Hello to everyone. I am still busy and college and not, I repeat not watching the new season of CSI: Miami because it is now turning into crap for many reasons. So most of my current fanfics will not be getting into whatever is going on currently. Also I am getting more into Criminal Minds but I still love Horatio and Cali as a couple so I won't give up on writing yet. Also, I seem to have so many readers for this, it makes so surprised. ^^' Thank you all, though I'm not sure if anyone is still reading.

Daxy: Yes he is muahaha.

D-B-L: Yes he will, right? XD

LA Cal: Thank you very much lol

Leslie: I might, you never know but I'm never good at writing heavy action.

Moochiecat: I hope your vacation was good, and I am also very annoyed at the Cali and Eric pair. Thank god Eric is leaving the show. Sorry for spoilers but it's true. Thank god.

Bullet girl: Haha maybe.

GSRfan719: Jake is an annoying SOB.

Umbrella-ella: Should I say sorry? Most fanfics these days hardly leave cliffhangers.

Disclaimer: Not mine so you can't sue right?

My Love for you is a Journey

Having Horatio stalk the halls of the lab wasn't a pretty sight and most people knew something was going to go down. Horatio exited the sunny building and headed for his Hummer. After he got in, he took his gun and set it in his middle compartment. Horatio didn't need evidence to see that Jake had hit Calleigh and that made his blood boil enough to sear his skin. He started for Jake's house, knowing where the low life would be. He got out and took his gun with him. His steps were hard and directed towards the front door. No one should ever harm a woman, and Horatio was going to ensure that.

Back at the lab, Eric was looking over their current case, he didn't know H had left, nor did he know Cali showed up to work with a bruise on her face. They were both making bold moves it seems. Eric was currently standing in one of the interrogation rooms with a file. Two suspects were in front of him sitting at the glossy table. "So you two were at the crime scene…" Eric started. "It's a pretty odd place to be at four in the morning." Eric said.

Their current case was gang related, two people were killed in a shootout. A man and his son were killed and it was an accident but the MDPD was trying to see who to blame for an innocent killing. "Hey lay off man we can go where we want." One said.

"Yeah but in Miami, you can't kill who you want." Eric glared.

"Tch, you ain't got nothin' on us man." He said as the other male remained silent but still appeared annoyed.

"Look we found you knife covered in traces of blood." Eric said. "You're under arrest, both of you." He said.

"What?" The silent guy sat up. "Why both of us?"

"You were an accessory to murder, anyone there was…" Eric said as he set down a page that had their DNA on it with the weapon. The two criminals dressed in messy attire looked off and seemed to clam up. Eric looked off and a patrol officer started to escort them out.

"Hey…this is where Jake Berkely works?" One huffed.

"Huh? He used to, why does that matter?" Eric muttered, sensing something amiss. Cali passed the room and the guy shouted out to her.

"Hey blondie, you shackin with Jake right? Why you tryin to play us like this?" He glared and Eric looked between them and glared/

"Hey, shut up you two." Eric snapped as Cali paused and looked to them, a bit shaken up. Eric noticed her face and gave Cali a look to move on.

"You bitch, he'll hear about this!" One of the gang members yelled as she walked along, head down. The two convicts were finally dragged to booking. Eric sighed and went after Cali to see what was going on. The Cuban found her, "Hey Cali…" He said and she turned to face him slowly. "What happened to your face/" He asked.

"Eric do we have to go through this?" She asked him.

"Cali, is Jake hurting you on purpose?" He asked.

"No no, I'm fine."

"No you're not!" He glared and she flinched. "Ever since you met him you've changed. You used to be this amazingly strong woman who could fend for herself. You used to be so sure of yourself and able to handle anything." Eric said. "What happened?" He asked.

"He broke me." She said in a defeated voice which made his heart shatter. He moved his arms around her. Cali held onto Eric and breathed in.

"Why didn't you ask for help?" He asked. He knew H would be more than happy to help her.

"I couldn't…"

"So you decided to be stubborn in the wrong way huh?" Eric laughed and patted her head cutely. She pulled back and gave him a look. "Hey, that's the Calleigh I know." He smiled to her. Soon Wolfe found them and looked a bit puzzled.

"Hey we have another case, I tried paging H but he's not responding…" Ryan said. "Did he go somewhere?" He asked, Cali and Eric shook their heads.

"Um I think I saw him with Alexx a while ago." Cali said and played with her hair, something inside of her was telling her this was bad.

"Okay let's go find her and see where he went." Wolfe suggested.

"You go that, Cali and I will go down to the scene." Eric said, as always as one case ended another one was waiting. Wolfe nodded as Eric led Cali towards the exit. Wolfe started for Alexx's office and went in.

"Alexx?" He questioned.

"Yeah sweetie?" She asked as she walked over to him, just wiping her hands with a towel.

"Cali said H was with you last, he's not picking up his cell or responding to his pager. Did he go somewhere?" Wolfe asked and Alexx froze and got very quiet. "Alexx?"

( G-c: I'll end it here for now and see what you all think…ok? )