OKAY! Break time from Ask the Vocaloids. (Uh, no more school thank god.) So this is kinda Alice mixed with actuallty mixed with whatever else I could throw in. So, yeah,I hope you like!

"Oh, how long has it been since I last saw my dearest Alices, I wonder." A women that was as pale as snow said. She had a stich that went from the middle of her forehead and curved down to the middle of her left cheek. Her hair was kinda curly and went down to her knees. Her eye's were black and emotionless. "I must see them soon, or I'm sure to disappear."

The tiny women looked out at the kingdom below. She was at the Third Alice's castle. Her and the Alice of the Clover didn't get along. She hated the fact that that Alice tried to take over her world. Well, the child did create it, but it was only for the dream to rule.

The dream had Four Alices. The Alice of the Spade, the Alice of the Diamond, The Alice of the Clover, and the Alice of the Heart. Well, the Alices of the Heart.

The first Alice was the Alice of the Spade. The dream thought that that Alice would use her sword to protect the village she had created through the forest. But, instead, she used it to kill any living thing in her way. The dream didn't like that Alice was making her world all messy, and bloody. So, she locked her up.

The second Alice was the Alice of the Diamond. The dream thought that he would charm people with his singing in the town he created, but instead he drove people crazy tring to figure out a song sheet, and a mad man shot him.

The third Alice was the Alice of the Clover. She was so beautiful that the dream thought many people would come visit her. But, that Alice had tried to rule the Dream's world, so the Dream put a curse on the Third Alice.

The fourth Alice were simply twins who were curious. The dream thought they'd make many world's, which they did, but when they got to the first Alice, they were simply awakened.

Now, the Dream only pulls back the Four Alices when she needs power.

"I'm so tired of bringing those Alices back." The dream started thinking. "Why must I only be a dream? All I need to be human is a body. Now, where do I get one?" The Dream stood up. "Maybe,..." She smiled. "Maybe, I'll use an Alice."

Rin's POV

"Len-Kun! Len-Kun!" I jumped onto my beloved brother who was laying on the couch. "Guess what!"

"You broke my back?" I looked down at him. I had landed on his back like I intended to.

"NO!!!!" I said, I guess hopping on his back. I wasn't standing, just my legs were on each side of him, and I was kinda on my knees sitting. "Miku-Chan want's us to go pick berries!"

"Please get off of me." I could hear him say. I didn't want to, so I didn't. "I think you're crushing my internal organs."

"Fine." I got off of his back, and he just lied there. "Humph! Well, then." I walked into the kitchen to find Miku-Chan. "Hi Miku-Chan!"

She looked over at me. "Oh, so is Len helping?"

"I don't know. But, I'll talk him into it!" I jumped up and down. "So, what berrries do we get?"

"Uh, any I guess." She put down the knife she had been cutting tomatos with. "I mean, the teacher just said berries." She washed her hands, then headed over to her bookbag. She unzipped the front pocket, reached in, and got out a three inch notebook. She opened it up, flipping through it. "Yeah. Just any kind you find will be good."

"Okay!" After I said that Len walked in.

"Do I have to go?" He said, grabbing a banana. "I mean, can't you do it?" He bit into it.

"I would, but I have to cook." Miku walked back to the kitchen and grabbed the knife she had been cutting with.

"I'll cook. I mean, it's not that hard." Len took another bite of his beloved fruit.

"Stop being a baby about it. Just pick some berries and get it over with." Miku said.


After the fight about going to pick berries, Len and I went out to the forest.

For some reason, whenever Len steps out into sunlight, his eyes just sparkle. I guess mine do to, since we're twins. Although he's a boy and I'm a girl, we look very much alike. We have the same honey blonde hair and aquamarine eyes. I've always heard Miku and Neru say len was cute, so I figured I would be too. I already know I'm cuter than Miku, and cuter than Neru.

The forest you'd probably think we'd get lost. But, actully, Len and I knew the forest pretty well. The only way in that didn't involve dodging trees was a little open place where about four trees were chopped down. After that, you'd have to dodge some trees, until you got to an abanded castle. I'm not kidding. It was a castle. Some of the roof had fell in, the door was covered by wood, and the place looked like 4,000 years old.

The castle was a place were Len and I would go talk. The inside was rotten, but there were alot of old books inside. the place looked like it was meant for a ruler. I guess, a Queen. But, appled to me to be more like a princess's castle. Once, Len fount a peice of paper that said something. It was faded, so it looked like it said "Pri ce s in Kag mi e" Len knew the last word was Kagamine, but, we just thought it was a coincident.

So, we went to the castle to pick berries. After we got about seventy diffrent berries, we went inside. Getting inside was pretty dangerous. First, you have to climb a vine to get to the second floor. Then, you have to hope you get through the small hole in the window without cutting yourself. Then, you have to make sure you don't fall through the hole at the bottom of the window you climbed through. Pretty fun.

"Len-Kun! Look at this!" I said, picking up an old book. 'It's called Conchita!" The book looked beautiful. It was red and had a picture of a women with her index finger in her mouth. She kinda looked like Meiko.

"Hum. What's it about?" Len said. Len loved books. It kept him occupied. Most of the time he'd steal them from here.

"Heck, I don't know." I looked at him.

"Turn it over." He said.

I did. The back was the continued picture from the front, and had words written on it. "Well," I read the back of it to myself quickly. "It's about a chick who wanted to taste all the tastes of the world, even people." I told my brother a quick summary.

"Let me see it." He grabbed the book from me. He flipped it open, and started to stare at the pages. "It's faded, but not to bad, so I can read it." He threw it in his bookbag that he had brought.

"Don't you just love being inside here!" I yelled, looking at some of the pictures hanging on the wall. I've always loved exploring places. "I wonder why these pictures are still here." I was looking at one of a lovely women with pink hair. She resembled Luka a little bit. The picture was small. infact, that whole wall had old small faded pictures along it. The one I was looking at said "Maid, Luka Megurine." I was shocked. Then, I realized that this castle was old, so it shouldn't be that surprising that some of the names were familiar.

"Because. this castle probably belonged to a queen, and then the title got passed down for however long, and the pictures were never took down." Len said. I looked over at him. He was reading a book. Conchita perhaps. Then, I looked carefully. It looked like a dairy.

"Len-Kun? What are you reading?" I asked.

"It's faded. I can't really make it out." He started. "But, it's the dairy of the princess who lived here." He threw the book in his bookbag. "I'll figure it out."

"Okay." I turned back to the wall of pictures. "Hey, Len. can I take some of these pictures home?" I asked. I really wanted to take the ones that reminded me of my friends.

"No." He said.

"Why not! You always take books." I really wanted to take the pictures home.

"Fine. But, be careful putting them in. And, put them in the front pocket." He said, throwing me his bookbag.

"Thank you, Len-Kun!" I smiled, then took down the pictures. The one that looked like Luka, the one that looked like Teto that said "Head Maid, Teto Kasane", and the one that looked like Neru that said "Cook, Neru Akita." I looked around for anyone else. Then, I saw one that was a little bit bigger. It looked like Gakupo, and said "Minister, Kamui Gakupo." I took the picture down, and then put it in the bag. I looked for more, and another picture that was just a bit bigger then Gakupo's stood out. I looked at it. It said "Loyal Servant, Len Kagamine." I took the picture down carfully, and slipped it in the bag.

"Hey, Rin-Chan." I looked over at my brother. "Let's head home. Neru just texted me saying Miku's worried."

"Okay." I zipped the bookbag up. I walked over to Len, and gave him his bookbag.

Getting out of the castle was more difficult than getting in. You had to actually pray to god you would make the jump, and not cut yourself at the same time. Of course, Len and I had no problem with that.

When we got home, Miku was looking out the window of our small house.

"Mikuo finally gets us enough money to buy a decent meal, and all you two do is stay out in the forest?" Miku said. "Kids."

"Sorry, Miku-Chan." Len and I said at the same time.

I had forgotten how long it had been since we had a decent lunch. It's true. Me and my friends were poor. Our house only had four rooms. One huge one, a bathroom, the girl's changing room, and the boy's changing room. Len and I slept on the couch. Miku and the other girl's slept on the floor. The other boys slept outside in a tent. It's pretty hard since there's so many of us. There's Miku, me, Len, Luka, Kaito, Meiko, Gakupo, Neru, Haku, Teto, Dell, Lin, Ren, Mikuo, Kaiko, Akaito, Akaiko, Luke, Meito, Gakuko, Nero, and Ted. So many, with not so much room.

We walked in, and got our food. Len and I usally sit on the floor with our backs against the wall. Len would read a story aloud inbetween bites. This time, he was reading Conchita. It was a good book. Len had only made to the nineth chapter though.

After we ate lunch, Miku took us to the beach. The beach was free, and no one was there. So, we didn't go swimming at all. I didn't want to, anyway.

Len's POV

The beach was boring like always. Nothing to do but sit there, and talk about our pathic lives. Well, normally. This time Rin wanted me to read her more of Conchita. So, I did. The book was pretty good. The Cochita herself was a canibal, blah, blah, blah. She ate her cook, and that's as far as I got. Chapter fourteen. The book had twenty-two chapters all together.

"Hey, Len-Kun!" I looked up at Rin. "You wanna go searching for seashells! Please!"

"Sure." I said. I put Conchita back in my bookbag, and followed my sister.

"Don't go to far!" We turned around to see Kaito yelling. "A shark will eat you!"

"Sure." Rin yelled back. "He's been eating to much ice cream." She whispered to me.

"Yeah." I whispered back.

Of course, we fount about seventy diffrent types of shells. Well, seventy diffrent colors of one shell that stood out to Rin.

Rin and I were actully brought to Miku and them by Meiko. She fount us in a dark ally when we were just babies. Miku told us that they were all orphans too. Rin and I haven't ever been separted. She was alway's near me, and I was okay with it. I loved her, I didn't care that she was my sister or my twin. I had to protect her. I would never leave her.

After the beach we went back home, we ate, I almost finished Conchita, and we went to bed. I was the only boy who slept inside. That's because of Rin. She wanted me to sleep with her. So, I did. We always fell asleep before ever one else, and Meiko would always throw a blanket over us.

Sometimes, I'm scared to go to sleep. Because, the dream always pulls us back into wonderland every three months. It was horrible, and I never wanted to go back there again.

The next day, when I woke up, Rin was gone.

"Miku-Chan!" I yelled.

I looked dow at the floor, and saw Miku jolt up. "What! Did the house catch on fire!?"

"No! Rin-Chan's gone." I said. I knew she didn't go anywhere. She always wakes me up to go with her.

"She's gone? Like Not here, or in the bathroom?" Miku asked.

"Yes." I replied. Miku was only half awake.

"You go look for her in town." Miku started. "I'll look down at the beach, and Luka will check the forest. okay?"


I got ready, and headed towards the town.

The town we lived in was small, until you got to the city part. I was looking for buildings that Rin would most likly be in. Then, I saw an abanden, office type building. I went inside, and saw someone who was familar. She had pale white skin, with long, almost curly hair that was white, and a stich on her face.

"Well, if it isn't the other fourth Alice."

Yep, well that's the start of that. Anyone who can guess how many songs I sqeezed into this chapter will get a cookie! LOL. Well, R&R please!