to make out in the water. Noah rolled his eyes, while the couple continued to make out, until Geoff began to feel up under her shirt.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is a PG show!" yelled Chris.

Confession Cam:

Bridgette- "Wow, Geoff was happy to see me."

Justin- "Here's deal; This season, nothing is gonna stop me from winning. Nothing. The quiet Justin that you used to know is gone, because it takes everything you've got to win these shows. And whatever it is, I've got to have it. I'm Justin, I'm Ultimate!



Courtney- "I think it's only fair for me to win this season. I mean, come on! I'm a C.I.T! I have all of the credentials, and everything I need to win!"

The campers got dried off and Chris asked them to meet at the campgrounds. Chef was there, looking as menacing as ever.

"Ok contestants, this is gonna be how we decide teams." said Chris. He pointed at Ezekiel and Noah.

"Ezekiel,Noah. You two haven't had a real chance to do anything the past two seasons. So you guys get to pick teams!" said Chris, laughing. Ezekiel and Noah grinned.

"Who gets first pick, eh?" asked Ezekiel. Chris rubbed his chin.

"Ezekiel," said Chris. Noah scoffed.

"Why him?" asked the bookworm.

"Because he's got a green toque, duh! Green is awesome!" Chris laughed.

Confession Cam:

Noah- "Sometimes I think Chef must help Chris get dressed."

"Ok prairie boy, pick! It goes girl,boy,girl,boy." said Chris. Ezekiel looked around.

"Gwen. She's pretty tough for a girl, eh?" he said. Several girls glared at him. "I was kidding, eh!"

"Your turn, Noah." the handsome host said.

"Cody!" he said, and the tech geek walked over to him. "We need some brains on this team besides myself."

Ezekiel thought for a moment before picking.

"DJ." he said. The big guy went over and gave Ezekiel a high-five.

"Ok then, Izzy." Noah said, and the red head came and hugged Noah and Cody.

"Let's win this, amigos!" she shouted.

"LeShawna, eh!"Ezekiel said, pointing to the large sister.

Confession Cam:

Noah- "Well, I had to be strategical here. I mean, Owen did win the first TDI, so he's not completely useless."

Ezekiel- "I wasn't sure about picking, I mean I wasn't here long enough to get to know any of the others really well."

"I pick Owen." said Noah, smirking.

"SWEET!" he exclaimed, running and hugging Izzy.

"Oh yeah? I pick Duncan then." Ezekiel said, because Ezekiel knew that Duncan was a strong competitor.

"Whatever," the punk said, as he went over to stand by DJ, LeShawna, and Gwen.

"Hmm..Eva." Noah said, putting on a bored expression.

"Why'd you pick Eva, Noah?" asked Sadie, giggling. Noah frowned.

"She's a strong competitor!" he snapped, then glanced at Ezekiel.

"Lindsay," Zeke said, pointing towards the blonde.

"Yay!" she said happily.

"Geoff,"Noah sighed, as the party dude jumped over with excitement.

"Trent, eh." the home-schooled kid said. Trent and Gwen ran over to kiss eachother, glad they were on the same team.

"Ok, then I pick Katie." Noah said.

"EEE! YAY!" she squealed, running over quickly.

"Heather..." Ezekiel said slowly. Gwen and Leshawna looked shocked.

"Are you crazy?" asked Leshawna.

"You picked HEATHER?" Gwen exclaimed. Ezekiel shrugged.

"She's hot, eh." he said. Heather looked disgusted.

"I don't wanna be on prairie boy's team!" she complained. Chris shook his head.

"Nope, sorry." he said. "Can't help you there."

Heather glared at him.

"Justin," said Noah, locking eyes with his rival. Justin shrugged and came to join the rest of Noah's team.

"Tyler.." said Ezekiel, pointing to the jock. His team groaned.

"Hey, I'm not THAT bad!" Tyler shot back.

"Bridgette!" said Noah, and Geoff immediately ran to her and started making out.

"Bottom of the barrel time.." said Chris, looking over at Harold,Courtney,Sadie, and Beth.

"Hey! I'm a C.I.T, people!" Courtney shouted. Ezekiel pointed at her.

"Courtney, just so you'll stop whining." he said, and Courtney glared at him.

Noah had to pick a guy, then he looked at the remaining 3.

"Great, the last guy. I pick Harold." he said, and Harold walked over.

"Wise decision." Harold said.

Ezekiel looked at the last two.

"Sadie," he said, and then all Hell broke loose.


Gwen and Lindsay helped calm her down.

"It'll be ok!" said Gwen, covering her ears. Katie was just as sad.

Confession Cam:

Katie- "Ugh! This sucks!"

Sadie- "Why does this stuff happen?!?/Crying/"

Gwen- "What is it with those two???"

"Ok, then that means Beth is on Noah's team." said Chris. "What do you want to name your teams guys?"

"The Roaring Lions!" exclaimed Ezekiel.

Confession Cam:

Duncan- "Roar."

"The Thrashing Dragons" said Noah nonchalantly.

"Alrighty! So Ezekiel,Heather,Gwen,Trent,Lindsay,Duncan,Tyler,Courtney,Sadie,Leshawna, and DJ are The Roaring Lions!" exclaimed Chris. That team cheered.

"And Noah,Eva,Harold,Geoff,Izzy,Bridgette,Cody,Katie,Owen,Beth, and Justin are The Thrashing Dragons!" he continued. That team cheered even louder, mainly on account of Owen.

"Alrighty guys, I will now explain the first challenge!" Chris said. "It is...a singing competition! I like to call it "Wawanakwa Idol!"

"Isn't that a ripoff of 'American Idol'?" asked Cody.

"Uhh..no...Anyways, I will pick 3 singers for each team. They can sing any song they want, and you guys all have 8 hours to practice for it. Have fun!" Chris said. "And the campers I'm picking are Izzy,Courtney,Lindsay,Justin,Trent, and Cody!"

"I'm not much of a singer..." said Cody, looking at the ground.

Ezekiel's team was super happy.

"With Trent, there is no way we can lose!" exclaimed DJ, high fiving the musician.

Chris then turned towards the camera.

"We will be back, after this!"

Well, thanks for reading the chapter! I also wanna give a big thanks to The Kobold Necromancer for inspiring this story. If you haven't read his incredible stories, you should. They ROCK!!!

You can check out this story's website at .com

Please Read and Review!

Signed~ Troy and Steve